- Time of past OR future Camino
- Frances 15,16,18
VdlP 23, Invierno 23, Fisterra 23
I'm sure a lot of us pour over our Camino photos from time to time as they bring back such wonderful memories.
Not just of that great view or amazing meal, but some may have a much greater meaning to you.
Why not share some, and the story behind the photo?
I'll post a couple to get things moving..........
En Route to Paris for my First Camino
Icing my achilles in transit at Dubai Airport.
I was setting out with injuries caused in training.
I was only able to walk about 2 kms at this stage and had not carried my pack in 6 weeks.
But there was no way I was not going to try.
Every day on the Camino was a blessing that I was grateful for, never expecting to actually make it.
That Camino was a major lesson in humility and gratitude.

David Vidal just before Astorga.
What an amazing person, who just exudes love for his fellow humans.
A reminder that there are many good people in this World, and that walking a Camino without the help of others along the way is hard. Is he still there? Saw him in 2015 and 2018.

Pat's First Camino
It seems the more time we spend in nature, the more we become attuned to our surroundings.
A 'City Girl' transformed, who didn't want it all to end.

Time to Reflect
Perhaps if we allow it, the Camino gives us the space to slow down and reflect.
To just be........ Pat's second Camino. a day off in Carrion to rest from an injury.
The perfect place.......was here.

Not just of that great view or amazing meal, but some may have a much greater meaning to you.
Why not share some, and the story behind the photo?
I'll post a couple to get things moving..........
En Route to Paris for my First Camino
Icing my achilles in transit at Dubai Airport.
I was setting out with injuries caused in training.
I was only able to walk about 2 kms at this stage and had not carried my pack in 6 weeks.
But there was no way I was not going to try.
Every day on the Camino was a blessing that I was grateful for, never expecting to actually make it.
That Camino was a major lesson in humility and gratitude.

David Vidal just before Astorga.
What an amazing person, who just exudes love for his fellow humans.
A reminder that there are many good people in this World, and that walking a Camino without the help of others along the way is hard. Is he still there? Saw him in 2015 and 2018.

Pat's First Camino
It seems the more time we spend in nature, the more we become attuned to our surroundings.
A 'City Girl' transformed, who didn't want it all to end.

Time to Reflect
Perhaps if we allow it, the Camino gives us the space to slow down and reflect.
To just be........ Pat's second Camino. a day off in Carrion to rest from an injury.
The perfect place.......was here.

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