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  • Users: Sue M
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  1. Sue M

    Oldest person to complete the Camino Frances ????

    At 72 I find that very encouraging!
  2. Sue M

    Comment by 'Sue M' in media 'First Look at Cirauqui'

    Love this place but no idea how to pronounce it. Anyone know, phonetically?
  3. Sue M

    Bad Albergues

    Positively my worst night on the Camino was in a rather posh hotel where, after turning iut the light, I had the borrible experience of feeling the emerging bedbugs begin to crawl over me. Couldn't find anyone to tell, so spent the night on the cold, tiled corridor floor outside my room. I am...
  4. Sue M

    Comment by 'Sue M' in media 'Pontevedra, Spain'

    I should be there in ten weeks time!
  5. Sue M

    This thing about equipment for the Camino .....

    Walked in good hiking boots: terrible blisters (sweaty feet). Walked in sandals: no blisters. Walked with one pole:awful sciatica. Walked with two poles: no problems. Stayed in municiple albergues: clean beds. Stayed in a good hotel: swarming with bedbugs. If only we knew what suited us best IN...
  6. Sue M

    Dangers of Walking Poles

    I used to walk with just one pole to get balance on hills, but I suffered with sciatica (my eldesr son, now 45, sat on my sciatic nerve when I was pregnant!). When I started using two poles it was magic - no more sciatica! My Leki poles fold now enough to fit in my rucksack for flights, cable...
  7. Sue M

    A Few Hours in Santiago

    What a wonderful way to celebrate your birthday! I've walked 450 miles of the Camino in bits. I'm now 71 and joining a group walking part of the Portuguese route. We'll be driven into Santiago and dropped for a few hours, but staying in a hotel in Pontevedra. Don't know how long I'll have in...
  8. Sue M

    A Few Hours in Santiago

    I have spent time in Santiago 4 times after walking parts of the Camino, and enjoyed wandering about exploring. This year I will be there for a few hours on Sunday April 30th. What should I do? And what time is the main Sunday Mass?
  9. Sue M

    John Brierley Portugese 2017 Guide book

    I ordered it from Ivar yesterday! Found the Frances version very good and interesting, hope this one is the same.
  10. Sue M

    Walking Boots or open sandals?

    The lovely man who tends feet under the stairs in the Santo Domingo albergue told me my horrendous blisters were due to having sweaty feet. I had walked from St Jean in walking boots. I had to carry on to Burgos in crocs before flying home. The following year I walkd from Sarria to Santiago in...
  11. Sue M

    Comment by 'Sue M' in media 'Old Roman Road & Bridge after Cirauqui'

    Walked this path but in pitch darkness having lct C before dawn. Nice to see what it actually looks like!
  12. Sue M

    Christmas Greetings to you all

    Hope to meet you one day Al. Wolverhampton isn't far from Rugby!
  13. Sue M

    Burgos - Leon

    I have driven across it and walked the rest. I would still like to walk from Burgos to Leon but I wouldn't consider doing it in the nottest part of the year because there is very little shade,
  14. Sue M

    WHY would you do a winter camino?

    I would never do it in June or September again, having collapsed with heat exhaustion at the top of the steps going into Portomarin in September. People made me lie down and poured water from the fountain over me. When I got up my clothes were ruined because I had been lying in melted tarmac.
  15. Sue M

    Beautiful voice - Singing Nun in the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela

    I think you're right. She is amazing! I said to her that I thought she had a lovely voice - she smiled and pointed up to heaven, as if to say that her voice is a gift from God.
  16. Sue M

    Comment by 'Sue M' in media 'The altar at the Church of the Assumption- Navarrete'

    I stopped and sang in there. Don't think the verger was very impressed! Wonderful acoustic (not very wonderful voice!)
  17. Sue M

    Short Travel Story: The Botafumerio

    Don't forget the thunder of the mighty organ and the beautiful voice of the sister singing the Hymn to the Apostle! Unforgettable!
  18. Sue M


    No bugs in albergues but in a relatively posh hotel. I'm a light sleeper and felt them crawl over me - shot out of bed, got a few bites, couldn't find anyone to ask for another room and ended up sleeping on the hard floor in the corridor. Not a pleasant night. Several of the hostels between Le...
  19. Sue M

    News (2016) regarding Santa María de Eunate

    Great news! Best wishes in this venture!