We're all different and if you want an organised tour that's what you want.
However, two things to consider.
Why do you want an organised tour?
(That's not to answer here, but for you to ask yourself)
And, with a departure of September 2024 you have a whole lot of time to prepare and book, especially if you plan on travelling solo or as a couple.
I am not a huge fan of researching in too much detail but I am a big fan of seeking out inspiration. For me, knowing that something
can be done is of far more importance than knowing
how to do it.
Of all the places in the world to arrive and start walking (or if you want to go straight to hell - bicycling
) westwards there are few places better set up than Northern Spain. At this stage there is no personal circumstance nor eventuality that hasn't been encountered before. Not only is it doable, it is enjoyable!
Believe it or not, it can be
incredibly liberating!
Like a lot of things to do with the Camino (and life) that which is unusual to us can be scary.
But things that are unusual to us can become usual. We call it practice.
How many members here were scared of a 10km walk on the flat and now happily walk twice or thrice that uphill?
The Camino can be a lot more than a hike through a lovely part of the world.
It can change the way we think - if we are open to it.
I don't know how long you have been thinking about this or how much research you have done but I'd suggest digging down for what you find inspiring, what speaks to you and armed with that information you'll be in a better place to make the best decision - for you. I see no need to rush.
Don't let "Home You" make too many decisions for "Camino You". Camino You may not thank you later.
Buen Camino