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Your Memorable Photos and Why


Always planning the next one....
Time of past OR future Camino
Frances 15,16,18
VdlP 23, Invierno 23, Fisterra 23
I'm sure a lot of us pour over our Camino photos from time to time as they bring back such wonderful memories.
Not just of that great view or amazing meal, but some may have a much greater meaning to you.
Why not share some, and the story behind the photo?
I'll post a couple to get things moving..........

En Route to Paris for my First Camino
Icing my achilles in transit at Dubai Airport.
I was setting out with injuries caused in training.
I was only able to walk about 2 kms at this stage and had not carried my pack in 6 weeks.
But there was no way I was not going to try.
Every day on the Camino was a blessing that I was grateful for, never expecting to actually make it.
That Camino was a major lesson in humility and gratitude.

25 April. Off to a good start. Icing my heel..webp

David Vidal just before Astorga.
What an amazing person, who just exudes love for his fellow humans.
A reminder that there are many good people in this World, and that walking a Camino without the help of others along the way is hard. Is he still there? Saw him in 2015 and 2018.

20150524_113435_Unnamed Rd.webp

Pat's First Camino
It seems the more time we spend in nature, the more we become attuned to our surroundings.
A 'City Girl' transformed, who didn't want it all to end.

Time to Reflect
Perhaps if we allow it, the Camino gives us the space to slow down and reflect.
To just be........ Pat's second Camino. a day off in Carrion to rest from an injury.
The perfect place.......was here.
2018-05-17 10.25.43.webp
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Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
Ideal pocket guides for during & after your Camino. Each weighs only 1.4 oz (40g)!
Something I have posted here before. On the day I walked out to the lighthouse at Fisterra at the end of a walk from Santiago. On the way back into town I turned round and saw a cloud formation that reminded me very strongly of a scallop shell. I'm not quite self-centred enough to think that the Almighty had arranged a personal message just for me but it was a beautiful sight which was made all the more so because it was so transient. A minute or two earlier or later and the view might have been quite different. Time and place are very important.

Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
I'm sure a lot of us pour over our Camino photos from time to time as they bring back such wonderful memories.
Not just of that great view or amazing meal, but some may have a much greater meaning to you.
Why not share some, and the story behind the photo?
I'll post a couple to get things moving..........

En Route to Paris for my First Camino
Icing my achilles in transit at Dubai Airport.
I was setting out with injuries caused in training.
I was only able to walk about 2 kms at this stage and had not carried my pack in 6 weeks.
But there was no way I was not going to try.
Every day on the Camino was a blessing that I was grateful for, never expecting to actually make it.
That Camino was a major lesson in humility and gratitude.

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David Vidal just before Astorga.
What an amazing person, who just exudes love for his fellow humans.
A reminder that there are many good people in this World, and that walking a Camino without the help of others along the way is hard. Is he still there? Saw him in 2015 and 2018.

View attachment 182387

Pat's First Camino
It seems the more time we spend in nature, the more we become attuned to our surroundings.
A 'City Girl' transformed, who didn't want it all to end.
View attachment 182388

Time to Reflect
Perhaps if we allow it, the Camino gives us the space to slow down and reflect.
To just be........ Pat's second Camino. a day off in Carrion to rest from an injury.
The perfect place.......was here.
View attachment 182389
Do not look for the why as this is an endless, never-ending endeavor; just look for what is. Chuck
Thanks @Robo for starting this thread and everyone's contributons with pictures and stories.
Here is my picture of choirpractice in the church of Rabe de las Calzadas in spring 2013.


I ended my Camino del Ebro and continued on the Francés.
Mentally it was a hard Camino that year.
The warm and generous welcome of these people lifted my heart. I felt very down that day.
After a good cry from myself and a gentle pat on the back from one of the ladies I made up my mind and ended that Camino. Took some public transport and enjoyed the rest of my days off.
Well I did continue for a couple of days but the fact I gave myself permission to stop made all the difference.
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The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
This was at an establishment called “Oasis” in Viana. After a frustrating search trying to find help for my blisters, this shop offered foot treatments with cold water infused with lavender. Ahh! Just what this tired pilgrim needed!!!
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Good ole lavender!!!!
I would've loved that treatment but my blisters did not materialized long after Viana so understandably I skipped "The Oasis" :rolleyes:
Ideal pocket guides for during & after your Camino. Each weighs only 1.4 oz (40g)!
Oh no, I could probably post about 100+ memorable photos, more than enough to send everyone to sleep.

But here's one of my favourites. I was walking the Camino after I lost my dog Flora. I'd gotten a tattoo of her, and every day, I'd put this tattoo ointment on it. And this day, which I still remember like yesterday, I stopped at a cafe on the outskirts of Burgos for my Cortado and opened my little tin of ointment to apply to said tattoo to be greeted by what, to me, looked very much like a paw print!
May I ask where Denise's tree is? I'd like to pay my respects in March.
Its at Parque conmemorativo de los peregrinos which itself is not far from Ermita de Ecce Homo
Cam. del Río, 6, 24718 Astorga, León, Spain
about 2.5 km from Astorga


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    eche homo.webp
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The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
Peg loves poppies but we don't have enough sun for them to last more than a week. On the Francés though she had weeks and weeks to view them. This photograph shows some in a meadow instead of an agricultural field. This was taken between La Virgen del Camino and Villar de Mazarife around mid June.

The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
The photo my wife took of me in SJPDP before we had even met.


Full story here
Fantastic thread, Robo - and thanks to all who have contributed so far - beautiful stories and photos.

My favourite Camino photo is from my 2022 camino on the VDLP and Sanabres. It was taken at Albergue Rehoboth at Villar de Farfon. It was one of those unexpected, magical days when all in my Camino world was simply perfect. I had called into the albergue which is also a well known drop in centre for pilgrims. Hospitalera Dorothea made me very welcome and offered coffee and Marie biscuits. The mug of coffee was like a taste of home and absolutely delicious. Hospitalero Craig told me about his and Dorothea’s lives as missionaries in Africa before moving to Spain - so profound. I stayed way longer than anticipated - it was one of those very special places.
Three pilgrim friends turned up and thoroughly appreciated Dorothea and Craig’s hospitality too and when we left another pilgrim took our photo -

From left - Christian from Germany, Enrique from Pamplona, me, Pastor Craig and Filipe from Barcelona.
It was such a happy day which has stayed very close to my heart and always will.
Best wishes from Oz -
Fail to prepare? reduce your risk by buying this book full of practical info.
2nd ed.
1000005131.webp on the walk into Pamplona in April of this year 2024, I was prompted to stop. Turn around and take a photo was the prompt. It was only when after as I looked at my phone did I see. It was the first of a number of now I see moments. These led to memorable conversations as the prompts to stop continued. This shot of the jet stream was pointing the way to the hill of forgiveness
Ok I'll go again. . .

This on the way in to Ventosa left me with a lump in my throat. I found the words just beautiful, how proud they are of their village and how it ends with "We spend our lives looking for what we already have. It's just a matter of finding your way back home. . .".

A big lesson for life right there.

(Google translated version in the thumbnails if needed)

The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
Beauty is all around Us.
Taking the time to slow down, switch off and just 'give ourselves' to the Camino can be such a wonderful immersive experience. I think I end up walking so slowly, because I just want to soak it all in. I want to savour every sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. It's like on the Camino I've been 'let off the leash'.

It's a lesson I'm still struggling to bring home...

en route to Galisteo, April 2023 VdlP

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Beauty is all around Us.
Taking the time to slow down, switch off and just 'give ourselves' to the Camino can be such a wonderful immersive experience. I think I end up walking so slowly, because I just want to soak it all in. I want to savour every sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. It's like on the Camino I've been 'let off the leash'.

It's a lesson I'm still struggling to bring home...

en route to Galisteo, April 2023 VdlP

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Robo, you are absolutely right. It took me about 27 steps leaving St-Jean-Pied-de-Port to realize what you say here. And I never let that feeling leave me, through wind and rain and heat and shin splints, like so many of us. I praised the experience every day while there and still do, every day.
Beauty is all around Us.
Taking the time to slow down, switch off and just 'give ourselves' to the Camino can be such a wonderful immersive experience. I think I end up walking so slowly, because I just want to soak it all in. I want to savour every sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. It's like on the Camino I've been 'let off the leash'.

It's a lesson I'm still struggling to bring home...

en route to Galisteo, April 2023 VdlP

View attachment 182449
Sometimes we just have to stop and smell the flowers…
( pic taken approaching Atapuerca)
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

Friday 19 April 2024
The way outside Azorfa approaching Santo Domingo de la Calzarda. Shot taken with the help of a wonderful couple from the Netherlands. Hope and Jacqueline. The scene was another I see moment. Not the physical scene. Not a scene of nature. The unseen. Beside this field was a water irrigation canal. The water of life. The green patchwork in the field. The bread of life. The yellow band of flowers. The rape seed. The oil of gladness. And the vine. The blood. These scenes remind the local and visitor throughout the way on the Camino Francis. And continue to be tendered across the ages in these same fields. Even the murals on barn walls remind those on the way. The way through the wilderness. The way to the permanent home to come.

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