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Pilgrim shame

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I understand there are some with clear limitations, just as I could not physically walk 35 km a day unless I planned on arriving at 8pm,p night after night, hence why I did not walk the Norte when I first wanted to, back in 2007. It was simply not possible, at least in my mind, so I walked the CF.

But it feels as if now that I know there ways to shorten days, walk less, the temptation is there when it wasn't there when I had not learned about all these ways. So who am I cheating now by trying to wiggle out from what I can do?
3rd Edition. More content, training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc
While staying at the albergue in Uterga I met another pilgrim at the evening meal. He entertained his fellow pilgrims with various stories of his many travels and of encountering a taxi on the Way in which several people were travelling with their backpacks, all of whom ducked down as the vehicle passed him. He coined the wonderful phrase 'pilgrim shame' to describe this phenomenon. Have other members of the forum witnessed/been 'guilty of' instances of 'pilgrim shame'?

The only shame is the use of such a judgemental term.
The only shame is the use of such a judgemental term.
The original post used the term to describe the embarrassment of the pilgrim himself, not making fun of the pilgrim or shaming the pilgrim, or judging the pilgrim. The thread seemed to evolve from there. A true pilgrim would certainly feel disappointment, and maybe unnecessary shame if not able to complete the walk by foot. I personally took the original post as a light-hearted post with a bit of humor in coining the the term for that feeling that one might have himself. The question was proposed to ask if anyone here had felt "pilgrim shame". Sadly, the experiences shared seem to be of those who actually experienced "pilgrim shame" from others in a judgmental way... which is not humorous at all. But it is good know what to expect; some people are just heartless.
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

The only shame is the use of such a judgemental term.

Jacobus, this is why in the text of my OP the phrase was placed within inverted commas. My subsequent posts have made perfectly clear that it was not about judging others, rather how unforgiving of themselves pilgrims can be when circumstances prevent them from walking in the way they had hoped to be able to do. One of the aims of many of the contributions to this and many other threads is surely to feel free to talk about how sometime we feel that we haven't quite measured up to what we expected of ourselves and our bodies, and then to learn that it was the same for others and that we should stop feeling bad about it because, as two earlier posts made clear, it is all about what is in our hearts. We can make a good start by feeling compassion for ourselves in difficult situations. Being non-judgemental about others then surely follows from this.
Thank you for your explanation. I didn't mean to suggest you or your fellow posters were judging others. This was not your intent. I simply think the term used is harsh and judgemental. Other posters have softened the meaning as have you and SusieQ2 when you clarified your meaning in later posts.
Besides the "head and feet, " "I guess it all comes down to where your heart is", I can hear my late father's voice saying to me as a teen. I pray that I may stay focused on my own personal reasons for attempting the pilgrimage. Pride goeth before a fall and I hope to be humbled along the way without a fall, literally. Some people always look for the easy the path, but only the one wearing the shoes knows their own footprints. I can only imagine that the honeymooning couple mentioned was collecting souvenirs for memories of their honeymoon in the same way that my son collects stamps from National Parks on our camping adventures.
I have a clergy friend who is interested in going at the same time I do, but physical limitations will not allow her to walk. If she goes, she will not travel by foot, but her heart will be in the right place. No shame there. A certificate is not the real reward.

Many of pilgrims (I`m one of those) think that this "little paper sheet" means nothing. One old pilgrim can walk from the other side of the world for, said, four months, but when leaving Monte del Gozo albergue fall to the floor and break an ankle. This pilgrim have not rigth to get the Compostela.
A group of students start the Camino at Sarria, sending theirs packs by taxi, taking a whole week to arriving to Santiago, because they are partyng each nigth. When they get their Compostela, they go to a bar to continue the celebration.
Who deserve the Compostela?
But, of course, this old pilgrim, whom is coming out the Hospital, is much more a pilgrim than the students.
Dont give importance to that "little paper sheet" mates. It´s OK to get it, but its only a souvenir.
Treasure the memories, the feelings, the frienship, the laughs and tears of pain and joy. THIS is the "Real Compostela", I think. And nobody can deny your rigth to have it, if you feel you deserve it.
My apologies if the "speech" seems scholastic. or arrogant, it is not my intention, but my english is a little bit limitated; sometimes it is difficult for me to express the full sense of what I want to say.
Buen Camino.
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€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
Many of pilgrims (I`m one of those) think that this "little paper sheet" means nothing. One old pilgrim can walk from the other side of the world for, said, four months, but when leaving Monte del Gozo albergue fall to he floor and break an ankle. This pilgrim have not rigth to get the Compostela.

I think this "old pilgrim" you describe would have the right to get a Compostela. He/She would have all of the proper stamps. Just head over to the Pilgrim Office after getting out of the hospital.
I think this "old pilgrim" you describe would have the right to get a Compostela. He/She would have all of the proper stamps. Just head over to the Pilgrim Office after getting out of the hospital.
Of course, he would have the Compostela if he wanted. But, he didnt have the RIGTH. He didnt WALKED the entire 100 last kilometers. He went by ambulance the last 5km. This is the rule. The hard and sharp true is that he would be a cheater if asked for the compostela. This is the reason wy I dont give importance at that "paper sheet". Its only a pretty souvenir to me. Buen Camino.
Of course, he would have the Compostela if he wanted. But, he didnt have the RIGTH. He didnt WALKED the entire 100 last kilometers. He went by ambulance the last 5km. This is the rule. The hard and sharp true is that he would be a cheater if asked for the compostela. This is the reason wy I dont give importance at that "paper sheet". Its only a pretty souvenir to me. Buen Camino.

I disagree. But then we can agree to disagree.

There is often discussion on who is "worthy" of a Compostela and who is not "worthy". For me I have a saying that sums it up. The Camino is not a competition; and the Compostela is not a trophy.
3rd Edition. More content, training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc
Haha, one day somewhere fairly close to Santiago, we walked into a bar and saw the girl from our nightmares for the past couple of nights and just (inwardly) groaned. She was pretty high maintenance and constantly asked her boyfriend to get this or do that for her, making us squirm. And she was challenging to share space with...anyhow, we greeted her cautiously and asked how she was doing as she'd had some difficulties earlier in the day. She let us know that she and her boyfriend were catching a taxi to go further along. We were very happy to hear that as we had already booked into the albuerge and showered etc. Whew! and yes, we felt a bit guilty for being so judgey but, well, we're not perfect either!
I got food poisoning in Leon, and it hit me the following day. About 15km into the day it became really bad and the projectile vomiting started.
I had to take a taxi a few km later for the last 4km but didn't feel much shame. Let's just say that the old saying "through the eye of a needle at 20 paces" was particularly accurate for the next three days but, strangely enough, it tended to hit in the evening so no further taxi shame was needed.
Good weight loss program.
I'm walking the Via de la Plata and was shocked by how many pilgrims took a taxi from Castilblanco to the start of the natural park. If you are ill or injured, or if there is an urgent time-need, take a bus or taxi. If, though, you just can't be bothered - like my fellow taxigrinos - to walk a full stage, I would bear in mind that pain and suffering is important for physical and mental breakthroughs.
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

I'm walking the Via de la Plata and was shocked by how many pilgrims took a taxi from Castilblanco to the start of the natural park. If you are ill or injured, or if there is an urgent time-need, take a bus or taxi. If, though, you just can't be bothered - like my fellow taxigrinos - to walk a full stage, I would bear in mind that pain and suffering is important for physical and mental breakthroughs.
Pain and suffering are necessary bollocks. That’s a long stage with no resources, not even a water point. People are entitled to make their own decisions. Just as you have chosen to exercise your outrage in your first post on this forum.

One of the great learnings of Camino is acceptance. Especially acceptance of alternative approaches to Camino than your own
While it's an interesting topic for many, this is a really old thread. I wonder if any of the original posters are still around to comment on whether their opinions have changed since 2016?
As to pain and suffering being necessary, there is enough of that around without going out to look for it. I've never done a penitential pilgrimage, and I'm not planning on doing one in the future. Though I expect I could sew you quite a nice hair shirt if you asked nicely. You would have to wear it under the high tech clothes and not tell us about it, though.
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
Pain and suffering are necessary bollocks. That’s a long stage with no resources, not even a water point. People are entitled to make their own decisions. Just as you have chosen to exercise your outrage in your first post on this forum.

One of the great learnings of Camino is acceptance. Especially acceptance of alternative approaches to Camino than your own
Yeah, yeah :)
Keep the Camino momentum going once you return home with After the Camino
True - We need to suffer through sanctimonious statements occasionally, as we seek information and community on the forum.
I had heard that this forum is regularly frequented by fragile egos that find solace by bullying anyone that doesn't conform to their worldview. Sorry, but it is my opinion that you should walk the whole way unless you become injured or are ill.
I had heard that this forum is regularly frequented by fragile egos that find solace by bullying anyone that doesn't conform to their worldview. Sorry, but it is my opinion that you should walk the whole way unless you become injured or are ill.
Why am I putting my head on the chopping block? Ah, never mind. You are walking a camino. Ignore other people, except the one who has offered to sew you a hairshirt. 😇
Come on, never mind about what you heard, or what you see. If you are on a pilgrimage, keep custody of the eyes. And be sure to offer some helpful reports for others who might be looking for them, following in your footsteps.
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

Why am I putting my head on the chopping block? Ah, never mind. You are walking a camino. Ignore other people, except the one who has offered to sew you a hairshirt. 😇
Come on, never mind about what you heard, or what you see. If you are on a pilgrimage, keep custody of the eyes. And be sure to offer some helpful reports for others who might be looking for them, following in your footsteps.
Sure. Don't take the taxi from Castilblanco to the nature park on the third day of walking the VdlP :D
As far as I am concerned, I don't believe in redemption through suffering.
But I am not sure this kind of assertion is allowed on this forum.

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