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Unsolicited Camino Prep Ideas


in our minds, we're vagabonds, you and I
Time of past OR future Camino
Camino Francés 2017, Inglés 2019, Aragónes 2024
I've now completed 3 Caminos including the Francés, Inglés (with a León-Sarria side trip) and Arles-Aragónes-Francés. I've hiked and backpacked most of my life. I've learned from others and by making mistakes on preparation and packing. I've attached a PDF with some thoughts on preparing, as a newbie or older returning Pilgrim. It's by no means comprehensive but after seeing the questions posed in the Forum about preparation, equipment, packing, aches/pains, stage ideas, etc., I figured I may have learned something of value to someone. Please accept it for what it is, treasure or junk, all in the eyes of the beholder.


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Thank you for sharing your prep guidelines! I am now officially one week into my first Camino and I definitely agree with everything you said! Booking ahead especially makes life so much easier as you just don’t have to worry about rushing there, you can sit down every 5 or so kilometers and rest, you can take your time eating at a cafe, or do whatever!
This is great. I'm headed out on the Frances route in August and I'm like a sponge for insights right now, even though I trust in the end it's mostly commonsense. Appreciate you taking the time to share yours cents! Erin
Technical backpack for day trips with backpack cover and internal compartment for the hydration bladder. Ideal daypack for excursions where we need a medium capacity backpack. The back with Air Flow System creates large air channels that will keep our back as cool as possible.

Thank you SO, SO much! I'm embarking on my first camino in 10 days and as a solo female on a limited budget and travelling the norte I was starting to stress seriously about accommodation. The 'free spirit' side of things I might have aimed to achieve (completely contrary to my normal nature) know would have soon dissipated as my anxiety to get a bed in the few hostel dorms each day overwhelmed everything else! After reading your words I feel like I have permission to book ahead and know that will enable me to enjoy and make the most of it far more!
3rd Edition. More content, training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc
Very informative and encouraging thoughts. Have saved this for future reference in planning for our upcoming (and quickly approaching) Camino Frances. Thank you!
If I had to pre-book a substantial portion of the Camino Frances, I simply would not do it. There's lots of ways to visit Europe, experience Europe; I've had the 'If this is Tuesday, it must be Berlin experience'. Never again. I don't want to know what's around the next turn; I don't want to be on a schedule, I've spent most of my life doing just that and I'm walking in Spain to wander not commute.
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
Depending on the number of albergues and other accommodations on the next stage I have been booking a day or two in advance. If there are many albergues in a town or a large municipal I don't feel the need to book.
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts. I will be embarking on my fourth Camino later this year and found your thoughtful comments very wise and encouraging as the older I get the more uncertain I become of my ability to just keep walking.
Thank you
Thank you for the great read, lots of good advice. Hope you get out for another Camino soon.
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I understand completely, I was fortunate to be walking with a friend from Ireland I met in 2017. He’s a great walking partner and we encouraged each other on the tough days. We also met more great pilgrims along the way. Take it slow, and take time to smell the flowers. Age probably won’t stop you from getting there, it may impact what time you get there. One o’clock, three o’clock,
This is perfect. I'm with @Lou Lulu ...my fourth this year, and I'm ten years older now. One step at a time, and smell the flowers. Thank you!
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
Who did you use to transport your baggage from one place to the next and are there multiple options and what is the weight restriction on your bags. I'm from NZ and going next year with two other ladies who are a bit older), thanks in advance.
On the Camino Francés there are several services, Jacotrans is one, almost every albergue will have envelopes available. Ask the hospitaliro which one serves the area best.
Hello, Just read your prep and packing document. I am a 66 year old women who has just finished her first Camino (done over 2 years with 300 km then 500km). I enjoyed the read and agree with all what you said though i had less clothing. Itt was so cold this year , i was wearing it all! and loved having my sleeping bag. I am saving this as a reminder for next year! Thanks for sharing!
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Congrats! Yes, it was cold and I too had all my layers on at times which is why I recommend layers. Interesting that it was warmer in early April than in late April/May. I hope you enjoy your next adventure.
Thanks so much! Great list. Walked in 2018. Norte & Primitivo at 64. Finally headed back for another go at 69. Vasco del interior to Burgos, Francés to Leon, San Salvador to Oviedo then the final stages of the Norte. Hoping I haven’t bit off more than I can chew. Built in rest days… late July to mid September.
Very good points. I use most of them myself
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.

Most read last week in this forum