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The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.

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I took the photo in the church of Santa María Salomé in Santiago. I carelessly forgot to make a note of any details. I did a google reverse image search and found an almost identical photo...
Have you noticed the inscription inside the arch by 76 Rúa do Vilar? Can you tell me what it means? My best guesses give: Esta casa por el nte es de Lacoi de Lacon. There is a line in a smaller...
I'm looking at a possible Fall 2025 return to Spain, and being in Santiago de Compostela on Sunday, September 14th -- Exaltation of the Holy Cross Day! .... I can recall having been in Burgos on...
For those who are interested. A very good source! https://www.elcorreogallego.es/santiago/2024/12/17/catedral-santiago-gana-eco-internet-112679490.html...
Pilgrims, If you're walking the Camino right now and will be in Santiago by Christmas Eve, you're invited to our Christmas Eve party! It's always a good time of gathering with other peregrinos on...

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