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  1. Bradypus

    Pilgrim rescued near Zubiri today

    It is quite likely that the first responders had to carry the injured person on a stretcher to a clearing where a helicopter lift was possible.
  2. Bradypus

    The Camino does NOT start in StJpdP - discuss

    As far as we Brits were concerned SJPDP was already the default starting point for the Camino by 1990. The CSJ guide followed Valiña's lead and started there.
  3. Bradypus

    SJPDP pilgrim office - why?

    Unless I wanted a credencial I probably wouldn't visit the pilgrim office and add to their workload. I didn't on my last visit to SJPDP despite staying just across the street in Beilari. I can read a weather forecast fairly well. I don't visit the Santiago pilgrim office these days either. So I...
  4. Bradypus

    SJPDP pilgrim office - why?

    I would question the idea of "skewed". That seems to imply that SJPDP to Santiago is the norm and other starting points or routes are an aberration. It has been quite some time since SJPDP to Santiago could justifiably claim to be "the Camino". The picture these days is far more complex.
  5. Bradypus

    Busy? I’m alone at Luquin.

    A good reason to take the complementario routes when you have the chance and to stay in the smaller places too. 3,145 Compostelas handed out yesterday - the fifth day this year where the total has been over 3,000. So it is pretty busy at the end of the line. But the Camino Frances before Sarria...
  6. Bradypus

    Finally - real food in Santiago!!!

    Shortly before they started to have fingers?
  7. Bradypus

    Injuries, Fatalities Since May

    Another leg fracture today in the Zubiri area. https://pamplonaactual.com/pamplona-actual/290291/una-peregrina-sufre-una-fractura-abierta-en-una-pierna-durante-el-camino-de-santiago/
  8. Bradypus

    Death of German peregrina in Zuriain this morning

    A local Navarra website has reported the death of a 61 year old German peregrina this morning in Zuriain. The cause appears to have been cardiac arrest. The third death of a pilgrim in Navarra in recent weeks...
  9. Bradypus

    The case for preserving the descent into Zubiri.

    The Camino Frances in its current form as a specific signposted footpath is a creation of the 1980s with some mostly minor alterations in route from time to time since. In earlier centuries pilgrims would have walked or ridden on the main roads of the period which would have followed the safest...
  10. Bradypus

    A call for regulation or permit on the Francés

    Confession and absolution have not been required to receive a Compostela for at least 34 years to my personal knowledge. And it has certainly not conferred an indulgence either.
  11. Bradypus

    A call for regulation or permit on the Francés

    Sometime between the 1967 Compostela above and my first Camino in 1990. The version I received was superficially similar to that 1967 one posted by @JabbaPapa but without the mention of the sacraments. I believe the current version with the text about the minimum distances dates from 2014 or...
  12. Bradypus

    A call for regulation or permit on the Francés

    Saudi Arabia strictly limits the numbers permitted during the Hajj. There is a specific visa required for it and a limited quota is allocated per country in line with their Muslim population. It is very tightly controlled. Many Muslims who would wish to make the Hajj in any given year are unable...
  13. Bradypus

    Injuries, Fatalities Since May

    Hard to know what to do about that. There has never been a time when information about the Caminos in particular, walking more generally, weather conditions, physical fitness, navigation or any other relevant topic has been so easily and so freely accessible to all. Some people will always have...
  14. Bradypus

    Injuries, Fatalities Since May

    As someone who is now firmly in the "between 60 and 90 years old" bracket I was struck yet again by the great change in the age profile of pilgrims. When I walked my first Camino there were very few pilgrims over the age of 60 and even at 28 I was probably in the upper half of the age range at...
  15. Bradypus

    A call for regulation or permit on the Francés

    In order to receive a Compostela at the end of your journey you must now present your collection of sellos on an authorised credencial. Some posts have suggested that many people would not walk a Camino if there was no Compostela at the end or if the conditions for receiving one were made more...
  16. Bradypus

    Injuries, Fatalities Since May

    An article appeared overnight on a Navarra news website. Behind a paywall but the introductory paragraph provided some numbers: "Of the 15,063 pilgrims who have passed through Roncesvalles this year, 4,461 were between 60 and 90 years old. In May, two died in 24 hours and the Burguete...
  17. Bradypus

    Marching in March

    Most albergues, many bars and restaurants will still be closed in March next year. A lot of places only open in Holy Week and next year Easter is quite late - April 20th. That will limit your choice of accommodation and might mean that you have to walk some longer stages than you might want...
  18. Bradypus

    A call for regulation or permit on the Francés

    One of the reasons why I no longer ask for a Compostela. It states a lot more than that but as the pilgrim office no longer have any interest in a pilgrim's motives and do not ask about them in practice the Compostela no longer means what it says.
  19. Bradypus

    Carrión de los Condes - floral carpet tomorrow

    Anyone fortunate enough to be passing through Carrión de los Condes tomorrow is likely to encounter huge crowds and a spectacular sight. The town makes a patterned carpet of flowers up to 2km long for its annual Corpus Christi procession. The ayuntamiento have a number of videos capturing this...
  20. Bradypus

    The case for preserving the descent into Zubiri.

    Thank you for such a clear explanation.

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