To Monesterio: we stayed in the Parochiol albergue in Monesterio. It really is shame it is so little known. One of the nicest albergue anywhere. And still only 10E.
To Fuente de Cantos: We stayed at El Zaguan apartments, and were glad we had made reservations. There is still one very tricky turn on this stage. After crossing a stream about 13 km along the way, the Camino makes a sharp left. Only one very weathered yellow arrow exists here. I missed this arrow in 2017, so I knew to watch for it today. One other fellow pilgrim made the same error today.
To Zafra: it's nice to stop in Pueblo de Sancho Perez for a coke on a hot day!!!! The municipal albergue is nice, but the kitchen is not open after Covid. The menu del Dia in Cafe Carmen is great (on the same block as the albergue).
To Villafranca de los Barros. Stayed at Extranatura Albergue. The hospitaleros did everyone's laundry! There is a kitchen, but it is difficult to access, and very small.
To Toremejia: we made reservations at Hostal Melenium. The menu del dia across the street was OK.
To Merida: An easy walk. Of course Merida is a "must see" city. We had already visited most of the sites in 2016, and find it difficult to be tourists while on Camino, so we mostly rested on this day.
To Aljucen: The only open albergue is San Andres. It is very nice, with more beds than it looks like.
To Alcuescar: The municipal albergue there is no longer being managed by "old school hospitaleros", and it does not serve an evening meal. One Spanish woman is now a live-in hospitalera, and is much more pleasant than the previous gentlemen, but does not do a meal.
To Aldea del Cano. It was obvious from the numbers in Alcuescar that the Valdesalor albergue was going to be Completo on this night (and this was confirmed on our walk to Caceres). Because we are slow walkers, we stopped in Aldea del Cano, where a small, but very nice albergue was our home for one night.
Overall thoughts at this time: Pilgrims are back! Nobody has had to sleep on the street, but there has had to be some creative solutions for folks who have arrived late in the day. High temps have been mostly on the 90s (F), bit we've been starting well before sunrise so that we can finish by noon, well before the daily high temp.