if you're unlucky, you'll get a bug but wont know for a week or two...
i guzzled all the way to burgos, fountains of cool water, signs permitting of course, but none the less i think it was round hontanas that people started getting struck down...it wasnt pretty. & i got my turn.
burgos saw me in a state i'd rather not detail, an awful night with sound effects, & was unable to eat a proper meal for two weeks...
i continued walking cos, well, whats a pilgrim to do? lie in some bed & feel sorry for oneself?
no thanks
but it was rough
on the plus side, i lost 10kgs! & when i finally got round to feeling hungry - it was a lamb chop with eggs & salad, side of fries & i swear i never tasted anything quite so good as that. who needs a diet plan lol
seriously tho, going into #3rd camino this spring, it'll be the water bottle approach for me
bottoms up!
buen camino