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  1. Tincatinker

    Joining Norte from Oviedo.

    The OP isn't trying to get to Avilés. They are trying to get to Villaviciosa reversing the usual pilgrim perambulation. They asked about getting out of Oviedo in the right direction. I think my suggestion, from the Cathedral, is the most practical. They can parallel the N-634 from the...
  2. Tincatinker

    Joining Norte from Oviedo.

    Getting out should be relatively easy. From the Cathedral head for north Calle Azcarraga & then follow or better parallel the N-634 (C.Tenderina(?) till you can pick up the Camino Real. Any of the usual apps will get you there. Buen Camino ps: avoid Sidrería El Carro or you will get lost ;)
  3. Tincatinker

    Which side of the road to walk on?

    Perhaps "the convention [in Spain]" would have made my meaning clearer?
  4. Tincatinker

    Which side of the road to walk on?

    There is no consensus on the Camino because pilgrims do whatever they want. The convention is to always walk facing oncoming traffic and not to jump until you can see the whites of the driver's eyes
  5. Tincatinker

    PTSD on the Camino

    My “anniversary” is coming up. London 7 July 2005. Always a difficult day. I do use the tube these days but not that day. I made it into the office. Lots didn’t. Front desk security gave me a long look and then offered me a clothes-brush. One of my team went to get me a coffee and came back to...
  6. Tincatinker

    Illness after Orio to Zumaia on Tuesday (June 25, 2024)

    It wasn’t the lettuce. It was, as usual, fecal contamination of the food chain due to poor hygiene control. That said lettuce is an opiate and should only be consumed by snails, preferably for a week before you cook ‘em
  7. Tincatinker

    Upcoming 1st trial 3 days SJPDP to Pamplona in late September

    So, your plan is to spend a fortnight (two weeks) in Europe mostly queuing at airport security or border control? IMPHO (in my personal honest opinion) you are trying to eat softly scrambled egg with chopsticks. I'm not sure how you'd get from Pamplona to Prague or Budapest, though I'm sure...
  8. Tincatinker

    Renfe - help with translation

    🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I agree it's often easier to get a ticket from one of the secondary sellers. Unfortunately for that ticket to have any real value it requires RENFE to actually run the bl**dy train
  9. Tincatinker

    Drive through Logroño

    I haven't clicked and quoted anyone, again, in this thread because I want to avoid being accused of the cult of taking it personally, but I find some of the comments strange at least. (strange /streɪn(d)ʒ/ unusual or surprising; difficult to understand or explain) If a Pilgrim (pilgrim) aspires...
  10. Tincatinker

    Drive through Logroño

    Well, you might be able to find a taxi near the Ermita San Gregorio and get a ride to the Parque de Laguna but you’ll not save yourself much. Maybe a rest day in Logrono, get some poles and/or some strapping or a brace for your knees.
  11. Tincatinker

    Drive through Logroño

    Hmm, if your knees can’t handle the 5km of pavement that is the passage through Logrono then I’ll suggest you have a significant problem. There’s a lot more tarmac, compacted gravel, senda and other hard surfaces to come before you hit the pavements of Santiago. Walking poles are likely to...
  12. Tincatinker

    Ordering "agua del grifo"

    Amiga, I agree with you. It is strange. Arguably it’s downright odd. If there really is a problem with the local water supply, local as in that place and not a place half a block up the street then one would hope that it was an aberration or that someone was doing something about it. You know I...
  13. Tincatinker

    Ordering "agua del grifo"

    I think you may be right. I don’t really remember the’60’s. I was there man 😉
  14. Tincatinker

    Ordering "agua del grifo"

    ‘Slarf innit. A sizeable community in 🇬🇧 is currently under an advisory to boil the water coming from their taps because of a cryptosporidium incursion. A hell of a lot of people in Ukraine would be rather chuffed if they could get any water out of their taps. My good friends in Imgun, on the...
  15. Tincatinker

    Manjarin: Tomás Martinez de Paz, the last templar

    I'll risk a delete here: I think it's likely that every Pilgrim stopped at Manjarin. The others on the road have no need of what he offered. Who needs a Templar Knight when you've got Godgle, Correos and your credit-card provider watching over you every moment of every day :-( Aach. Thanks...
  16. Tincatinker

    Ponferrada worth 36hrs pre-Camino?

    https://restaurantemuna.com/ is truly exceptional but probably only within a pilgrim budget if someone else is picking up the tab. I'm a Tinker, I get lucky ;) Out of my own pocket I'd pay for the "Menu Especial" at https://www.lacasadelbotillo.com/ without a hint of a flinch ;) Edit: bugger...
  17. Tincatinker

    Kilometre markers

    Yep, that’s gonna come as a bit of a shock to the shiny geared who’ve done their 30 minutes out of Sarria - only 100 thousand km to go and only 5 days to do it in… better skip that second breakfast 😉
  18. Tincatinker

    E-sim for both portugal and Spain

    You shouldn’t need data for maps provided you’ve downloaded them to your phone before you start. The GPS refresh eats battery not data. Likewise wotsup. 5 gig should be more than enough. If you’re likely to be bored stiff in your albergue at 1 in the afternoon and desperately seeking comfort...
  19. Tincatinker

    Ordering "agua del grifo"

    @trecile as you know I don’t drink water but I have seen the “buy a bottle of water” scheme run in every class of restaurant from Manchester to Marrakesh via Miami and Moscow. In some of those I would probably go for the bottle but I would insist on testing the seal on the bottle top. That said...
  20. Tincatinker

    Half a wild boar

    With you on that but , for reasons that only reason can know, I don’t carry a 7inch dressing knife in my Camino kit. My little Opinel would get there eventually but they’re a bugger to clean when the job’s done

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