I used Seven Corners and bought the “Cancellation for any reason option.” I had to file a claim when I broke my ankle this fall, and was completely non-weight bearing.
Seven Corners said that they would pay for a nurse to escort me from Madrid to my home city, but that they didn’t know how to get me from Lugo (where I was taken after my accident) to Madrid, and that it would take them several days to make this arrangement. I refused this service, since my husband immediately came from the US, rented a car to Lugo, and escorted me home, while they were still trying to figure things out.
Seven Corners would not pay for any of my husband’s travel expenses, which wasn’t really a surprise. What was a surprise was that they refused to pay for the rental car to Madrid, nor for my non-refundable Iberia Airlines ticket (which was how I had originally intended to return to Madrid after completing the Camino). I thought that the most incredible thing for which they refused reimbursement, however, was my hotel in Lugo, when I was released from the hospital the evening of my accident. They said this was because its necessity wasn’t stipulated on my release orders from the hospital, although it’s unclear where they thought I should go. I still haven’t received any bills from the Lugo hospital or the Spanish emergency services, so don’t know how, or if, they will handle these expenses.
I experienced care, compassion, and help from many people, but, unfortunately, I can’t recommend Seven Corners’ service and would suggest that you don’t select them as your travel insurance provider.