One of those really tough questions as there are so many varaibles and preferences to take into account.
It could be anythhing from 25-100+ Euros/day....
I'm one of those 'over planners'. I just love the planning process, though my plans tend to go out the window once I start! But planning is fun and gives me ideas.......
I put together a budget planner that covers all the cost elements, and allows me to select the degree of 'comfort' for my Camino.
It's interestiing to see how the overall budget can vary.
It's a large spreadsheet, so I'll paste in sections with an explanation before each bit.
Note that there are costs that won't apply to some Pilgrims.
I need medical help along the way such as Fisio. And also use a lot of phone data.
These are the rough cost categories for last year.
On the VdlP. So Spain.
Others will have opinions on the unit costs I'm sure
All opinions are valid!
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Then I have three variations of budget that apply these costs in different proportions.
And I can play around with the figures.
So the First Pass, is my
Preferred Budget. 74 euros / day
The yellow boxes are numbers that can be altered.
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Next is what I have called a
Mid Level budget. 60 Euros/day.
More DIY meals, more nights in Albergues etc.
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Then there is a
lower level Budget. 35 Euros/day
About as low as I can get it.
I could go a bit lower using only Municipal / Donativo Albergues of course.
Maybe 8-10 euros / night. (not 14)
No meds or phone data though.
Lots of DIY meals and using Albergues all bar one night.
View attachment 164550
So your budget is likely to lay somewhere between
35-75 Euros per day.
Unless you want to use private accomodation all the time and eat well.
Then it might look like this......... 100 / Euros/day
Higher if you want to use nice Hotels.
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