Sometimes what I may think is the path of least resistance, may, for someone else really be a life struggle! It is not my place, I believe, to advocate that someone else should ever, experience pain. That is up to the individual to discern. Perhaps walking the camino for some, is a desperately needed time of peace and relaxation? Perhaps struggle is not what they need then?! Personally, I do not seek out pain. Seeking out pain can sometimes be narcissistic…since it is about self. When life choices bring it my way, I certainly try and work through it. However, on any journey, I rather focus on good works….Talking to pilgrims who may be alone, inviting those alone to join us to break bread, buying a struggling pilgrim a meal or a bed, helping a pilgrim out to get home. Opportunities abound! On a recent journey leaving from EWR, a woman from another country (didn’t recognize the language) who was ahead of us on a fast food line, ordered a hero, and a drink. Bill was circa $21( Welcome to highway robbery). She didn’t have enough cash to cover it. But it didn’t matter, because, surprise, the establishment only took credit cards (no cash?!). They weren’t going to give her the food! So we payed her bill on our CC. She offered what cash she had in broken English. I said no,no, pay it forward to someone else when you get home. She thanked with tears.