This would be terrific! Montefurado is a little hamlet right on the river, with a few year round residents but no services, except for a sporadically functioning centro social.
It would probably result in a decrease in nights spent in A Rúa, because it would create the possibility of a 22 km day from Barco to Montefurado. I suppose one downside would be that people would have to bring in food (barring other changes), but I know that for many the A Rúa to Quiroga stage has been a real challenge, with some using the daily train to go out and back to cut the stage.
The association that has made the proposal is the one founded and led for years by Aida Menéndez, who died last year. It is good to see that the association is carrying on. They have proposed the use of some church buildings that are not being used, so let’s see if anyone responds positively to this proposal. As the article notes, this will not happen overnight!