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On the Camino: One Day at a Time, one Photo at a Time 11.0

Keep the Camino momentum going once you return home with After the Camino
Ledigos to Sahagun, Day 62, Via Podiensis/Camino Frances, 13th June 2024.
We were a bit apprehensive about arriving in Sahagun because there’s a week long Festa going on, involving bull runs and all the usual things with Spanish Festas! When we arrived at the Monastery, Albergue de Santa Cruz, where we had stayed in 2022 and really enjoyed participating in the Communal meal, we were very disappointed this time to be told there would be no communal meal because of the Festa and the shops were all closed!! So, instead we went to a small cafe/bar/restaurant for a late lunch, which is mentioned in Brierley’s guide, which we had visited on our way through Sahagun in 2014 on our first Camino, which we had noticed was open and had a Menu del Peregrino, it was delicious.
We didn’t need dinner later. We didn’t sleep much because of the noise, loud music and beating drums that went on until nearly 02.00hrs.
We had a beautiful day walking to Sahagun, the weather was perfect. The storks greeted us on our arrival.
Sahagun to El Burgo Ranero, Day 63, Via Podiensis/Camino Frances, 14th, June, 2024.
Didn’t sleep much last night, so after a quick breakfast we were on our way, another great day for walking, perfect weather, along the tree lined path, beside a very quiet road, all the way to El Burgo. We have previously walked the Roman road twice, so it was our first visit to El Burgo. We saw between 10 or 20 small rodents, possibly voles, running across and at the side of the path and one yellow/green lizard about a foot long run across the path. The countryside continues to look amazing.
We saw a couple of Guardia Civil vehicles and one of their helicopters flew over this morning. It is wonderful how attentive they are to the Camino.
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
April 28, 2024 Camino Sanabres, Ourense to Oseira, day 13
Eager to leave Ourense behind me, I took a bus to Cea and walked from there to Oseira along peaceful woodland trails to this high point with the monastery (in the centre of the photo) visible in the valley below.

Villamayor de Monjardin
Iglesia de San Andrés Apóstol
capital detail

photo taken October 26, 2013

San Andrés Apóstol, capital.jpg

This Romanesque capital which depicts fighting knights represents Charlemagne and a Navarrese Prince.
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
El Burgo Ranero to Mansillas de las Mulas, Day 64, Via Podiensis/Camino Frances, 15th June 2024.
Cooler day, good for walking and eventually warmed up late morning. More of the same as yesterday along the senda by the very quiet road with many seats and small rest areas along the way. Great views of the distant mountains.
Camino Frances
Villamayor de Monjardin

photo taken October 7, 2004

Villamayor de Monjardin, camino 1.JPG

In 2004 at this parish albergue the vivacious hospitelero cooked dinner curbside; we eight pilgrims and he ate beneath the stars. ...It was a great mix of simple food, pilgrim vibes and heartfelt caritas.
Help keep the Camino clean. Join us in 2025 for the Camino Cleanup Program & Retreat
April 28, 2024 Camino Sanabres, Monasterio de Oseira
I’m so glad I took the longer path to Oseira. The albergue is new, well equipped, even with heated floors which eliminate the need for blankets.
There was nowhere nearby to find food, but the very patient hospitalero managed to order restaurant meals for more than a dozen pilgrims to be delivered to the albergue, a task made quite difficult by the fact that a group from Germany on the first day of their Camino neither spoke nor understood any Spanish or English.
The evening tour of the monastery and the opportunity to observe vespers following the tour made this day most memorable.

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Mansilla de las Mulas to Leon, Day 65, Via Podiensis/Camino Frances, 16th, June, 2024.
Good walk to Leon this morning. We were very lucky to attend a Choral concert in the Iglesia Santa Maria last night given by the local Choral group from Mansilla with their new Director, it was excellent.
Today the Storks were out in force enjoying a field which was being irrigated.
Two photos today.
We are looking forward to our rest day in Leon tomorrow!
Keep the Camino momentum going once you return home with After the Camino
Camino Frances
Villamayor de Monjardin
private albergue

photos taken October 26, 2013

Villamayor albergue.jpg

During later caminos I often stayed in a very comfortable private albergue named after the town; each small dorm had a nearby shower/loo.

Villamayor albergue, view.jpg

The view from "my" balcony showed the westward path.
April 29, 2024 Camino Sanabres, Oseira to Lalin
A long walk, with a lot of pavement. After crossing the autopista into Castro Dozon (photo), I walked the rest of the way at the side of the N525, crossing over from the Sanabres to the Invierno in order to stay in Lalin that night.

Private rooms, daily bag transfers, 24/7 support, & more. Save now during our sale!
Camino Frances
Villamayor de Monjardin

photo taken October 25, 2014

local color.jpg

Asked about lunch possibilities the friendly hospitalero in the then new private albergue offered me this splendid tomato from his father's garden.
...All these years later I remember the delicious taste and his kindness.
Leon to Villadangos del Paramo, Day 67, Via Podiensis/Camino Frances, 18th June 2024.
Heavy rain started overnight and continued light and heavy all the way to a little past La Virgen del Camino this morning. We didn’t leave until 08.0hrs this morning and for the first time when we reached the modern sanctuary of La Virgen del Camino it was open!
Private rooms, daily bag transfers, 24/7 support, & more. Save now during our sale!
Keep the Camino momentum going once you return home with After the Camino
Villadangos del Paramo to Villares de Orbigo, Day 68, Via Podiensis/ Camino Frances, 19th June 2024.
After more rain last evening and during the night we awoke to blue sky and had a great day walking to and through Hospital de Orbigo to Villares. Again the views of the mountains were fantastic and they are definitely getting closer!
April 30, 2024 Camino Sanabres/Invierno, Lalin to Silleda, day 15
The highlight of this day is the Ponte Taboada over the Rio Teza where it forms a steep narrow gorge, dating back to the year 912.
The Roman road goes up steeply after crossing the bridge.
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Murias de Rechivaldo to Rabanal del Camino, Day 70, Via Podiensis/Camino Frances, 21st, June, 2024.
What a beautiful leisurely days walk today, both the weather and scenery were perfect. We passed a young man making and giving fantastic wax sello’s on the way today. Photo of ours attached.
We are looking forward to attending Vespers tonight in the Iglesia de Santa Maria in Rabanal.
3rd Edition. More content, training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc
Camino Frances
east of Los Arcos

photo taken October 26, 2015

A stranger no more .jpg

This pilgrim who had walked to Santiago was now going east towards southern France and ultimately Rome. After sharing camino confidences and cookies we, strangers no more, shook hands and wished each other Godspeed, Ultreia and Adieu.
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Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
Cleaning up files and photos, and came across this one.
If I recall correctly, this was taken going down from El Acebo. 2006, July.
I may be mistaken, ready to be informed otherwise. 🤔

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You are certainly correct. Here’s a similar photo taken a few hours ago, as we entered El Acebo.
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Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
Rabanal del Camino to El Acebo, Day 71, Via Podiensis/Camino Frances, 22nd June 2024.
Cool morning especially at Cruz de Ferro, but the views were still amazing. We seemed to have forgotten how difficult the descent was to El Acebo and we were very glad to arrive safely. We were glad not to be walking on to Molinaseca today as we have done in the past. Age is creeping up on us!
You are certainly correct. Here’s a similar photo taken a few hours ago, as we entered El Acebo.
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Thank you! Perhaps the two guys we met over breakfast and again on the descent blurred my memory. They hopped, skipped and jumped down, yapping and smoking away!
I am in admiration of your stamina, and wisdom in accepting changed capacities... 🚶‍♀️ 🚶‍♂️
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
My older son recently toured a museum, and knowing my attraction for El Camino, sent me the photo below, with the question "Do you know who this is?" I immediately replied, "Of course, it's Santiago Matamoros!" What is a little unusual about this museum display however, is the clothing of the Santiago on the right. Based on the clothing, would anyone care to hazard a guess as to where this museum might be located .... how about Merida, Mexico!

El Acebo to Ponferrada, Day 72, Via Podiensis/Camino Frances, 23rd, June, 2024.
Well the descent to Molinaseca was as bad as yesterday’s descent and in parts worse, but luckily this time we didn’t have to compete with 12 very fast bikes trying to pass us on the worst part nearing Molinaseca, as we did in 2022!
The weather is heating up, into the early 30’s in Ponferrada this afternoon and to continue for at least a few days.
The Camino through Molinaseca.
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Ponferrada to Villafranca del Bierzo, Day 73, Via Podiensis/Camino Frances, 24th June 2024.
Another hot day on the Camino, especially after midday. We want to walk the Pradela route again so have decided, because of the weather to walk on our rest day tomorrow and only go as far as Trabadelo, then taxi back to Villafranca and then head to Las Herrerias on Wednesday from Trabadelo.
Ermita De San Blas, Columbrianos, with Storks!
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
3rd Edition. More content, training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc
More haystacks for @mspath

If I had known how many times I would go through all my photos post Camino I would have taken a proper camera or at the very least and much newer smart phone. A mistake since rectified ( near Los Arcos IIRC )


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€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
April 2024 - Santiago de Compostela, church of Saint Francis
In the photo of the altar dedicated to the merciful Sacred Heart, note the tiny white rectangle on the left hand side of the altar. How many times as we pilgrims wandered along the Camino, have we encountered such petitions to Our Lord, his Mother, and his Saints? I pray that these petitions are answered. I am reminded of Matthew's parable of the centurion.

St Francis altar.jpg St Francis petition.jpg
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
Trabadelo to Las Herrerias, Day 75, Via Podiensis/Camino Frances, 26th, June, 2024.
Short leisurely stroll along the Valcarce valley stopping at Iglesia de San Juan Bautista in La Portela, Iglesia San Pedro in Ambasmestas. We then had some morning tea at the Panaderia at the start of Vega de Valcarce, where we had stopped in 2014 but not in 2022. We are ready for an early walk up to O Cebreiro tomorrow morning and then on to Linares.
Photos from San Juan Bautista in La Portela
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Loving your photos, Anne and Pat, and wishing I had continued onto the Frances when I walked from Le Puy en Velay to SJPP. I had walked the Frances the year before, so it wasn’t in the plan at the time.

Here’s the outside of the Iglesia San Juan Bautista. October 22, 2023.
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

April 2024 - Barosa Falls near Caldas de Reis - A kind German pilgrim took this photo of my granddaughter and me. It has become one of my favorites! He joined us for a few days along the Camino Portugués and we remain in contact with each other.

Loving your photos, Anne and Pat, and wishing I had continued onto the Frances when I walked from Le Puy en Velay to SJPP. I had walked the Frances the year before, so it wasn’t in the plan at the time.

Here’s the outside of the Iglesia San Juan Bautista. October 22, 2023.
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Your photo has an excellent example of something I learned the Spanish word for very early in my Spanish learning life. Espadaña. It stuck in my brain because it contained the syllables of the name of the country.
This is my favourite thread. 😇
3rd Edition. More content, training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc
Las Herrerias to Linares do Rei, Day 76, Via Podiensis/Camino Frances, 27th, June, 2024.
We had the best day for our walk up to O Cebreiro, cooler and cloudier but with the magnificent views, we even had a sprinkle of rain as we entered O Cebreiro with Galician pipes being played at the entrance, quite magical! The sun is out this afternoon and the view from Linares is beautiful, with cow and possibly sheep bells nearby.
This photo was taken about 30 minutes after leaving O Cebreiro.
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
Linares do Rei to Triacastela, Day77, Via Podiensis/Camino Frances, 28th, June, 2024.
We left Linares just after 06.30hrs in cloud to ground level with enough light to see where we were going but not cold. The views today were made more interesting with the clouds in the valleys. We both found the 6km descent into Triacastela very hard, especially on our knees and thighs, old age showing through again!
This photo was taken just after 08.00hrs.
Camino Frances
Torres del Rio
Santo Sepulcro

photo taken February 14, 2007

Santo Sepulcro 2007.JPG

Some historians link Santo Sepulcro, an octagonal Romanesque church, to the Knights Templar who protected the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem; others link it to the nearby monastery at Irache. Whatever, it is a small gem.
Triacastela to Vilei (Barbadelo), Day 78, Via Podiensis/Camino Frances, 29th June 2024.
Complete cloud cover for all of our walk today and quite cool. The sun is trying fairly hard to appear now and it’s nearly 17.00hrs! But good weather for walking. Sarria seemed quite busy by the time we reached there just after midday, we didn’t linger. There was a field with a lot of goats as we entered Sarria and this sprightly one wasn’t trying to escape but to reach the fruit tree above!
A selection of Camino Jewellery
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

Keep the Camino momentum going once you return home with After the Camino
View of my favourite place to stay in Santiago de Compostela - Hospedaria San Martin Pinario, taken from the Cathedral rooftop. October 25, 2023

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We also love the Hospederia San Martin Pinario, stayed there four times during our trip in 2022! We are staying again from Friday for four nights! Can’t wait 😉
Portomarin to Palas de Rei, Day 80, Via Podiensis/Camino Frances, 1st July 2024.
Long walk today but great weather for it. We met a school student from Barcelona who is walking with some of her school classmates in a group of 32 plus teachers. She loves Australia and speaks good English, so we were able to have a great chat twice along the way. She had a wrist band which they all have, to give to someone along the way, that they connect with and she kindly gave it to me (Anne). Hopefully we see her again in the next couple of days. She loved talking about Australia and her love of the wildlife there. We were able to show her a photo taken in our front garden of a mother and baby Koala, from a couple of years ago.
The Guardia Civil were out in force today with two horse mounted patrols passing us along the way plus a car.
Keep the Camino momentum going once you return home with After the Camino
Palas de Rei to Melide, Day 81, Via Podiensis/Camino Frances, 2nd, July 2024.
Short walk to Melide, with many other pilgrims. Pat met 17year old Bernard from the school in Barcelona and walked with him for awhile. They had a long conversation and Bernard chose to give Pat his wristband, so we both have one now! There are many Spanish family groups walking this week, grandparents, parents and children of varying ages.
Photo is a typical Galician country path, which we walked along this morning.
Camino Frances
near Viana

photo taken October 28, 2013

toward Viana 2013.jpg

Although I had planned to rest alone at this nook recalled from past CFs I joined these pilgrims at the woodsy spot! We 3 chatted sharing hot tea and biscuits then shook hands, wished each other "Buen Camino" and continued on our seperate paths.
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
Camino Frances - April 2019 - Ribadiso
Aaah ... Ribadiso! In the small restaurant near the albergue in Ribadiso is a very nice poster with pictures of many Romanesque bridges of the Camino Frances. The first bridge photo on the poster is from St. Jean Pied-de-Port, and the last one is from Ribadiso, as a matter of fact, here it is right beside the albergue ... the water was high that spring!

Camino Frances
Viana municipal albergue

photo taken October 10, 2004

sello from Viana 2004.jpg

This is a memento of my first CF when the Viana bunks were in tiers of three; each unit had a lower, middle and top space. Since some were très sportif those uppermost bunks swayed all night!
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
Arzua to Pension Che near Amenal, Day 83, Via Podiensis/Camino Frances, 4th, July, 2024.
Our penultimate day today, another beautiful walk in Galicia among the gum trees!
We saw a number of school groups today, one very large one and a smaller one of 32, 17 year olds from Barcelona from a number of different Catholic schools. Four of the girls walked with us for awhile, asking us lots of questions about Australia and about ourselves.
Photo taken as we were nearing Amenal early this afternoon.
Keep the Camino momentum going once you return home with After the Camino
@Anne&Pat, wow, 84 days on the Camino! Today I have been wondering how you are feeling. I know I would have very mixed emotions, so thankful to have succeeded yet so sorry to see it come to an end. Thank you so much for sharing your Camino live on this thread!
Here’s a “morning of the last day” photo from May 2018.

Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
Camino Frances
calle Navarro Villoslada, 30

photo taken October 27, 2014

Viana, 2014.jpg

A hot chocolate mini souffle was one of 3 courses with a bottle of local Rioja on the 15€ menu del dia served at the Palacio de Pujados hotel restaurant where local vintners and I enjoyed eating in 2014!
April 2024 - I am thoroughly impressed with the architectural achievements from hundreds of years ago, especially when it comes to church ceilings! So, I take photos of them. This one is from the church of San Francisco in Santiago de Compostela.

Dome of San Francisco Church.jpg
Pension Che near Amenal to Santiago de Compostela, Day 84, the last day of our Via Podiensis/Camino Frances, 5th, July 2024.
Thanks Rowena for your very good wishes.
Yes, we have arrived safely! It has been long, enjoyable, tiring and very difficult at times but we are very happy to have arrived safely to Santiago.
This is probably our last Camino and it has been amazing, we have met so many wonderful people along the way! We are having four nights in Santiago to help us relax and enjoy the city once more, before we fly home to Australia via London for a few days, Edinburgh for one night and a concert. Three photos from our last day! We walked into the Praza and met up with one of the beautiful families we had met since Sarria and they very kindly took our photo for us. We were also very happy to see the Botafumeiro swing last night at Mass, the Cathedral was packed.
A selection of Camino Jewellery
Pension Che near Amenal to Santiago de Compostela, Day 84, the last day of our Via Podiensis/Camino Frances, 5th, July 2024.
Thanks Rowena for your very good wishes.
Yes, we have arrived safely! It has been long, enjoyable, tiring and very difficult at times but we are very happy to have arrived safely to Santiago.
This is probably our last Camino and it has been amazing, we have met so many wonderful people along the way! We are having four nights in Santiago to help us relax and enjoy the city once more, before we fly home to Australia via London for a few days, Edinburgh for one night and a concert. Three photos from our last day! We walked into the Praza and met up with one of the beautiful families we had met since Sarria and they very kindly took our photo for us. We were also very happy to see the Botafumeiro swing last night at Mass, the Cathedral was packed.
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Been lovely following ...getting the itch
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
Pension Che near Amenal to Santiago de Compostela, Day 84, the last day of our Via Podiensis/Camino Frances, 5th, July 2024.
Thanks Rowena for your very good wishes.
Yes, we have arrived safely! It has been long, enjoyable, tiring and very difficult at times but we are very happy to have arrived safely to Santiago.
This is probably our last Camino and it has been amazing, we have met so many wonderful people along the way! We are having four nights in Santiago to help us relax and enjoy the city once more, before we fly home to Australia via London for a few days, Edinburgh for one night and a concert. Three photos from our last day! We walked into the Praza and met up with one of the beautiful families we had met since Sarria and they very kindly took our photo for us. We were also very happy to see the Botafumeiro swing last night at Mass, the Cathedral was packed.
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Pension Che near Amenal to Santiago de Compostela, Day 84, the last day of our Via Podiensis/Camino Frances, 5th, July 2024.
Thanks Rowena for your very good wishes.
Yes, we have arrived safely! It has been long, enjoyable, tiring and very difficult at times but we are very happy to have arrived safely to Santiago.
This is probably our last Camino and it has been amazing, we have met so many wonderful people along the way! We are having four nights in Santiago to help us relax and enjoy the city once more, before we fly home to Australia via London for a few days, Edinburgh for one night and a concert. Three photos from our last day! We walked into the Praza and met up with one of the beautiful families we had met since Sarria and they very kindly took our photo for us. We were also very happy to see the Botafumeiro swing last night at Mass, the Cathedral was
Pension Che near Amenal to Santiago de Compostela, Day 84, the last day of our Via Podiensis/Camino Frances, 5th, July 2024.
Thanks Rowena for your very good wishes.
Yes, we have arrived safely! It has been long, enjoyable, tiring and very difficult at times but we are very happy to have arrived safely to Santiago.
This is probably our last Camino and it has been amazing, we have met so many wonderful people along the way! We are having four nights in Santiago to help us relax and enjoy the city once more, before we fly home to Australia via London for a few days, Edinburgh for one night and a concert. Three photos from our last day! We walked into the Praza and met up with one of the beautiful families we had met since Sarria and they very kindly took our photo for us. We were also very happy to see the Botafumeiro swing last night at Mass, the Cathedral was packed.
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For some reason
Thank you for your faithful reports, an invaluable resource for future pilgrims. A source of memories for you both as you return to what will become your summer!
I would love to meet you before you disappear back over to your own part of the world, but we cannot have everything, can we? As I have said on the forum more than once, I took a short haul flight to Dublin instead of the £10 Assisted Passage to Australia, in 1969. Otherwise, I might never have 'met' you this way!
You have helped so many to 'meet' you all along the way.
Edinburgh, in spite of my West of Scotland origins, is another place very dear to me, where I went to college, and lived and taught for some years. Thanks once more, and a safe trip home. And never say never!

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