A couple of items to know about the Monastery in Armenteira. There are only 25 beds with priority given to regular guests who may reserve. Pilgrims can not reserve in advance. It is expensive compared to the local albergue. There is no dorm and a single room is 50€, double 75€ and triple is 90€. No meals are available and only a coffee maker and tea kettle available. They do ask that you be silent while in the monastery. They also did not accommodate pilgrims last year in July, August and September.
For those who want to experience staying in the monastery, it is possible to make a reservation for 2 nights (July, August and September are a three night minimum) with prices 60€ single, 90€ double and 120€ triple wich includes all meals. If you are looking for a rest day with no distractions, this might be for you.
I expect lodging to be an issue for many this year. The local Albergue has only 17 beds and they will most likely all be reserved. The 4 star Pousada has 23 rooms with prices over 100€. There are a few private places mentioned as well.