Sadly I have no beautiful photos to share, only memories.
In 2017 I walked at night during a full moon, on the last day to Santiago. We were a small group and had packed all our things before. We left at 3am I think? It was the start of my very first ~40km day. The moon was so bright that I rarely used the flashlight. Since that day, whenever I see the full moon when I drive to work very early, I think of that night walking to Santiago.
Another year, in july, I started at 4am from Najéra. Saw the most beautiful night sky I've ever seen, full of stars (where I live there's a lot of light pollution, so maybe it wasn't even that impressive to others, but to me it was...).
Last year, again only shortly before Santiago, a night walk at around 2am, the moon was a giant red/pink (!) ball, so impressive!
For those who think it's crazy to walk at night... some people are early risers by nature, and it's not a chore to get up early, but the natural thing to do. I often start my walking days in the dark. Walking into sunrise is just amazing.
When the pack is ready when you start, it's not that much noise. Not more than someone getting up to go to the toilet.
Personally, most days I would be so bored lying in the albergue bed until 7:30 or even later. On the Via Podiensis the groups in a dorm would often agree on a time to get up. Sometimes as late as 8:30! For me that meant hours spent awake in bed, waiting for the others to wake up... For someone who wakes up early, that is just as annoying as someone else getting up early for those who prefer to sleep longer...
Another reason why I like to sleep in my tent and start walking whenever I want to