I haven’t done my camino yet (planned for this August), although I’ve been doing daily walks for years. For a while, I was listening to podcasts as a way of distracting myself from stress. I was into current events, but it got depressing so i started to listen to other topics like exercise, wellness, etc, but eventually I just quit listening, as the stress has subsided so I can actually listen to the sounds around me. That being said, it happens I’m an advanced amateur pianist with a lot of predilection for Spanish classical repertoire (Albeniz, Granados, de Falla), I have played several of those works, and I would LOOVE to hear these as I walk on the Spanish countryside. It might help me get inspired and improve my interpretation. I’m also craving hearing some Spanish literature as well, to get in touch with novels I read in my youth (I’m a native Spanish speaker from Latin America, but i’ve been in the US for a long time and my Spanish is getting rusty). So I’m looking for Spanish literature audiobooks.
There was a novel I read in middle school titled Marianela, which takes place in Northern Spain, about an ophthalmologist that operates on a blind man, restoring his vision, and the young woman that was taking care of him but was afraid of him seeing her as she really looked.
I still remember fragments from the opening lines: “Se puso el sol…” (the sun set)… “adelante, siempre adelante” (forward, always forward) -(maybe an Ultreia reference?)….”estamos, pues, en el Norte de España…” (we are, thus, on the north of Spain). It would be so cool to her works like this, along with El Quijote, El Poema del Mío Cid, poems by Gustavo Adolfo Becquer, listening to Granados Goyescas, maybe also some of the Spanish pop songs from my youth (in the 1970s) by Raphael, Rocio Dúrcal, Joan Manuel Serrat, etc.
It might help me get back in touch with my cultural roots…
Or I might just be content with walking and having great conversations and forgo the audio experience. Or maybe sing along with other pilgrims. Dancing the camino? Sounds wonderful, but I don’t know if my poor feet can take the extra punishment, but I guess I won’t know until I’m there, who knows what will happen?