Today as I walked around my garden checking things out I looked up and spotted a Kereru (NZ native pigeon) about half a metre away from my head.
Sometimes it pays to look up. She/he was eating the buds on my Hibiscus as there is a break before berries ripen (it's food).
It is a Hibiscus that I planted in memory of my Dad and while I enjoy the flowers that remind me of him and Fiji, I am sure he would not begrudge food for a hungry Kereru.
I then decided to take a few photos of the rest of my garden. The strawberries are just passed their peak but are still fruiting.
My courgettes are just starting to come ready
This lot of cucumbers are planted late so that I spread out my harvest, even so, most of my produce goes to neighbours and the Salvation Army food bank.
I have heaps of tomatoes.
I am also trying some potatoes this year.
I don't use chemical sprays and so the flowers are there to help keep the bugs away while attracting the pollenators.
There are lots more including 29 fruit trees (Feijoas, Blueberries, Lemons, Grapefruit, Lime, Loquats, Tamarillo, Chilean Guava and Mandarins). The Kereru and I share the Loquats and Guavas.
I also have a heap of vines including 5 Passion fruit, a Grape and 3 Blackberries with one lonesome Red Currant bush. I don't share my grapes or berries with the Kereru.