@Bill, if companionship is a important thing for you this time, then rather shouldn't count on it, if you walk the VDLP.
Based on my experiences is "She" mainly frequented by experienced pilgrims who walk most of the time alone and even harder to find someone with the same pace.
nevertheless I participate with your lovely attitude:
"Just let the Way work in what ever way it does."
@Nettle indeed there are long stretches without water. i (at the time drinker and 39 years old) carried mostly 2liters sometimes 3liters (walked late may) and it worked for me.
It's a bit a individual thing, depending on your personal health condition (age, (over)weight, diabetes or if you sweat a lot, etc.) and given the circumstances.
It takes a while though to dehydration and often underestimated is the mineral deficiency, if you sweat a lot - electrolytes!
but "She" is unique, beautiful and I worship her!