I just saw infos that you must be careful between Porto and Lisboa. Looks like the road is closed for cars/ bus.
Check in advance before walking.
Translation from Portuguese news this morning:
"There are six motorways cut in the North and Central of the country:
The fires continue to force the authorities to cut roads in the districts of Aveiro, Coimbra, Viseu, Vila Real, Braga and Porto. The indications remain: do not pass in places of fire or nearby and, where possible, avoid traveling.
Aveiro, the
fires of Albergaria-a-Velha and Sever do Vouga led the authorities to cut the A1 between Aveiro Sul and Albergaria intersection, in both directions. In the A25, the cut is total between Angeja and Reigoso (Viseu). It is not possible to pass in the IC2 between A25 and EN1-12 and the EN16 is totally cut between Cacia and Sever do Vouga.
Viseu there are several cuts due to the fires in Nelas, Penalva do Castelo and Castro Daire. At A25, traffic is not allowed between Mangualde and Chãs de Tavares. In EN2 it is not allowed to circulate between Mamouros and Ponte Pedrinha, in EN 234 traffic is cut between Canas de Senhorim and Oliveirinha. In A24 the cut is total between the Castro Daire knot and the Arcas/Mamouros knot.
The fire of
Vila Pouca de Aguiar caused the A24 to have been cut in two directions between the Samardã intersection and the little village intersection of Aguiar. In the EN2 it is not possible to circulate between Covelo and Pedras Salgadas and EN103 between Assureira and Águas Frias.
n Porto, due to the flames in
Gondomar, the authorities cut the A43 (IC29) in both directions, the EN 101 between Cavalinho and Mesão Frio. In EN 321 traffic is not allowed to circulate between EN101 and Campelo.
The fire in
Chaves forced the cutting of EN 2 in the area of Vilarinho da Paranheiras.
In Fradelos,
Braga, traffic is not allowed to circulate in En 207-4 between Gonça and Garfe.
The flames that pvve in
Baião and Marco de Canaveses led to the cut of the N101 at Bustelo, N221 between Eiriz and Campelo and N321-1 in Soalhães."