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Walked the Camino over 12 times to Santiago never once went into Cathedral.

I was in the plaza today and it didn’t look as if “popping in” was an option. There were 2 long lines, front and side doors (one was extremely long, winding out into the plaza). We went to the tourist office though to validate completing the walk, and that was a breeze.
Yup. And if you go to the 7:30 am Mass or the 7:30pm Mass you'll find that all those fervent pilgrims are either still in bed or in the long, long queue for O Bispo.

You can also enter without hindrance or crowds when Mass has ended and the congregation has dispersed. You'll find that that very huggable statue doesn't take tea-breaks and that those bones are there 24/7.

For crowd dodgers: The mass times in 2024 are as follows:
07:30 a.m. High altar.
09:30 a.m. High altar.
12:00 p.m. High altar.
7:30 p.m. High altar.

Those who got past primary mathematics can probably work out when might be an opportune time to go and pay their respects
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...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
The only time I went inside I was shocked at the spectacle…during mass iphones held high, people filming, chatting, jostling each other for a better view. To me it was a big performance and didn’t feel sacred. Never went back. I now go to the mass at the pilgrim office if I feel like it. I sometimes visit the lovely sister upstairs in FcJ. I find spirituality walking the path, attending mass in small churches, and wxperiencing a glorious sunrise . The Cathedral is not a motive for me to walk a Camino. I walk other routes (non Caminos) and find the same spirituality. Some replies to the op have been judgmental imo. Someone tells him next time he should pray? Others say he misses whole point of the Camino. Really? What is happening to this community that we make such unkind comments. Is it no longer a safe place to share one’s thoughts?
Funny the most harsh and maybe verging on the offensive replies seem to come from veterans with a feeling of self-importance and sarcasm of their knowledge of the Camino.
Thankfully when I report they are withdrawn or changed moderators doing their job Màith thu.
Interesting topic of discussion and not sure what to say that hasn't already been said only to suggest to our pilgrim friend @MickMac that maybe like many of Us you're still on your Camino and when are you planning your 13th, 14th...?
I had a similar experience not walking from Finisterre out to the lighthouse and after 2 weeks discovering the town I answered the 'Call'. It was life changing and in my personal experience the Teacher appears when the student is ready🙏🏻
My wife is unwell at moment finding it hard to get away walked to muxia last year through Finisterre did not go to light house I am a strange individual.😔
Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
Mentioning this topic to my wife who summed it up nicely "We'll that's just showing a lack of imagination".
I'm not sure whether she meant walking the same path over 12 times, (presumably that's 13), or no imagination and curiosity by missing the church.
Lack of imagination harsh and untrue.
Yup. And if you go to the 7:30 am Mass or the 7:30pm Mass you'll find that all those fervent pilgrims are either still in bed or in the long, long queue for O Bispo.

You can also enter without hindrance or crowds when Mass has ended and the congregation has dispersed. You'll find that that very huggable statue doesn't take tea-breaks and that those bones are there 24/7.

For crowd dodgers: The mass times in 2024 are as follows:
07:30 a.m. High altar.
09:30 a.m. High altar.
12:00 p.m. High altar.
7:30 p.m. High altar.

Those who got passed primary mathematics can probably work out when might be an opportune time to go and pay their respects
And here in little old Dublin it is an hour behind, depending which way you are looking. Last night, for example, the vigil mass for the great celebration of this date, (shh!) I tuned in at 18.30 for the 19.30 mass. The Botafumeiro was swinging away at the end of mass...

Mick, can you ignore your own thread? It could help you to not be bothered.
You do not need grief, specially if your wife is poorly. Try to keep clear of it for a wee while, and stay going, stay going.
Epic? Whenever! And I can tell you what happens to me when I hear the Irish version of announcements on the Luas! I know so little, and it can be quite hilarious trying to catch what is being announced!
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

My wife is unwell at moment finding it hard to get away walked to muxia last year through Finisterre did not go to light house I am a strange individual.😔
I hope she gets better soon and interesting question and perspective. Thanks for the stimulus to reply. My first response in four years and food for thought🍀
Walked the Camino to Santiago over 12 times now, never once did I go into the Cathedral.

I was impressed by it's understated magnificent facade never felt a need to go in. I am not unreligious just never felt the need.
The architecture inside is something to see. Of course not necessary but impressive.
The 2025 edition of the Lightfoot Guide to the via Podiensis is now available
Didn't mention their religion

Not looking for validation do not need it, your analogy is incorrect.
I feel as spiritual in the mountains decending into Triacastela it was an observation not feeling the need for justification.
I felt the journey was the important part the destination was like the beginning we all start and end somewhere.
There is obviously a need unfulfilled to keep returning. There’s no need to be afraid even if it is the end.
Try to be open it’s all part of the journey. I hope you didn’t miss the beautiful church in Los Arcos.
I have a friend (Australian - very long flights) who’s never been to a toilet on board an aircraft- he wears this as a badge of honour. I ask myself why??? Guess it’s his talking point or his fear.
There is obviously a need unfulfilled to keep returning. There’s no need to be afraid even if it is the end.
Try to be open it’s all part of the journey. I hope you didn’t miss the beautiful church in Los Arcos.
I have a friend (Australian - very long flights) who’s never been to a toilet on board an aircraft- he wears this as a badge of honour. I ask myself why??? Guess it’s his talking point or his fear.
Sheer utter.
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
It baffles me, Maybe? for me reaching your destination is a completion and fulfilment of my Camino. Maybe? I did not want this "ending",

Maybe? it's the tourism all around it for some, "not begrudging it" it's a day out on the tour bus,

I wanted a more spiritual experience that did not exist.

Also had the same feeling at the cruz de ferro wanted it to mean more than queuing with my rock and feelings.
Maybe? I am just weird or sad 😔 .
I guess it depends on what one sees as the destination. Traditionally, the destination was the relics of St. James in the cathedral. The city of Santiago de Compostela was just the city where the relics happened to reside. If you stopped in the Plaza de Obradoiro you would not have reached your destination but rather stopped just short of it.

I understand for many pilgrims, this is no longer the case. Many doubt the relics, or don't care about them. For many "it is the journey not the destination".

For you, what is the destination? What is it that makes it meaningful?
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
I guess it depends on what one sees as the destination. Traditionally, the destination was the relics of St. James in the cathedral. The city of Santiago de Compostela was just the city where the relics happened to reside. If you stopped in the Plaza de Obradoiro you would not have reached your destination but rather stopped just short of it.

I understand for many pilgrims, this is no longer the case. Many doubt the relics, or don't care about them. For many "it is the journey not the destination".

For you, what is the destination? What is it that makes it meaningful?
Those ones for whom it is no longer the case… I don’t understand why they trudge on a camino and say they are pilgrims if there’s no interest in the reason that camino routes exist. I understand it if they aren’t aware of what they are seeking (the whole wide berth the Cathedral gives on the compostela for those walking in a spirit of spiritual inquiry)…. But if it’s just, fundamentally, to take a leak on the very idea of James the Greater, and of the idea of *holiness*…
I can understand those who are angry with God, or disappointed in the promises of the Church… and who may even be disappointed on arrival if the miracle they’ve needed hasn’t been delivered (and there’s a whole theological thing about the things we pray for versus the things that the Divine thinks we need… so I’ll skirt that and just note that I am aware…)
But for those who really see no point in Santiago… why bother walking there? Why not fly to Santiago and just go backward? Or just go take the GR 65 in France without a reason other than for the scenery and the exercise?
Why arrive on the board and fundamentally make a face at the whole thing?
Something sticks in my craw and I am not able to put my finger on precisely what it is, but maybe it’s just that I am baffled by the *disdain* for the very purpose of the routes that lead to Santiago.
At the very least, if the system that leaves one cold has nonetheless made the “journey” possible, maybe just quietly exit out the side door, and don’t let it bang too loudly when you leave…
Those ones for whom it is no longer the case… I don’t understand why they trudge on a camino and say they are pilgrims if there’s no interest in the reason that camino routes exist. I understand it if they aren’t aware of what they are seeking (the whole wide berth the Cathedral gives on the compostela for those walking in a spirit of spiritual inquiry)…. But if it’s just, fundamentally, to take a leak on the very idea of James the Greater, and of the idea of *holiness*…
I can understand those who are angry with God, or disappointed in the promises of the Church… and who may even be disappointed on arrival if the miracle they’ve needed hasn’t been delivered (and there’s a whole theological thing about the things we pray for versus the things that the Divine thinks we need… so I’ll skirt that and just note that I am aware…)
But for those who really see no point in Santiago… why bother walking there? Why not fly to Santiago and just go backward? Or just go take the GR 65 in France without a reason other than for the scenery and the exercise?
Why arrive on the board and fundamentally make a face at the whole thing?
Something sticks in my craw and I am not able to put my finger on precisely what it is, but maybe it’s just that I am baffled by the *disdain* for the very purpose of the routes that lead to Santiago.
At the very least, if the system that leaves one cold has nonetheless made the “journey” possible, maybe just quietly exit out the side door, and don’t let it bang too loudly when you leave…
Personally, I try to be respectful of the reason that the Camino exists even if I don't share the faith that created it.

But one can value something without caring too much about it's origins. Many live "in the moment" without caring too much about the history. This can still lead to a valuable experience. These pilgrims are likely to fall into the "journey rather than the destination" category.

I think it is pretty clear that the Camino experience offers people something that they are not finding on other walks or on flights to Santiago. That you can't imagine what that is doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

But I agree that it isn't good to disdain the foundation of the Camino here. It just goes against common courtesy to your fellow pilgrims for whom it may be meaningful.
If you stopped in the Plaza de Obradoiro you would not have reached your destination but rather stopped just short of it.
Agreed but 'cept for the social "intermingling" why would the present pilgrim bother to even GO to the Western plaza? (and suffer those horrible bagpipes) As Kath has pointed out they recently opened the "floodgates" off the Eastern plaza to allow the "expanded pilgrim population" to enter via the East gate/door and then hang a left or right to see the relics or have a hug (or both).

They may then "enter" the Cathedral in reverse and even pay to see the entrance off the Western plaza. It's just necessary crowd control.
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The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
Personally, I try to be respectful of the reason that the Camino exists even if I don't share the faith that created it.

But one can value something without caring too much about it's origins. Many live "in the moment" without caring too much about the history. This can still lead to a valuable experience. These pilgrims are likely to fall into the "journey rather than the destination" category.

I think it is pretty clear that the Camino experience offers people something that they are not finding on other walks or on flights to Santiago. That you can't imagine what that is doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

But I agree that it isn't good to disdain the foundation of the Camino here. It just goes against common courtesy to your fellow pilgrims for whom it may be meaningful.
Interesting… especially the line about living in the moment… I read Ron Purser’s book “McMindfulness” (he’s a practicing Buddhist and an organizational psychologist)… on the dangers of living in the now, without attention to past or future. The experience might be “personally valuable” but is not unconnected at the large pattern level to the lack of care we see for the past or the future — of land, of culture(s) on the pilgrimage routes.
The Venn diagram of privileging personal experience, toilet tissue dropped, graffiti about “Santiago is Disney for Catholics”… demands for Spain to cater to pilgrims demands for 6pm dinner… is symptomatic of being connected to one’s own interests over all else.
Camo said: "Agreed but 'cept for the social "intermingling" why would the present pilgrim bother to even GO to the Western plaza? (and suffer those horrible bagpipes) . . ."


"Horrible bagpipes"?!!

There's no such thing as horrible bagpipes.
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