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Walked the Camino over 12 times to Santiago never once went into Cathedral.

3rd Edition. More content, training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc
If still in Santiago I would recommend popping in to have a wander around. I think that the recent renovation was just wonderful, restoring the flow of the cathedral back to its origins and bringing in very sympathetic modern features (specifically the lighting which is I think is very beautiful and while clearly modern is used in an unobtrusive way and in fact highlights features).
Prior to its most recent cleanup/renovation, this church did have its flaws -- but if you intend to return once more, it has become straightforwardly gorgeous both out and in.

Otherwise, as I am a silly pedant -- if you have been to the Pilgrim Office, it is technically a part of the Cathedral.

Honestly, next time just go in.

It is a very beautiful church.
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

In 2011 you were still allowed to enter with your backpack.
A very moving moment.

A month ago I was able to participate twice in the Pilgrim's Mass at 7.30 pm. Both times the Botafumeiro was in action. I appreciated how they announced this ritual as an integral part of the service and not some kind of " event ". There were more people not filming than filming.
Could be that the evening service attracts more contemplative people?
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
I wonder why you felt the need to say why you never felt the need?
It baffles me, Maybe? for me reaching your destination is a completion and fulfilment of my Camino. Maybe? I did not want this "ending",

Maybe? it's the tourism all around it for some, "not begrudging it" it's a day out on the tour bus,

I wanted a more spiritual experience that did not exist.

Also had the same feeling at the cruz de ferro wanted it to mean more than queuing with my rock and feelings.
Maybe? I am just weird or sad 😔 .
A selection of Camino Jewellery
It baffles me, Maybe? for me reaching your destination is a completion and fulfilment of my Camino. Maybe? I did not want this "ending",

Maybe? it's the tourism all around it for some, "not begrudging it" it's a day out on the tour bus,

I wanted a more spiritual experience that did not exist.

Also had the same feeling at the cruz de ferro wanted it to mean more than queuing with my rock and feelings.
Maybe? I am just weird or sad 😔 .
Did you know about room 6 upstairs at the Pilgrim office?
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
It baffles me, Maybe? for me reaching your destination is a completion and fulfilment of my Camino. Maybe? I did not want this "ending",

Maybe? it's the tourism all around it for some, "not begrudging it" it's a day out on the tour bus,

I wanted a more spiritual experience that did not exist.

Also had the same feeling at the cruz de ferro wanted it to mean more than queuing with my rock and feelings.
Maybe? I am just weird or sad 😔 .

How can you be sure that the people on the tourbus are not devout Catholics with an abundance of spirituality and deep Faith?
If you never went inside, particularly if you never went in with an open Camino spirit, what is your basis for deciding it wasn't a "more spiritual experience?" To me, it's rather like traveling to attend a party or visit someone and never going inside. 😉

If you're looking for validation for your personal choice, some people have and will validate it.

*I* wonder what you were afraid you'd find, or Who you were afraid might find you. 😉

Buen Camino, whenever you continue it.
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
I did attend Mass in 2012. In a sense of search?

I do visit that beautiful building every time I’m in Santiago but that’s to pay my respects to himself. I’ve wondered now and again what that humble(ish) Galilean might make of his modern glories but that’s an aside rather than a topic for conversation when we’re here.

@MickMac perhaps a quiet bar and a couple of beers would give us room to wander around the puzzles. I’ve always “gone in”, not because of the architecture or the splendour or the great swinging thingy but because he’s there and I just walked all that bloody way to see him
How can you be sure that the people on the tourbus are not devout Catholics with an abundance of spirituality and deep Faith?
Didn't mention their religion
If you never went inside, particularly if you never went in with an open Camino spirit, what is your basis for deciding it wasn't a "more spiritual experience?" To me, it's rather like traveling to attend a party or visit someone and never going inside. 😉

If you're looking for validation for your personal choice, some people have and will validate it.

*I* wonder what you were afraid you'd find, or Who you were afraid might find you. 😉

Buen Camino, whenever you continue it.
Not looking for validation do not need it, your analogy is incorrect.
I feel as spiritual in the mountains decending into Triacastela it was an observation not feeling the need for justification.
I felt the journey was the important part the destination was like the beginning we all start and end somewhere.
It’s your life and you can do what you like. I think it’s odd to continually walk a path that is literally to a place that you don’t visit, but you do you. For me, I like to visit key places in cities I visit, religious or secular.
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
It’s your life and you can do what you like. I think it’s odd to continually walk a path that is literally to a place that you don’t visit, but you do you. For me, I like to visit key places in cities I visit, religious or secular.
Strange indeed.
Walked the Camino to Santiago over 12 times now, never once did I go into the Cathedral.

I was impressed by it's understated magnificent facade never felt a need to go in. I am not unreligious just never felt the need.
Philip Larkin was an atheist but he couldn’t resist going into churches, and the cathedral of Santiago is a stunner (not that Larkin ever went there) and possibly the finest Romanesque cathedral still standing. Go in early in the morning when it is near empty.
Didn't mention their religion
I am an atheist and a Jewish atheist at that.

But the closest I’ve ever come to believing in a g-d was when I first saw the baldacchino in St. Peter’s. Not only did its size and beauty literally take my breath away, but I sat in awe thinking that that whatever moved Bernini to make it must be something greater than anything on earth.

And needless to say, that happened in a room overflowing with tourists (as I was) jockeying for position to take in all of the beauty of the Basilica.

Any one of those tourists in Santiago may be having a religious experience more profound than you know, even if they weren’t wearing a sign that said “I’m here for the religion.” And you might have missed one as well.
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The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Philip Larkin was an atheist but he couldn’t resist going into churches, and the cathedral of Santiago is a stunner (not that Larkin ever went there) and possibly the finest Romanesque cathedral still standing. Go in early in the morning when it is near empty.
Dick, is the cathedral in Santiago Romanesque. I thought it was Gothic.
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
Dick, is the cathedral in Santiago Romanesque. I thought it was Gothic.
Definitely Romanesque. At least, that´s what Arthur Kingsley Porter reckoned, and he should know. It was begun in 1075, the earlier church having been burnt down by Al-Monsur in 997. Construction began under bishop Peláez but it was Bishop Gelmirez who was probably responsible for its size and grandeur.
Dick, is the cathedral in Santiago Romanesque. I thought it was Gothic.
The Cloister is foundationally late Gothic, but it was finished in the Renaissance style.

The Cathedral itself is Romanesque, as the excellent restoration work has made more clearly visible.
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Walked the Camino to Santiago over 12 times now, never once did I go into the Cathedral.

I was impressed by it's understated magnificent facade never felt a need to go in. I am not unreligious just never felt the need.
Over 1000 years of Spanish history are housed in this church. It’s worth a visit.
The caryatids above the altar are well worth a look. Nothing like them in any other Spanish cathedral I've see. I still haven't figured out what the artist is trying to say, but what the hell, they're beautiful.
Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
What struck me, was why walk to Santiago 12 times and never enter the cathedral? There are thousands of other walks throughout Europe and even more if we include the world. Why keep walking to the same place? I’ve only done it six times, but always enter the cathedral. Not being critical, just logical…albeit after a fair amount of vino tinto.
IMHO, walking a Camino ending at Santiago and NOT visiting the Cathedral is like taking a long walk, without a clear purpose, like just taking a long walk around the block. Visiting the Cathedral, paying respects to the relics of Saint James therein, or simply spending quiet time in contemplation at the immense effort that went into building this massive edifice nearly one thousand years ago, makes the long walk a pilgrimage.

The original and ongoing primary purpose of walking a Camino into Santiago is precisely that - to reverence the person / relics of Saint James, the Cathedral, both, or any other spiritual purpose. To avoid that discounts your effort, turning it into a long walk, lacking a defined purpose other than mere arrival.

Instead of something that might provide spiritual benefit, the exercise becomes merely a long hike from point A to point B. To me, at least, this is sad. There is much benefit to be had even just sitting in quiet contemplation in the Cathedral when no Mass is occurring.

I respect the right of any pilgrim to walk their own pilgrimage, with whatever justification they desire - and there are many. But, it seems to me that walking to Santiago so many times, and not at least paying due homage or appreciation to the proverbial center of the entire Camino universe is like drinking dehydrated water. The primary, critical, essence of the entire thing is missing.

But this is just my opinion. Everyone is free to disagree.

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Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

I wonder why you felt the need to say why you never felt the need?
Also my thought after reading that sentence. Seems a bit odd. I understand, from your other responses, that the journey is what matters most and that you feel just as connected in the mountains, etc., but the Cathedral is the end point - the culmination of the journey and the place where Saint James' relics lie. You said you were not "unreligious"...did it ever cross your mind to enter and say thank you for the 12 journeys? I'm not judging, simply asking.
I wonder why you felt the need to say why you never felt the need?
IMHO, walking a Camino ending at Santiago and NOT visiting the Cathedral is like taking a long walk, without a clear purpose like just taking a long walk around the block. Visiting the Cathedral, paying respects to the relics of Saint James therein, or simply spending quiet time in contemplation at the immense effort that went into building this massive edifice nearly one thousand years ago, makes the long walk a pilgrimage.

The original and ongoing primary purpose of walking a Camino into Santiago is precisely that - to reverence the person / relics of Saint James, the Cathedral, both, or any other spiritual purpose. To avoid that discounts your effort, turning it into a long walk, lacking a defined purpose other than mere arrival.

Instead of something that might provide spiritual benefit, the exercise becomes merely a long hike from point A to point B. To me, at least, this is sad. There is much benefit to be had even just sitting in quiet contemplation in the Cathedral when no Mass is occurring.

I respect the right of any pilgrim to walk their own pilgrimage, with whatever justification they desire - and there are many. But, it seems to me that walking to Santiago so many times, and not at least paying due homage or appreciation to the proverbial center of the entire Camino universe is like drinking dehydrated water. The primary, critical, essence of the entire thing is missing.

But this is just my opinion. Everyone is free to disagree.

I agree completely, Tom. Why even do it at all - such an interesting discussion.
FWIW, @MicMac, James A. Michener's book Iberia (1968) has incredible descriptions of the Cathedral, inside and out - architecturally, historically and artistically. I'm taking those 99 pages with me in a couple of weeks, for a more thorough appreciation when I arrive again...
I did the same. Michener’s book added so much depth to my visit. For me, the cathedral was important. We are all different.
A selection of Camino Jewellery
Going to the pilgrim's mass, giving a hug and thanks to Santiago and getting a Compostela are an integral part of my Caminos. Those rituals have meaning to me. Am I Catholic or even religious? Definitely not, but arriving in Santiago even after 16 or 17 (?) times still moves me and I can't imagine being there and not entering the Cathedral.

I've done Camino's where I haven't finished in Santiago but it doesn't feel the same.
What struck me, was why walk to Santiago 12 times and never enter the cathedral? There are thousands of other walks throughout Europe and even more if we include the world. Why keep walking to the same place? I’ve only done it six times, but always enter the cathedral. Not being critical, just logical…albeit after a fair amount of vino tinto.
Sounds a wee bit critical, but horses for course's.
Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
When I first entered the Cathedral I was stunned by the beautiful voice of the Singing Nun. On my last visit the Singing Priest was carrying on the ceremony equally well. The cleaning inside and outside has been remarkable. To miss the Pilgrims Mass is a great loss whatever your religion or spirituality or whether you have none. I am excited to attend in two weeks. My Army dog tags said Heathen. Take the Roof Top tour to appreciate our ancestors skills— and beliefs. Buen Camino
Interesting question that you are asking yourself. For me I would recommend anyone to experience the pilgrim's mass regardless of any beliefs or none.

Do you think that you will go next time?
I dipped in briefly both times I arrived in Santiago. I grew up evangelical, though, and the hordes of kids sprawling in the pews while the elderly stood really irrationally irritated me so I left. (Yeah, I know, different cultures and all that. I still didn't appreciate it)

I'd rather be hanging with pilgrims in the square and at the bars anyway.
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
…and I wonder why I felt the need to click open this thread 😳. The title said it all and I am questioning my own motive.
This means you are moving forward instead of being stuck in neutral. Go with the flow and see where it takes you. When a person doubts oneself, it is a reflection of delving into one's spirituality/heart. Let us know how it comes out. Chuck

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Walked the Camino to Santiago over 12 times now, never once did I go into the Cathedral. I was impressed by it's understated magnificent facade never felt a need to go in. I am not unreligious...
Me coming into the office this morning..
Following advice on this excellent forum, I registered on the Pilgrim's Office website, and I received an email with a QR code. I would like to check the details, how do I do that? Thank you!
Hi, I'm arriving in Santiago soon and was walking the Camino in memory of my parents who recently passed. Does anyone know if the office will allow more than one person to be added as "vicarie pro?"
This is for anyone who has volunteered at the Pilgrim’s office. I have asked a few questions about doing this before but now it’s crunch time as I am flying to Santiago on October 20 to begin my...

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