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  1. Marbe2

    private albergues cancelling reservations

    Booking allows free cancellations according to the stipulations set by the specific albergues as far as I can determine. Some accommodations I have used have stipulated free cancellations as far out as two weeks before arrival and others…up to 6pm on the day of arrival….and the penalty could...
  2. Marbe2

    private albergues cancelling reservations

    If I make a reservation directly with a private albergue way in advance and not with a 3rd party like booking.com, I always reconfirm the booking at least a day or two before arrival. Some places, like Casa Barbadelo on CF require reconfirmation shortly before the day arrival. I have never had...
  3. Marbe2

    Hello from a newbie

    Maybe download Whatsapp.com Many pilgrims use it to contact accommodations. Maybe he uses it? https://www.whatsapp.com/?gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD2MkOWFMHzFi0pUXKmjcoGwoBp_V&gclid=CjwKCAjwyo60BhBiEiwAHmVLJQ9BcmuuL3dxT42aoSdVgfKULGKYa0zIBsTsb0iu-1zFoGaf5D3rtxoC5tUQAvD_BwE
  4. Marbe2

    Blistered to bits-need help!

    Knowing Why your blistering is important! If the shoes are perfect, then use an ointment such as Vaseline to keep your feet from sweating? Did you prepare on cement and tarmac- are your feet hardened? Are you carrying a heavy pack and did you practice with it. Are you walking at a faster pace...
  5. Marbe2

    Old School

    What I found interesting from amaWalker : Credential “Once they arrived in Santiago they could ask for the pilgrim diploma which was funded by the Ministry of Information and Tourism and signed by the Archbishop of Compostela. This was issued in the Holy Years of 1965, 1971 and 1976. 428...
  6. Marbe2

    Old School

    I I don’t disagree with the points you made either. But another perspective on a demanding boss is…who is to say, that prior to cell phones, the boss might not let a worker go who on a Camino because in an emergency the walker might not have be reachable in a previously rather remote area.
  7. Marbe2

    Old School

    I have traveled frequently in Western Europe for the last 50 years! IMO, now is a wonderful time to travel with internet and a smart phone and ATMs. Isn’t it really about how and when we use these tools? Grateful, am I that I have the ability to make instant hotel & air reservations, read...
  8. Marbe2

    a longer and slower day

    Regarding accommodations, latter in the day, beds may be more difficult to find in certain areas. Availability is limited due to bottlenecking, depending upon the season, holidays (April 20th is Easter), including holy week and Easter week, town festivals and whether there are groups are...
  9. Marbe2

    Crampons in Carry-on

    Agree with Camino Tom. If you really need crampons you can rent them when you arrive! Don’t schlepp them with you! Who wants to carry them if they’re not needed?.
  10. Marbe2

    Money on the Camino

    When are you traveling? Most companies operate from beginning of April to the end of October. Correos has pack mochilla all year from Sarria to SdC. https://www.correos.es/es/es/particulares/ocio-y-viajes/haz-el-camino-de-santiago-con-correos/transporte-de-mochilas Excellent company...
  11. Marbe2

    CF… So strange… any explanation?

    Be at peace! Every step is a prayer!
  12. Marbe2

    A call for regulation or permit on the Francés

    Agree, and not in spirit with a pilgrimage IMO!
  13. Marbe2

    Do you attract pilgrims?

    In light of the title of this thread, Do you attract pilgrims, my comment had to do with the exact opposite, trying not to attract others! And my suggestion for not wearing a shell in a prominent place was in relationship to this. I certainly agree that the time, route and gear/clothing also...
  14. Marbe2

    Do you attract pilgrims?

    The article reports that pilgrims were being targeted out of Ponferrada. That is a concern! I am only suggesting that pilgrims make it harder to be identified as pilgrims if they are leaving in the dark or alone. That is being careful!
  15. Marbe2

    Do you attract pilgrims?

  16. Marbe2

    Do you attract pilgrims?

    scaremongering? I think, if anything, this Forum, is very cautious, about presenting information that might discourage folks from participating in a Camino. Source of article post on arrest is IVAR! seems there have been some arrests related to this: Detienen a un grupo de jóvenes por el...
  17. Marbe2

    Do you attract pilgrims?

    Frankly, given the recent robberies in Ponferrada, I’m wondering if wearing a clam shell early in the morning on the Camino is a liability? Now one might assume that walking early with a backpack one is likely a pilgrim, …but just maybe not. That shell ID’s one for sure! So maybe consider...
  18. Marbe2

    Do you attract pilgrims?

    Personally, I have tried not to wear anything, including tiny shells, that will attract strangers in these United States of America. I certainly wear appropriate gear, but have become more conscious of avoiding any labels or patches that may attract attention. Nevertheless, when walking on our...
  19. Marbe2

    Am I the only one perplexed by WhatsApp?

    Question does that depend on the phone plan? I know this is true if you are in local WI-FI? But does that account for Plans like T-mobile data from US because, I maybe wrong, but when I use my data to call, it does not seem to work without the +34?