Camino Fossil AD 1999, now living in Santiago de C
- Time of past OR future Camino
- First Camino Francés 1999
I put this in here because I feel it is most useful for new members, if I am wrong dear mods, please move it ;-)
I just realise that we use quite a few abbreviations on this forum, some specific, some not specific to the Camino. I also noted that some newer members are a bit shy to ask what we mean with them, so I compiled this little list from the top of my head, feel free to add to it and Buen Camino, SY
PS I decided, for better overview, to add the abbreviations mentioned in the follow-up posts to the first post. So no, I didn't come up with the whole list ...
Camino Specific
I just realise that we use quite a few abbreviations on this forum, some specific, some not specific to the Camino. I also noted that some newer members are a bit shy to ask what we mean with them, so I compiled this little list from the top of my head, feel free to add to it and Buen Camino, SY
PS I decided, for better overview, to add the abbreviations mentioned in the follow-up posts to the first post. So no, I didn't come up with the whole list ...
Camino Specific
- ALSA- Main, but not only, bus/coach network (website) in Spain.
- APOC - American Pilgrims on the Camino (one of many national organizations in different countries)
- CdN - Camino(s) del Norte
- CF - Camino Francés (The pilgrimage route that comes from SJPdP (Saint Jean Pied de Port) and crosses the Pyrenees and passes through Roncesvalles and Puente la Reina where it joins with the route coming from Somport pass. Often translated as the French Way it actually means the Way of the Franks aka those foreigners that come from behind the Pyrenees out of the Frankish Empire ;-)
- CI - Camino Ingles (The English Way, in ye olde times the way taken, predominatly, by English and Irish pilgrims who arrived by ship/boat in A Coruña or Ferrol and walked/rode from there to Santiago).
- CP - Camino Portuguese or Camino Primitivo depending on the sub-forum you are in ;-)
- HYOH - Hike Your Own Hike and WYOW - Walk Your Own Way:
Go at your own pace and don't let other people's experiences determine or affect yours. - MMDD - Miam Miam DoDo (a French Camino guide series concentrating on the bare essential composed of the informal words Miam Miam= yummy food and dodo=nighty-night/sleep)
- PCB - Post Camino Blues (common pilgrim illness and indication for being infected with the Camino Virus, best treatment is planning your next Camino ;-)
- RENFE- Spanish Railway (website)
- SDC/SdC - Santiago de Compostela
- SJPdP/SJPP - Saint Jean Pied de Port (a popular starting place in France)
- SNCF - French Railway (website) - useful for researching travel to/near SJPdP.
- TSA - Transportation Security Administration (USA) - Those that refuse to let you take more than 100ml of shampoo and/or your walking poles on board of a civilian aircraft ;-) For a more 'dry' explanation see this post.
- VdlP - Via de la Plata (Camino from the South of Spain to Santiago)
- ASAP - As Soon As Possible
- FSO - From Skin Out (putting all items you plan to take in one ordered list without distinguishing what you wear and what you carry, without food nor water but with the respective containers included).
- IMO/IMHO - In My Opinion/In My Humble Opinion (mostly a very strongly defended opinion ;-)
- KSO - Keep Straight On (used in guides and way descriptions)
- LOL- Laughing Out Loud
- OP - Original Poster (the person who started a thread)
- PM - Private Message (me), also called Conversation on this forum. Just click the name of the person you want to message and click on 'start a conversation'.
- ROFL - Rolling Over Floor Laughing
- TBW - Total Base Weight, similar to the above, for a different opinion than mine see @dougfitz posts starting here.
- TL;DR - Too Long Didn't Read (With or without the semi-colon)
- YMMV - Your Mileage May Vary (Meaning this is what I experienced, your experience may be different.)
- @ - An invisible abbreviation, if you type @+forum name, it converts the forum name into a link to the respective profile page of that member and sends him/her a message/alert that s/he has been mentioned in such and such thread if they have that enabled. F.e. @BShea and @nzPhreadde your contributions have been added to the main post.
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