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Sticker Mania?

Elle Bieling

Elle Bieling, PilgrimageTraveler
Time of past OR future Camino
Too many to count!
I am not a fan of the Camino Francés, I have never walked it and most probabaly never will. (Please don't discuss the pros/cons of this route on this thread). However, despite my strong opinions about the route, I chose to walk from Melide to SdC on the Francés (yes - I know about the Camino Verde from Lugo), in order to complete the Camino Primitivo, about a week ago. While I had walked this section before, I was very surprised at a phenomenon that is new - at least to me. Stickers!! I have not seen this on any other Caminos I have walked. Is this phenomenon only on the final 100 km of the Camino Francés or is this on the rest of the route? Is it on other Caminos? The stickers cropped up in so many places after Melide, even obscurring the name of the town "Salceda," in the second photo, and a stop sign also obscurred in the 3rd photo. The worst, in my opinion was the stickers on the Santiago city sign, in the last photo.

I saw stickers from Taiwan (!), tour agencies, Camino-related stickers, restaurants, etc, and some that made no sense to me whatsoever. Is this some new fad or what is the purpose of this? Do you believe this is a wonderful way to leave your mark on the Camino, or is it yet another form of Camino pollution?

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Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
It’s pollution. It’s no different to the local foxes that leave their scat on my patios and steps “I was here and it’s mine”.

“I looked up from my‘phone and there wasn’t any noise so I made some.”

And no it’s not just the Francés, though that’s where you’ll find the highest density. On the Cuckmere Pilgrim Path last month every marker had a sticker “Polly and Pete [date] 😊”. Unfortunately no contact details because I would really have liked the opportunity to meet “Polly and Pete” and to have had the opportunity to shake them warmly by the throat…
Elle, this is absolutely nuts! I haven't walked that stretch for quite a few years, but have never seen such a thing and no idea where people are getting access to so many different stickers. The only positive thing I can think of is that apparently they are not on the mojones...yet!

2015 and then 2017.
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
The worst, in my opinion was the stickers on the Santiago city sign, in the last photo.
I like the stickers on the Santiago sign. It makes the sign much more interesting than how it originally was, and to me symbolizes all those who have walked this path before me.

I have seen stickers on all of the Caminos that I've walked, but of course there are a lot more on the Sarria to Santiago stretch of the Francés because of the sheer numbers of pilgrims on this section.

I saw quite a few of these stickers on the Camino Portuguese south of Porto. This photo was taken near Azinhaga.

...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
I like the stickers on the Santiago sign. It makes the sign much more interesting than how it originally was, and to me symbolizes all those who have walked this path before me.

I have seen stickers on all of the Caminos that I've walked, but of course there are a lot more on the Sarria to Santiago stretch of the Francés because of the sheer numbers of pilgrims on this section.

I saw quite a few of these stickers on the Camino Portuguese south of Porto. This photo was taken near Azinhaga.

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I also like them on the entry sign into SdC... and I have a fridge magnet from SdC that embraces the stickers...
I do think they are dangerous on road signs and I just don't know what people are thinking when they seek to obscure a village sign, speed limit sign, etc etc.
I do like street art, and I don't object to the graffiti in bridge tunnels -- some of it, long ago, was my first entry into the complex politics of "Spain" (and that it wasn't *just* a Basque thing or a Catalan thing). I *like* being brought into confrontation with my own ignorance at street level that way...
But some of this does amount to cluttering up information that it important; it also strikes me as rather ironic that in a world in which people are constantly worried about waste, and excess... that people will engage in the wasteful excess of sticker manufacture and sticker use... It is so *without reasonable purpose*... I am stymied...
I only remember seeing one sticker on my 2019 Camino Catalan but I saw it in many albergues slapped onto walls and refrigerators. I only looked it up now. I was surprised finding that it was advertising the book that @Rebekah Scott translated into English.

For me they are the same as covid masks, boots hanging in trees, burning clothes and any other nonsense! Leaving your mark only satisfies you;;;no one else cares it's another form of toilet paper.
You wouldn't want it in your street outside your home so why is it OK to do it in someone else's backyard.
Don't condone it!
3rd Edition. More content, training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc
I didn't really notice that many stickers last year in June 2024 or again in January 2025. There were some of course, but not as excessive as the photos you posted. I guess I didn't pay attention to the Santiago sign and thought it was just supposed to be variegated. I thought it was supposed to look like that. The graffiti I remember was more with sharpie markers. The stickers I remember were mostly about taxis.

There was a news article last year I think from Santiago warning people not to follow the QR codes due to downloading some software or something.
Elle, this is absolutely nuts! I haven't walked that stretch for quite a few years, but have never seen such a thing and no idea where people are getting access to so many different stickers. The only positive thing I can think of is that apparently they are not on the mojones...yet!

2015 and then 2017.
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This change from then to my photo is quite dramatic!
I am not a fan of the Camino Francés, I have never walked it and most probabaly never will. (Please don't discuss the pros/cons of this route on this thread). However, despite my strong opinions about the route, I chose to walk from Melide to SdC on the Francés (yes - I know about the Camino Verde from Lugo), in order to complete the Camino Primitivo, about a week ago. While I had walked this section before, I was very surprised at a phenomenon that is new - at least to me. Stickers!! I have not seen this on any other Caminos I have walked. Is this phenomenon only on the final 100 km of the Camino Francés or is this on the rest of the route? Is it on other Caminos? The stickers cropped up in so many places after Melide, even obscurring the name of the town "Salceda," in the second photo, and a stop sign also obscurred in the 3rd photo. The worst, in my opinion was the stickers on the Santiago city sign, in the last photo.

I saw stickers from Taiwan (!), tour agencies, Camino-related stickers, restaurants, etc, and some that made no sense to me whatsoever. Is this some new fad or what is the purpose of this? Do you believe this is a wonderful way to leave your mark on the Camino, or is it yet another form of Camino pollution?

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I have a photo of that same bridge covered in stickers from May this year , I'm sure there weren't stickers on it the last time I walked.
The Santiago sign though has looked like trash every time I've passed it. much worse than your recent photo. It usually has stuff hanging off all over it to the point its barely readable. Must be like the Cruz de Ferro, they clean it up but it builds up again.
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
A selection of Camino Jewellery
For me they are the same as covid masks, boots hanging in trees, burning clothes and any other nonsense! Leaving your mark only satisfies you;;;no one else cares it's another form of toilet paper.
You wouldn't want it in your street outside your home so why is it OK to do it in someone else's backyard.
Don't condone it!
There are stickers on a telephone pole in front of my house and I love it. They change all the time, many are political, some are advertising, most are humorous. I agree that stickers shouldn’t obscure safety or directional signs, but I’m a street art fan and don’t mind them on “the street outside [my] home.”
It is all over Italian routes as well. This year on the VDD any barriers and some street signs were covered in them. So many that any actual information such as taxi numbers is lost in the morass.
We met 2 Italian guys and a few hundred meters further found a sticker, clearly with pictures and avatars of them just freshly on a barrier.
As someone said hardly minimalist and litter conscious.
We met 2 Italian guys and a few hundred meters further found a sticker, clearly with pictures and avatars of them just freshly on a barrier.
As someone said hardly minimalist and litter conscious.
Interestingly, one of my sons and his wife are in Italy right now after spending two months in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. He said the trash he is seeing in Italy on beaches and even in high tourist areas is appalling, and completely opposite to those other countries.
It is sad to hear this is escalating as I love Italy.
A selection of Camino Jewellery
I'm reminded of a graffitied red wall I saw on my first camino. Someone found a loophole in the "Post no bills" directive.
I do a lot of work with the Mountain Bothies Association in Scotland.
We have discovered that the ‘festival mentality’ of I will just abandon my cheap tent/ clothing, sleeping bag etc. and someone else will magically appear and pick it up along with the decaying food that I thought I would leave, along with the tin of gas with enough puff to half heat a kettle of water or my food wrappers. We have allowed this to happen in society.
Alas it has now percolated into the great outdoors too.
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
Presumably, like the debris that piles up at the cruz de ferro, a few moments of hard work every so often will bring the signs back to their original state?
The ephemeral vandalism annoys me but the more permanent - think spray painting rock faces, carving initials on the Colosseum - appals.
I have a boxful of stickers left over from a now defunct ukulele club, I wonder if the Sticker Movement of the Camino would mind me plastering the windows of their dwellings?
In 2018 I came upon a man with a permanent marker drawing on the signpost and the bench area. I asked him why and he said he liked it. I then told him I thought it was wrong to deface areas that so many people enjoy. I wanted so badly to tell him that I would happily go to his home and draw on his walls. In my mind, there is no reason for the graffiti or stickers.
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
I noticed stickers too,some were interesting others made no sense to the uninitiated . What really got me was the graffiti on the CF. Much of it in English, stupid things such as 'It's only walking Ryan'. If I saw the person doing that I'd Crack them a good one with my stick. Who carry with them a giant marker to do that?A person who has forethought to vandalize before even embarking on the walk, such people should not be on the Camino at all.
Presumably, like the debris that piles up at the cruz de ferro, a few moments of hard work every so often will bring the signs back to their original state?
I think this new sticker vandalism would take more than a few moments, Jeff. It would need some strong arms, and a whole lot of elbow grease. Volunteers could be called "Sticker pigs", and they would need to use one of these...
3rd Edition. More content, training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc
I am not a fan of the Camino Francés, I have never walked it and most probabaly never will. (Please don't discuss the pros/cons of this route on this thread). However, despite my strong opinions about the route, I chose to walk from Melide to SdC on the Francés (yes - I know about the Camino Verde from Lugo), in order to complete the Camino Primitivo, about a week ago. While I had walked this section before, I was very surprised at a phenomenon that is new - at least to me. Stickers!! I have not seen this on any other Caminos I have walked. Is this phenomenon only on the final 100 km of the Camino Francés or is this on the rest of the route? Is it on other Caminos? The stickers cropped up in so many places after Melide, even obscurring the name of the town "Salceda," in the second photo, and a stop sign also obscurred in the 3rd photo. The worst, in my opinion was the stickers on the Santiago city sign, in the last photo.

I saw stickers from Taiwan (!), tour agencies, Camino-related stickers, restaurants, etc, and some that made no sense to me whatsoever. Is this some new fad or what is the purpose of this? Do you believe this is a wonderful way to leave your mark on the Camino, or is it yet another form of Camino pollution?

View attachment 179688 View attachment 179689 View attachment 179690 View attachment 179691
I am not a fan of the Camino Francés, I have never walked it and most probabaly never will. (Please don't discuss the pros/cons of this route on this thread). However, despite my strong opinions about the route, I chose to walk from Melide to SdC on the Francés (yes - I know about the Camino Verde from Lugo), in order to complete the Camino Primitivo, about a week ago. While I had walked this section before, I was very surprised at a phenomenon that is new - at least to me. Stickers!! I have not seen this on any other Caminos I have walked. Is this phenomenon only on the final 100 km of the Camino Francés or is this on the rest of the route? Is it on other Caminos? The stickers cropped up in so many places after Melide, even obscurring the name of the town "Salceda," in the second photo, and a stop sign also obscurred in the 3rd photo. The worst, in my opinion was the stickers on the Santiago city sign, in the last photo.

I saw stickers from Taiwan (!), tour agencies, Camino-related stickers, restaurants, etc, and some that made no sense to me whatsoever. Is this some new fad or what is the purpose of this? Do you believe this is a wonderful way to leave your mark on the Camino, or is it yet another form of Camino pollution?

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In my personal view the stickers are a very great pity. They spoil the appearance of the things they deface, and, as you point out, they obliterate signs. It seems to me to be selfish behaviour to plaster the route with stickers. I guess that some people just like to leave their mark; ‘I was here’. I prefer to leave only my footprints. I presume that, from time to time, some poor person has to go out and attempt to clean the stickers off…
I finished the Primitivo a few weeks ago and to be honest did not notice all the stickers. I link it with all the graffiti, seems as if any clean wall is really a canvas…
The so-called "love locks" that are hung on fences and bridges are another example of vandalism that I've seen, both in Europe and Canada. The individuals attaching them have no idea of the damage they can cause because of their combined weight. "Just" one lock, "just" one sticker . . . ! I've often thought that if I caught one of the people who persist in spraying graffiti in my neighbourhood, I would take them to a tattoo parlour and have their "tag" permanently inked across their face. Then I take a deep breath, and do my best to scrub the "art" from my private property.
That said, the stickers are a disgrace and show a lack of respect to the local people, and the lovely trails to which we are granted free access in places where we are guests.
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

I am not a fan of the Camino Francés, I have never walked it and most probabaly never will. (Please don't discuss the pros/cons of this route on this thread). However, despite my strong opinions about the route, I chose to walk from Melide to SdC on the Francés (yes - I know about the Camino Verde from Lugo), in order to complete the Camino Primitivo, about a week ago. While I had walked this section before, I was very surprised at a phenomenon that is new - at least to me. Stickers!! I have not seen this on any other Caminos I have walked. Is this phenomenon only on the final 100 km of the Camino Francés or is this on the rest of the route? Is it on other Caminos? The stickers cropped up in so many places after Melide, even obscurring the name of the town "Salceda," in the second photo, and a stop sign also obscurred in the 3rd photo. The worst, in my opinion was the stickers on the Santiago city sign, in the last photo.

I saw stickers from Taiwan (!), tour agencies, Camino-related stickers, restaurants, etc, and some that made no sense to me whatsoever. Is this some new fad or what is the purpose of this? Do you believe this is a wonderful way to leave your mark on the Camino, or is it yet another form of Camino pollution?

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From one perspective, it makes no difference whether a person likes the stickers or not. They are what they are and it appears that a significant number of people have their reasons for putting stickers up and I can't believe that all of these people are bad, wrong, disgusting, etc.

Perhaps the problem is twofold: one is that you 'react' to this situation and are unable to control your emotions and two, taking a 'I am against the Camino Francis' even though you have not walked it and clearly refuse to listen to anyone else who has walked it and who has a favorable opinion reflects a closed and opinionated mind.

Recommend you spend lest time 'reacting' and more them reflecting inwardly as it appears you have a lot to work on. Remember, life is as it is, regardless of your single, biased opinion.
From one perspective, it makes no difference whether a person likes the stickers or not. They are what they are and it appears that a significant number of people have their reasons for putting stickers up and I can't believe that all of these people are bad, wrong, disgusting, etc.

Perhaps the problem is twofold: one is that you 'react' to this situation and are unable to control your emotions and two, taking a 'I am against the Camino Francis' even though you have not walked it and clearly refuse to listen to anyone else who has walked it and who has a favorable opinion reflects a closed and opinionated mind.

Recommend you spend lest time 'reacting' and more them reflecting inwardly as it appears you have a lot to work on. Remember, life is as it is, regardless of your single, biased opinion.

Of course we should react to littering, unorganised graffiti and useless stupid stickers. On the Camino Francés, other Caminos and on the daily paths we walk.
There is no inwardly reacting needed in this case but acting and cleaning up!
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The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
From one perspective, it makes no difference whether a person likes the stickers or not. They are what they are and it appears that a significant number of people have their reasons for putting stickers up and I can't believe that all of these people are bad, wrong, disgusting, etc.

Perhaps the problem is twofold: one is that you 'react' to this situation and are unable to control your emotions and two, taking a 'I am against the Camino Francis' even though you have not walked it and clearly refuse to listen to anyone else who has walked it and who has a favorable opinion reflects a closed and opinionated mind.

Recommend you spend lest time 'reacting' and more them reflecting inwardly as it appears you have a lot to work on. Remember, life is as it is, regardless of your single, biased opinion.
Can we have your physical address so that those interested in defacing your property can pop by and put up some meaningful messages? I'm sure you wouldn't mind.
Recommend you spend lest time 'reacting' and more them reflecting inwardly as it appears you have a lot to work on. Remember, life is as it is, regardless of your single, biased opinion.
I reflected inwardly a lot as to how to react to this sanctimonious post and ended up confused. If "life is as it is" then why bother reflecting at all and trying to effect change ? Clearly I too need a lot more work.
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
As someone who has spent a lot of time and money removing tags, Banksy wannabes and scribble from my heritage listed brick building I have often dreamed of the day I catch one of these vandals and return the favour. Here is the photo of "art" on a rest area on the Ucles. Take only photos, leave only footprints.


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...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
Take only photos, leave only footprints.
A bit off topic, but this little phrase reminds me of what my husband told Canadian border patrol on a family vacation many years ago. The officer asked what we were bringing into Canada with us. Hubby replied "Just some pictures and a few memories".
I think this new sticker vandalism would take more than a few moments, Jeff. It would need some strong arms, and a whole lot of elbow grease. Volunteers could be called "Sticker pigs", and they would need to use one of these...
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When I worked at Dover town engineers our street cleaning crews used to use a steam cleaner to remove gum from the pavement - there was a period when promoters used to put stickers on the pavements and street furniture and it would clear those too.
Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
Perhaps the problem is twofold: one is that you 'react' to this situation and are unable to control your emotions and two, taking a 'I am against the Camino Francis' even though you have not walked it and clearly refuse to listen to anyone else who has walked it and who has a favorable opinion reflects a closed and opinionated mind.

Recommend you spend lest time 'reacting' and more them reflecting inwardly as it appears you have a lot to work on. Remember, life is as it is, regardless of your single, biased opinion.

To clarify, I absolutely never stated that I am against the Camino Francés. It is a wonderful walk for those who choose it. I simply do not choose it.

And, my friend, methinks you are "reacting" to my post...
From one perspective, it makes no difference whether a person likes the stickers or not. They are what they are and it appears that a significant number of people have their reasons for putting stickers up and I can't believe that all of these people are bad, wrong, disgusting, etc.

Perhaps the problem is twofold: one is that you 'react' to this situation and are unable to control your emotions and two, taking a 'I am against the Camino Francis' even though you have not walked it and clearly refuse to listen to anyone else who has walked it and who has a favorable opinion reflects a closed and opinionated mind.

Recommend you spend lest time 'reacting' and more them reflecting inwardly as it appears you have a lot to work on. Remember, life is as it is, regardless of your single, biased opinion.
Life is what it is. Do we just stand by while others abuse our shared environment, and examine our feelings?
Get off your zafu and pick up some trash, sensei.
The so-called "love locks" that are hung on fences and bridges are another example of vandalism that I've seen, both in Europe and Canada. The individuals attaching them have no idea of the damage they can cause because of their combined weight. "Just" one lock, "just" one sticker . . . ! I've often thought that if I caught one of the people who persist in spraying graffiti in my neighbourhood, I would take them to a tattoo parlour and have their "tag" permanently inked across their face. Then I take a deep breath, and do my best to scrub the "art" from my private property.
That said, the stickers are a disgrace and show a lack of respect to the local people, and the lovely trails to which we are granted free access in places where we are guests.
In 2015 the Mayor of Paris had the "love locks" removed from the Pont des Arts after they started to cause structural damage. They took down an estimated ONE MILLION padlocks weighing 45 tonnes. As somebody said at the time an additional dead load equivalent to the weight of 20 elephants was not included in the design calculations in 1800!
3rd Edition. More content, training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc
From one perspective, it makes no difference whether a person likes the stickers or not. They are what they are and it appears that a significant number of people have their reasons for putting stickers up and I can't believe that all of these people are bad, wrong, disgusting, etc.

Perhaps the problem is twofold: one is that you 'react' to this situation and are unable to control your emotions and two, taking a 'I am against the Camino Francis' even though you have not walked it and clearly refuse to listen to anyone else who has walked it and who has a favorable opinion reflects a closed and opinionated mind.

Recommend you spend lest time 'reacting' and more them reflecting inwardly as it appears you have a lot to work on. Remember, life is as it is, regardless of your single, biased opinion.
Did you manage to walk the Ruta de la Lana back in 2021 like you were hoping? See many stickers?
Just asking.
In 2015 the Mayor of Paris had the "love locks" removed from the Pont des Arts after they started to cause structural damage. They took down an estimated ONE MILLION padlocks weighing 45 tonnes. As
My first time in Paris was in 2014, so I probably saw nearly the million. At the time I'd never seen anything like that before, and I thought they were cute and unique, not like graffiti. I never looked at them from an engineering perspective. I wonder if they were later thrown in the river or hauled away, and if there is now a fine implemented if you are caught.
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
My first time in Paris was in 2014, so I probably saw nearly the million. At the time I'd never seen anything like that before, and I thought they were cute and unique, not like graffiti. I never looked at them from an engineering perspective. I wonder if they were later thrown in the river or hauled away, and if there is now a fine implemented if you are caught.
They took down the individual panels and removed the thousands of locks off site. Apparently the original owners threw the keys into the river. Yes, they were indeed "in Seine"!

Sorry, couldn't resist.
In 2015 the Mayor of Paris had the "love locks" removed from the Pont des Arts after they started to cause structural damage. They took down an estimated ONE MILLION padlocks weighing 45 tonnes. As somebody said at the time an additional dead load equivalent to the weight of 20 elephants was not included in the design calculations in 1800!
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Oh it was worse than I remembered! I remembered the 20 elephants because I was working on a highway project in England at the time and one of the structural engineers was trying to explain something to one of our environmentalist team . . . "Imagine 20 elephants standing on the bridge - like in Paris" and we all thought she was talking about a travelling circus!

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