The responses above sadden me beyond, well beyond, my ability to respond to what they have written ...
Have modern humans gone so far in lack of humility and awareness of other? Is the modern world so lost and ego-centric that people can go on an ancient Catholic pilgrimage and at the same time denigrate the leader of the Catholic church when he speaks about it?
Are they on holiday? Taking a bucket list hike?
I have said for many years, over twelve years, that to go on pilgrimage as a pilgrim one has to travel alone. To go on pilgrimage one has to switch off all electronic devices; no phones, no tablets, no music from earplugs ...
No demanding, only gratitude ... has everyone truly forgotten? It is a Pilgrimage - and yes, the silence spaces are integral to being able to hear that quiet whisper ....
The modern consumer fetishist egoist reality is unreal and false .. there is a deeper reality ... go for weeks of being a pilgrim and all may, just may, become clear ...
Look, the Pope didn't become the leader of the Roman church because he won a tv reality show, or because he had made millions or billions off other people .. he was chosen as Pope as he is a truly good person who has spent his life being a highly intelligent deep thinker and deep theologian .. before you mock what he says be aware that he has spent his life truly seeing this manifestation of reality that we encounter ... if you wish to disagree .. go elsewhere for your holiday hike, but please, don't belittle the pilgrimage, nor Pope Francis.
Pope Francis: "Are people who walk the
Camino de Santiago making a true pilgrimage? Or is it something else?”
Mostly, I think it's something else. I include myself, alas.
Food for thought. I think it is hard to have a contemplative time on the CF. Maybe on the other routes.
It is surprising to me that those who I have disagreed with or even had disagreements with in the past are the ones I agree with the most. It never surprises me how almost fiercely people hold on to their ideas about the Camino and often are the ones who profess the most "tolerance and non-judgemental" are the ones who are often the most dismissive, intolerant and condescending when their notions are challenging.
I am not Catholic. I do not like the often controlling nature of the powers that be in organized religion. There are incredible people doing incredible things in the name of service to G-d.
I have my own opinion of what pilgrimage is FOR me. Simplicity, peaceful, painful, sacrifice, mindlessness and self forgiveness to reach clarity, not of what you wanted but what you needed.
I know people say they have these profound and wonderful experiences while mostly walking the CF and often just a few days of it. How this occurs is not my business.
But for me the
Camino Frances has deteriorated into sideshow of pilgrimage with thousands walking, often monotonous and meaningless chatter, fun and a whole host of other things. Of course not always and not all people. It is just MY FEELING and how it affects my walk.
I am no saint or angel. In fact my life has been far more adversarial than harmonious.
But walking in SILENCE, walking for the joy of the sounds around me, and the earth below, walking in heavy rain, wind, snow, and ice and being thankful I have the opportunity to be home on the camino is a wonderful gift. Not thinking about where to sleep, what the best restaurant to eat at, is there baggage transportation, is my "family" walking today even though I have blister the size of a pineapple, for me who needs it.
I think you do need silence and a chance to be contemplative and achieving discovery that you truly are your own best friend can be found on less traveled routes. Next year for me it is the Mozarabe, part of the VDLP and the Invierno at the end of the year sounds like heaven. Just like being on the Aragones and especially the Madrid where I only shared two albergue nights with others.
Camino is no holiday, no bucket, no music in my ears as I walk, it is a can of sardines and bread and a snickers bar and water for lunch. who knows what dinner will bring, maybe the same meal.
Like I said it should be hard, it should humble us.
I am no saint. I am no Catholic, I am no pilgrim in the eyes of the Pope or anyone else. I walk in the only way I know. Away from the hordes, away from the judgements I have heard and felt, away from the pilgrim families who are often the furthest thing from inclusive that I have observed.
Peace, solitude, respect
Oh yea for those of you who are saying I am making a judgement,well of course I am it doesn't tale a rocket scientist to figure that out. It is my opinion only and in situations like this are most opinions based on judgements.