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Albergue in Canfranc is closed


New Member
Time of past OR future Camino
Le Puy, Vezelay, Frances, Via de la Plata a.o.
Today I am really surprised and shocked (I posted an comment at Gronze), that the Albergue in Canfranc is closed one month before the official date. No warning in Gronze, no information at the pilgrims office in Canfranc Estation. It's hard, because I spent 2 nights outside, crossing the Somport with the helpful Álvaros Videos. I think that a good number of other pilgrims will come after, in October. I'm very thankful for the work oall these volunteers and I understand that it was surely boring in the last two weeks, after the damages in the French side which blocked the pilgrims. But now its possible to pass, and the very important Albergue is closed, and in Gronze it's listed as open (today, 30. September).
Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
I suspect it wasn't a case that manning the albergue was boring for the hospitaleros!!! They are not the people who decide whether or not an albergue operates (though the operation of albergues depend on them).
Buen camino
dat zou heel goed mogelijk zijn,
de route van de col de Somport is gesloten dus er kunnen geen pelgrims meer langs komen

[Google translate:
that would be quite possible,
the route of the col de Somport is closed so no more pilgrims can pass by]
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...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
That is certainly a shame for you after what sounds like a couple of days of outside living. It is unfortunate that the closure hasn't been publicised if that is the case, but I guess it's understandable that it is actually closed given the recent problems cutting off the route to pilgrims.

I hope you have managed to find some alternative accommodation and a warm shower which hopefully shouldn't be a problem for you on a Monday in Jaca.
I stayed in Villanúa in 2019 before the albergue in Canfranc pueblo had opened. Very comfortable, and also meant that I was able to get to the wonderful diocesan museum in Jaca an hour earlier the next day, before Sunday closing. Spectacular romanesque frescoes. This is St Luke's bull, having some problems holding his contribution to the gospels between cloven hooves.

€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
I'm a low budget pilgrim and there's no other option for me than to continue to sleep outside. Much too far until Jaca today. But my deception is not only about my personal situation. I don't understand, that the association that runs the albergue didn't give the information to Gronze and to the pilgrims office in Canfranc Estation. The albergues at the French side are open, and they recommend the albergue in Canfranc for sure. They also need to know about. It's sad that this five star Donativo Albergue is closed for so many months. There's no explanation at the door. Only a little paper that wishes a buen Camino.
Thats disappointing, was hoping to stay here next week!
Although @Flog did mention in another thread that it may be closing early this year.
Looks like 2 nights in Jaca then
My intention was not really to complain, but to give the information. And I also hope that someone of the US Association reads my posts and react by spreading the news to Gronze etc.
Excuse my bad English.
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
My intention was not really to complain, but to give the information. And I also hope that someone of the US Association reads my posts and react by spreading the news to Gronze etc.
Excuse my bad English.
The US Pilgrim's association has nothing to do with the donativo albergue in Canfranc and would therefore not be responsible for letting Gronze know about the early closure. The albergue is run by FICS and our forum member @Rebekah Scott is the coordinator of volunteer hospitaler@s for the albergue. Maybe she can shed some light on the situation.
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
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The US Pilgrim's association has nothing to do with the donativo albergue in Canfranc and would therefore not be responsible for letting Gronze know about the early closure. The albergue is run by FICS and our forum member @Rebekah Scott is the coordinator of volunteer hospitaler@s for the albergue. Maybe she can shed some light on the situation.
OK! I was wrong about that.
In any case it seems that Gronze changed the date in the last hours. But it does not change the sadness about a very good, but closed albergue, so early in the year.
OK! I was wrong about that.
In any case it seems that Gronze changed the date in the last hours. But it does not change the sadness about a very good, but closed albergue, so early in the year.

I do hope you find a decent alternative? You mentioned sleeping outside. Do you have a tent or do you look for sheltered places?
I do hope you find a decent alternative? You mentioned sleeping outside. Do you have a tent or do you look for sheltered places?
I'm walking since 15 years (not the whole year, but 3-4 month all year) always with my tent. Yes, for this evening I found a place in the forest, near to Villanua. It's OK, the weather is fine 🙂.
Private rooms, daily bag transfers, 24/7 support, & more. Save now during our sale!
Je suis un pèlerin à petit budget et je n'ai pas d'autre choix que de continuer à dormir dehors. C'est beaucoup trop loin jusqu'à Jaca aujourd'hui. Mais ma déception ne concerne pas seulement ma situation personnelle. Je ne comprends pas que l'association qui gère l'auberge n'ait pas donné l'information à Gronze et au bureau des pèlerins de l'Estación de Canfranc. Les auberges du côté français sont ouvertes et ils recommandent certainement l'auberge de Canfranc. Ils doivent aussi le savoir. C'est triste que cette auberge Donativo cinq étoiles soit fermée depuis tant de mois. Il n'y a aucune explication à la porte. Juste un petit papier qui souhaite un bon Camino.
La fédération française de randonnée pédestre a fermé officiellement Chemin de Saint Jacques à partir d'Oloron jusqu'à nouvel ordre. Donc pas d'arrivée de pèlerins de prévu. Si vous êtes quand-même passé c'est que vous avez bravé l'interdit......

The French hiking federation has officially closed Chemin de Saint Jacques from Oloron until further notice. So no arrival of pilgrims is planned. If you still passed, it is because you defied the ban......
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I'm walking since 15 years (not the whole year, but 3-4 month all year) always with my tent. Yes, for this evening I found a place in the forest, near to Villanua. It's OK, the weather is fine 🙂.
I hope you have a pleasant night in your chosen spot and the rest of your Camino is smoother. Buen Camino
Private rooms, daily bag transfers, 24/7 support, & more. Save now during our sale!
Godgle translation: The French hiking federation has officially closed Chemin de Saint Jacques from Oloron until further notice. So no arrival of pilgrims planned. If you still passed, it's because you braved the interdiction
There's no sign of interdiction anywhere. And it's not forbidden to walk on the road. A lot of locals do the same. The Camino path is impossible to walk at the moment, in any case. In some parts the path don't exist anymore. But can walk up to the Somport on the road and at the place where the road is cutter, you can follow a 500 m long alternative way.
La fédération française de randonnée pédestre a fermé officiellement Chemin de Saint Jacques à partir d'Oloron jusqu'à nouvel ordre. Donc pas d'arrivée de pèlerins de prévu. Si vous êtes quand-même passé c'est que vous avez bravé l'interdit......
Il n'y a aucun signe d'interdiction quelque part, et personne sur tout l'itinéraire jusqu'au col à dit quelque chose, donc on ne peut rien braver. J'ai même vue des gendarmes, qui m'ont fait un sourire.
Il est en tout cas impossible d'emprunter le sentier balisé. Il faut marcher sur la route, ce qui n'est pas interdit.

See English translation in post above.
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I'm a low budget pilgrim and there's no other option for me than to continue to sleep outside. Much too far until Jaca today. But my deception is not only about my personal situation. I don't understand, that the association that runs the albergue didn't give the information to Gronze and to the pilgrims office in Canfranc Estation. The albergues at the French side are open, and they recommend the albergue in Canfranc for sure. They also need to know about. It's sad that this five star Donativo Albergue is closed for so many months. There's no explanation at the door. Only a little paper that wishes a buen Camino.
It is not surprising that more and more ‘donativo’ hostels are closing, it is the pilgrims themselves who are to blame and donativo translated with free of charge and believe they can/must walk the Camino at the expense of others.
It is not surprising that more and more ‘donativo’ hostels are closing, it is the pilgrims themselves who are to blame and donativo translated with free of charge and believe they can/must walk the Camino at the expense of others.
The early closing has nothing to do with this issue, let's not jump to conclusions. Due to dangerous weather conditions the Camino became impassible.
It is not surprising that more and more ‘donativo’ hostels are closing, it is the pilgrims themselves who are to blame and donativo translated with free of charge and believe they can/must walk the Camino at the expense of others.
The donativo albergue in Canfranc is not closing for good. They closed a month earlier than foreseen, on 28 September 2024 instead of 30 October 2024. This has apparently been decided because of the mudslides on the French side of the Somport pass due to recent bad weather. There are threads about the damage. Even photos. And news articles.

The donativo albergue in Canfranc will open again in spring 2025. As they do after every winter season.

Should we perhaps keep this thread focused on practical up to date information for the benefit of those who are walking right now and in the next few weeks?
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
It is not surprising that more and more ‘donativo’ hostels are closing, it is the pilgrims themselves who are to blame and donativo translated with free of charge and believe they can/must walk the Camino at the expense of others.
This is not the case. There are even more donativo Albergues than before in the Camino Frances. And I know a lot of Hospitaleros personally. The abuse of the donativo system exist, but not every pilgrim who uses this Albergues is automatically such a person. A low budget pilgrim can give a normal donation, but can not use bars, restaurants and hostels or Albergues for more than10-12 Euros. In my case: I sleep mostly outside, cook my own food and don't need any comfort. I loved the "old style" Albergues, very simple, with some matrace on the floor and sometimes a warm shower, but not always 😅. The closure in Canfranc has nothing do with the donativo. Its because of too few pilgrims, it seems.
Sad to hear about CanFranc pueblo albergue. How about taking the lovely yellow bus to Jaca, stay the night there and next morning take the yellow bus back to your stopping point and doing the rest of the walk to Jaca.
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
The Camino near Canfranc was washed out by recent very wet weather, and parts of this route were closed due to mudslides and dangerous conditions. It's been reported that only two pilgrims have managed to make their way to the donativo, especially since the French have officially closed the route. Seemed wise to close up early and let the hospitaleros leave safely while they could. Canfranc will open next spring.

Other albergues suffered from the recent freak weather pattern (see the municipal in Nájera on the Camino Frances, for example). Hospis at these albergues became superhuman, cleaning up debris, mud, and arranging candle-lit communal meals. Please look at news reports for context before speculating on the doomed condition of donativos everywhere! :D buen camino
The decision to close the albergue early was not made easily or suddenly.
I am the Vocal de Hospitalidad for FICS, the association that runs the Albergue Elias Valina. We have been in touch with the ayuntamiento of Canfranc, which owns the facility, Amis in Oloron, the police, and several of the albergues on the French side of the Somport Pass. We have also had two stalwart volunteers on duty throughout the two weeks since the landslide closed the Way. They have hosted exactly two pilgrims during that time.

We determined it's not worth the expense, trouble, and risks to keep the place open for one or two pilgrims who defy the ban and decide to hike along the closed road. If they are not aware of the situation around them, announcements, etc., it is not because we haven't sent out the word. We are volunteers. We do what we can with the resources we have. We can't please everybody.

We are in the hospitality business, but the fact remains: Every pilgrim is ultimately responsible for his own lodging and safety. Nobody owes him a bed.
There's no sign of interdiction anywhere. And it's not forbidden to walk on the road. A lot of locals do the same. The Camino path is impossible to walk at the moment, in any case. In some parts the path don't exist anymore. But can walk up to the Somport on the road and at the place where the road is cutter, you can follow a 500 m long alternative way.
That is a very good point. We actually walked up the road to Somport anyway. It was raining and the ´official´ path is narrow and slippery at the best of times.

There is an albergue in Canfranc Estación, Albergue Aragón, 20 euros a night Does anyone know if it is open?
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Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
The Camino near Canfranc was washed out by recent very wet weather, and parts of this route were closed due to mudslides and dangerous conditions.
I experienced this, I think, in April 2019… The Camino was impassable due to landslides and there was a bus waiting -free- to take us down a few kms!
The decision to close the albergue early was not made easily or suddenly.
I am the Vocal de Hospitalidad for FICS, the association that runs the Albergue Elias Valina. We have been in touch with the ayuntamiento of Canfranc, which owns the facility, Amis in Oloron, the police, and several of the albergues on the French side of the Somport Pass. We have also had two stalwart volunteers on duty throughout the two weeks since the landslide closed the Way. They have hosted exactly two pilgrims during that time.

We determined it's not worth the expense, trouble, and risks to keep the place open for one or two pilgrims who defy the ban and decide to hike along the closed road. If they are not aware of the situation around them, announcements, etc., it is not because we haven't sent out the word. We are volunteers. We do what we can with the resources we have. We can't please everybody.

We are in the hospitality business, but the fact remains: Every pilgrim is ultimately responsible for his own lodging and safety. Nobody owes him a bed.
Ok, Rebekah, I understand better.
But: The situation on the road to Somport is clear:
Blocked road for cars and the path is impossible to walk. But any interdiction to walk along the road visible. I'm not ignorant. I know the Aspe-Valley since 20 years and locals are happy to see us. The disaster is heavy to see, but they already did a heroic work in the villages.
I only was disappointed because of the absence of any information before I arrived in Canfranc. But it seems that it was not your fault. I'm pilgrim since 15 years and sure, nobody is responsible for any service, bed or food. But there's a responsibility for information and communication. That's all.
I am surprised you had so much information 😳
You may have read what @Simsim wrote in his first post: that he got helpful information from Alvaro Lazago's daily videos on YouTube. Alvaro walked a or two day before him I think. Alvara is also a very experienced walker, he is on his 57th Camino.

I sometimes watch his videos and I watched the one from 3 days ago where he goes from Borce over the Somport pass and stays in the albergue in Canfranc - I guess on the last day that they were open. I would have to watch it again to better understand his comments in Spanish. He walked mostly on the road and where the big hole is there is a footpath below and further down that did not even seem particularly muddy.

I tried to find a notice about a ban on the French Federation's website but did not see anything. It is the GR 653, right? Perhaps somebody could provide such a link, it would be useful information, also to monitor future developments.

Link to Alvaro's video of Friday 27 September 2024: Camino 57 Vía Tolosana Septiembre 2024 Parte 34: De Borce a Somport
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
You may have read what @Simsim wrote in his first post: that he got helpful information from Alvaro Lazago's daily videos on YouTube. Alvaro walked a or two day before him I think. Alvara is also a very experienced walker, he is on his 57th Camino.

I sometimes watch his videos and I watched the one from 3 days ago where he goes from Borce over the Somport pass and stays in the albergue in Canfranc - I guess on the last day that they were open. I would have to watch it again to better understand his comments in Spanish. He walked mostly on the road and where the big hole is there is a footpath below and further down that did not even seem particularly muddy.

I tried to find a notice about a ban on the French Federation's website but did not see anything. It is the GR 653, right? Perhaps somebody could provide such a link, it would be useful information, also to monitor future developments.

Link to Alvaro's video of Friday 27 September 2024: Camino 57 Vía Tolosana Septiembre 2024 Parte 34: De Borce a Somport
Exactly. You must really search for, to find some interdiction. But you need the intelligence to not try to walk by the footpaths.
That is a very good point. We actually walked up the road to Somport anyway. It was raining and the ´official´ path is narrow and slippery at the best of times.

There is an albergue in Canfranc Estación, Albergue Aragón, 20 euros a night Does anyone know if it is open?
In Gronze they list it as open. Call them to be sure.
@Simsim, I see that you have really tried to be helpful when you saw that the albergue had failed to inform Gronze in a timely manner about their early closing and you found yourself unexpectedly in front of a closed door and a note on it. You informed about this here on the forum and in the albergue's comments section on Gronze and you have now added to your comment on Gronze to say that their entry has been corrected.

You did not complain, you took action to inform and improve things. Exemplary! :)

You may not know this: At the bottom of the page there is a link that says: Informa a Gronze. Click on it and you can inform Gronze about any dato erróneo o no actualizado - any erroneous, incomplete or not updated entry. They act very quickly when they receive new information about an albergue.

Bonne continuation! :)
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We are in the hospitality business, but the fact remains: Every pilgrim is ultimately responsible for his own lodging and safety. Nobody owes him a bed.
Its obvious @Simsim wasn't implying anyone owes him a bed, he was just upset to arrive at an Albergue after a long day that he expected to be open as per Gronze. Everything else seems to have been taken out of context in various ways. It's very obvious from @Simsim other posts that he is a very responsible and resourceful pilgrim!

It's been a difficult time for this particular route and Albergue and the people who run it, and it's obvious the misinformation was just a timing issue and I don't think anyone is blaming anyone.
@Simsim, I see that you have really tried to be helpful when you saw that the albergue had failed to inform Gronze in a timely manner about their early closing and you found yourself unexpectedly in front of a closed door and a note on it. You informed about this here on the forum and in the albergue's comments section on Gronze and you have now added to your comment on Gronze to say that their entry has been corrected.

You did not complain, you took action to inform and improve things. Exemplary! :)

You may not know this: At the bottom of the page there is a link that says: Informa a Gronze. Click on it and you can inform Gronze about any dato erróneo o no actualizado - any erroneous, incomplete or not updated entry. They act very quickly when they receive new information about an albergue.

Bonne continuation! :)
Thank you Katharina.
I was too emotional. It's better to wait a moment, before judging and reacting, when the emotions are hot.😌.
The same for Rebekah, who felt perhaps criticised in a bad way, and she reacted without really reading my posts, I guess. But no problem, we are not perfect!
I wish to everyone a very good way, wherever and however!
Its obvious @Simsim wasn't implying anyone owes him a bed, he was just upset to arrive at an Albergue after a long day that he expected to be open as per Gronze. Everything else seems to have been taken out of context in various ways. It's very obvious from @Simsim other posts that he is a very responsible and resourceful pilgrim!

It's been a difficult time for this particular route and Albergue and the people who run it, and it's obvious the misinformation was just a timing issue and I don't think anyone is blaming anyone.
😄Simsim (me) is a "she", 62 old woman 😅
Keep the Camino momentum going once you return home with After the Camino
Some comments are a little confusing for me. An article on Franceinfo, dated 24 September 2024, about the situation around Urdos and in particular about a Spanish teacher who lives in Jaca in France and teaches in Bedous in France:

Cécile Desgranges est professeure de français au collège de Bedous, au nord d'Urdos, et habite à Jaca, de l'autre côté de la frontière. Alors qu'elle peut habituellement relier son domicile et son travail en une heure de route, cette enseignante doit maintenant rallonger son trajet.
Chaque jour, elle emprunte à pied une piste, tracée par la commune d'Urdos, à côté de la route effondrée, avec une voiture l'attendant de chaque côté. "Mon quotidien est très compliqué, résume Cécile Desgranges. Au début, c'était même de la marche en terrain non préparé, mais depuis ce lundi (23 septembre), ça va, on a ces deux pistes. C'est 20 minutes de marche, même un peu moins en marchant bien, mais il faut changer de sac, changer de chaussures, ce n'est pas simple", ajoute cette professeure, un gros sac de randonnée sur le dos.
Today I am really surprised and shocked (I posted an comment at Gronze), that the Albergue in Canfranc is closed one month before the official date. No warning in Gronze, no information at the pilgrims office in Canfranc Estation. It's hard, because I spent 2 nights outside, crossing the Somport with the helpful Álvaros Videos. I think that a good number of other pilgrims will come after, in October. I'm very thankful for the work oall these volunteers and I understand that it was surely boring in the last two weeks, after the damages in the French side which blocked the pilgrims. But now its possible to pass, and the very important Albergue is closed, and in Gronze it's listed as open (today, 30. September).
I can understand the reasons why they closed. But for me and my girlfriend it was also a difficult situation, because we start at Candanchu and wanted to stay in Canfranc Pueblo. In our age (75 and 79 years) the way was long enough. It was not a real problem, because we took the bus to Jaca, but we had to change our plan. More information: the alberge in Undues de Lerda is closed on Munday and in Tiebas you have to phone and get a pin to come in.
But in all the camino aragones is a wonderful camino, one of my favorites (via de la Plata, Via Podiensis) with so many different attractions: Estation Canfranc, Jaca, St. Jean de la Pena, Lumbier Gorge ..... If you are interested you find more informations in my blog: https://jakobsweghintergrund.com (with translate). Enjoy the Camino aragones!
If you are interested you find more informations in my blog: https://jakobsweghintergrund.com (with translate)
That is just background information about the Camino Aragonés and other Caminos or do you provide accurate and up to date information on your blog about the current state of the section Borce to Jaca via the Somport pass following the mudslide in early September on the RN 134 road after Urdos? I could not see anything but perhaps I did not look careful enough?
Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
Below are links to two news articles for the quote in my earlier post. The locals on both sides of the Somport pass may have read it and will know about the new path that has been created by the Urdos administration and that serves as a deviation around the hole in the RN 134 road.

In a nutshell: Since 24 September, it it is possible to walk on the road up to the point where it is closed for traffic, then take a newly created footpath as a deviation for about 20 minutes, and then join the road again to reach the Somport pass:

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That is just background information about the Camino Aragonés and other Caminos or do you provide accurate and up to date information on your blog about the current state of the section Borce to Jaca via the Somport pass following the mudslide in early September on the RN 134 road after Urdos? I could not see anything but perhaps I did not look careful enough?
That is just background information about the camino not the current situation. But I am just back from the camino aragones, so I could give some current informations about the situation.
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That is a very good point. We actually walked up the road to Somport anyway. It was raining and the ´official´ path is narrow and slippery at the best of times.

There is an albergue in Canfranc Estación, Albergue Aragón, 20 euros a night Does anyone know if it is open?
It is open, stayed the night there, few days ago.

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Today I am really surprised and shocked (I posted an comment at Gronze), that the Albergue in Canfranc is closed one month before the official date. No warning in Gronze, no information at the...

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