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Should I book an albergue in SJPDP for Sep


New Member
Time of past OR future Camino
September 2024
Hello everyone!

I am planning to walk the Camino Frances starting Sept 13th this year and need some advice regarding my first night in SJPDP.
I booked a private albergue just in case because I heard September's usually packed but I prefer the public ones.

I am taking a TGV from Paris to SJPDP, arriving around 1:41 pm and I heard the public albergue (e.g. 55) opens at 2 o'clock.
So I'm wondering if I would be able to make it. I am thinking of going there to register first and then go to the pilgrims' office.

What do you guys think I should do? Stick to my booking or Ok to go to the public albergue?
Any opinions and advice are fully welcomed.

Thank you so much!
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Hi Ameilalee, stick to your booking. The train may be late - You will have to change in Bayonne - and you can check in and then visit the Pilgrims Office and do all you have to do without the hassle of looking for accommodation on arrival at the albergue which may or may not have a bed. Buen Camino!
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
New Original Camino Gear Designed Especially with The Modern Peregrino In Mind!
Transport luggage-passengers.
From airports to SJPP
Luggage from SJPP to Roncevalles
I like public albergues and donativos, too, but September is a very busy month for starting in SJPDP.

For me they house the kind of pilgrims we usually care for as volunteers.
Ideal pocket guides for during & after your Camino. Each weighs only 1.4 oz (40g)!
Yes, if you can. Not having a bed that first night you arrive at your starting point sucks! It is certainly no way to start your Camino.

I always advise making a reservation. I also recommend staying two nights at SJPdP. This gives you one, extra day to prepare, shop for last minute items or souvenirs, and make arrangements before starting out.

Some folks use Express Bourricot ( to send a suitcase direct to Santiago, to be there waiting for you on arrival. This is an excellent way to send all your "tourist" clothing and supplies you will not need on Camino ahead of you. It is not cheap, but is absolutely reliable and secure.

If you bought souvenirs at SJPdP on that extra day off - you likely will - you can put them in the suitcase and send it down the road as well. FYI, Basque-made espadrilles are a HUGE industry there.

Hope this helps.

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Having walked the Camino Frances in May/June this year my advice would be to book all your accommodation ahead where you can. The bed race is real and my experience in May/June was in a lot of places had no beds left by mid-afternoon. I'm not sure of the difference in the number of pilgrims between May and September but it's no fun leaving at 6am EVERY morning to ensure you would get a bed that night. Some people were even leaving the albergues close to 5am!
How I wanted a pair of those espadrilles…but they were soooo heavy. Maybe next time…
A selection of Camino Jewellery
If you plan to send anything to Santiago via Express Bourricot, from SJPdP, include the espadrilles. One year, I bought over a dozen pairs for several women who asked me to. I put them in the carry-on sized suitcase I sent to Santiago.

If you only buy one or two pairs, consider that you only have to lug them as far as Zubiri, IIRC. I believe there is a Correos office there (post office). They are cheap, reliable and relatively fast. Send the package to Casa Ivar. See instructions elsewhere on the forum. Ivar will hold the package for your arrival.

Hope this helps.

If you are planning to stay in Roncevalles. You should book that also. It was sold out the day I arrived. If you are an early "arriver" you would probably be OK after that, although I personally would book through Pamplona. It is no fun scrambling for a bed.
From how busy St Jean was at that time when I was there last year, I would say; definitely book! I found a good place on booking.cxm
Down bag (90/10 duvet) of 700 fills with 180 g (6.34 ounces) of filling. Mummy-shaped structure, ideal when you are looking for lightness with great heating performance.


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