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While this may be very taboo for most I'm a smoker and am wondering if I can buy cigarettes along the way? Just one of many questions though I"m very grateful for the the wonderful information I've gotten so far, thank you kindly!

Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Back is blank for engraving.
The first edition came out in 2003 and has become the go-to-guide for many pilgrims over the years. It is shipping with a Pilgrim Passport (Credential) from the cathedral in Santiago de Compostela.
Yes, at about 5E per pack. Bartenders will make change, if you need it.
Hi Debi
In Spain, a soul once needed an oxygen mask and tank to breathe in bars and restaurants because of the smoke filled air. Today, like Ireland like Italy now Spain has passed a law forbidding smoking in such places and they are smoke free as the law is amazingly observed. You may smoke outdoors where you like but unlike America, the locals will not throw stones. 5E is cheap, stock up in the Duty Free.
3rd Edition. More content, training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc
One of my Spanish friends told me that Ducados are much-loved by men of a certain generation as they were issued free (or at low cost--- my Castilian failed me on this one) to conscripts when Spain had a draft. He now feels that cigars are more suitable to mature men. I did notice that many antique shops along the way had beautifully wrought cigarette cases should you wish a light-weight souvenir of your hours spent on a terrace with your smoke and your curtado.
Hi Debi

Hopefully walking the Camino inspires to give up smoking


...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
Hi Debi!

Yes, cigarettes are freely available, but not everywhere. I've found myself in small villages several evenings where there isn't a shop and the bar doesn't have a cigarette machine. (Places like Boadilla, Moratinos etc). So don't expect to be able to buy them at your evening destination, but do expect to be able to buy them somewhere on a day's walk.

Much of the time you'll buy them from machines in bars/restaurants etc. The Spanish have clamped down on these machines as children were buying them there. Now quite often the machine has to be activated by remote control from behind the bar, so if you put money in and it keeps dropping out the bottom speak to the bar tender and they'll activate it.

If like me you can't do without cigarettes for too long without going a bit loopy always keep a reserve pack for emergencies. They're light enough!

I'm not promoting smoking before anyone pulls me up on it! :D

Buen Camino!
jirit said:
Hi Debi

Hopefully walking the Camino inspires to give up smoking


Isn't the whole point of the camino for everyone to find their own way? I'm not a smoker (never have been) but why would you wish to impose your decision making process on someone else? So long as that person is fully aware of the risks, and doesn't push their decisions on others (blowing smoke in your face), then why not be happy they are happy? Just my .02
waveprof said:
jirit said:
Hi Debi

Hopefully walking the Camino inspires to give up smoking


Isn't the whole point of the camino for everyone to find their own way? I'm not a smoker (never have been) but why would you wish to impose your decision making process on someone else? So long as that person is fully aware of the risks, and doesn't push their decisions on others (blowing smoke in your face), then why not be happy they are happy? Just my .02

I made a suggestion, all in good faith, with all due respect. I was not imposing my "decision" on her or anybody for that matter, nor would I.
Ideal pocket guides for during & after your Camino. Each weighs only 1.4 oz (40g)!
jirit said:
I made a suggestion, all in good faith, with all due respect. I was not imposing my "decision" on her or anybody for that matter, nor would I.
Hi Jirit! I'm sure it's just one of these internet things that can be misread.

I did meet a French couple who were walking and praying for their 40 year old daughter to stop smoking. My last Camino has forced me to address my drinking. :shock:

No judgements on myself, you, or anyone else.

Buen Camino!
(blowing smoke in your face)
I am waiting for the smoker that does not exhale. Until then, it goes in my face unless the smoker moves deliberately downwind. It hasn't happened yet, but hope springs eternal. I cannot count the times I have moved on when some lit up. I find it the most antisocial behavior on the camino. Still, I always have the option to move on, and the indoor smoking ban is generally effective. I have been in several albergues where smokers flaunted the rules, and smoked in the bathroom. Some ring of Dante's hell is waiting for these types. To each his own, but I honestly have not met the smoker who does not impact others.
jirit said:
I made a suggestion, all in good faith, with all due respect. I was not imposing my "decision" on her or anybody for that matter, nor would I.

I apologize for my comments appearing as quite the direct knock at you as they seem (and re-reading them, I do understand fully why they seem that way). My intention was simply to bounce off of your comment to make my own comment. I realize now that by quoting you it came across as much more pointed than I meant it to be. And I apologize

But my original, general point remains... that is that I continue to not understand why its socially acceptable for so many of us non-smokers to constantly rag on smokers. Yes, I believe that their actions are unhealthy. But many logical people find drinking to be too unhealthy for their belief system, or even religion. And I can't imagine the uproar that would happen if we suddenly started telling people on the camino "I hope you stop drinking" or "I hope you stop believing in God". So long as a smoker is being reasonably diligent at making sure it does not overtly effect me (and I realize many smokers do not take such diligence) then to each his own.
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

I am a vicious anti-smoker and have been known to wield a water pistol on occasions, but this thread did not seem appropriate for me to rant on, as I can easily do. I just made a few comments which I thought might be useful or diverting. I will repeat my recommendation that smokers keep their eyes open for the beautiful cigarette cases which I have seen at several spots-- I think that these appertanences (sp?) bring a classy side to the practice, and for years to come, it will be a momento of a time of their lives ("o yes, that. I picked it up in a shop in a side street in Estella, near San Pedro's-- it had been a long day"). Even with the strength of my opinions, I find something very poetic and restful in the sight of a smoker sitting after a long long day on the trail, taking comfort from a cigarette in the day's fading light, and I hope my smoking fellow pilgrims find some solace there, especially if they take care to make sure that the smoke blows away from me.
oursonpolaire said:
I will repeat my recommendation that smokers keep their eyes open for the beautiful cigarette cases which I have seen at several spots.
Yes. I'd reckon anything dating obviously from the Civil War period would be a real find. Understanding the Civil War is part of understanding Spain....and I've never fully understood either! :D Buen Camino!
I found that it was easier to find places that sold alcohol on CF last year than outlets which sold my favourite small cigars so when I found a Tabac outlet I tended to buy a 3 day supply rather than risk running out - definition of an addiction? :oops:

you will have the consolation of knowing that a surprisingly large minority of peregrinos that I observed engaged in the most public of vices :wink:


...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
supersullivan said:
you will have the consolation of knowing that a surprisingly large minority of peregrinos that I observed engaged in the most public of vices :wink:
That's awful! I've never witnessed people selling themselves on the streets for a sello, or snorting lentils! :wink: Buen Camino!
tyrrek said:
supersullivan said:
you will have the consolation of knowing that a surprisingly large minority of peregrinos that I observed engaged in the most public of vices :wink:
That's awful! I've never witnessed people selling themselves on the streets for a sello, or snorting lentils! :wink: Buen Camino!

As the great Homer Simpson, that great inspiration whom all men aspire to emulate is wont to say: 'Doh!'
The new laws on smoking in Europe are a true milagro for those of us who used to eat breakfast on the street rather than venture into the fog in the cafes. The irony is that now sometimes one must now go inside, because if your outside table is downwind, you will be fumigated!

I don't enjoy the smokers, but having seen friends struggle with the addiction, can't be too judgmental about it.
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
newfydog said:
The irony is that now sometimes one must now go inside, because if your outside table is downwind, you will be fumigated!
Yes, I think here in the UK we have become used to the stigma surrounding smoking, and we try to do it in as considerate a way as possible. Even when sitting outside I'll leave the table to smoke if someone is looking uncomfortable or eating etc. In other cultures it may be less of an issue, but that's just the nature of things on the Camino. Buen Camino!
many many smokers on the Camino - this is such a modern thing isn't it, this ranting against smoking. for the last few hundred years smokers and non-smokers just sort of jostled along but in this modern age - there are now antagonistic personal causes that people take up and given half a chance they start to rant - I don't get it, but there you go.

Jesuits are very clever at seeing the world, and how ones perception is a faulty one-sided thing ...

.... so a Jesuit monk is brought in to his superior for smoking. After some discussion the prior allows him to carry on smoking but outside only. As the monk starts to leave he asks "can I smoke whilst I am praying?" The prior goes ballistic - and shouts at him that of course he cannot smoke whilst praying, what is he thinking of!
At the door the monk turns again and asks "well, can I pray whilst smoking?" The prior beams at him and says "But of course you can my son, of course, with my blessing".

It is about viewpoints, fixed ways of seeing - allow others to be as they are, rather than judging them as if they are lesser persons - they may smoke but may also have good and even holy lives and virtues that you have not even dreamt of .....

Buen Camino :wink:
David said:
.... so a Jesuit monk is brought in to his superior for smoking. After some discussion the prior allows him to carry on smoking but outside only. As the monk starts to leave he asks "can I smoke whilst I am praying?" The prior goes ballistic - and shouts at him that of course he cannot smoke whilst praying, what is he thinking of!
At the door the monk turns again and asks "well, can I pray whilst smoking?" The prior beams at him and says "But of course you can my son, of course, with my blessing".

It is about viewpoints, fixed ways of seeing - allow others to be as they are, rather than judging them as if they are lesser persons - they may smoke but may also have good and even holy lives and virtues that you have not even dreamt of .....
Buen Camino :wink:

Excellent insight, David.

It is amazing how the "modern" (as David described it) thing is to join the group and judge and loudly condemn others. Smoking is just one of the bandwagon items.
I don't smoke so my thoughts are not biased.
Some people are offended and loudly complain if they see someone smoking across the street. :roll:
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
Excellent insight, David.

It is amazing how the "modern" (as David described it) thing is to join the group and judge and loudly condemn others. Smoking is just one of the bandwagon items.
I don't smoke so my thoughts are not biased.
Some people are offended and loudly complain if they see someone smoking across the street. :roll:
...."and miles to go before I sleep"....

Confraternity of St. James of South Africa

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I never cease to be surprised by the amount of trouble and time that some people will go to in order to be offended but I suppose some people rather than confront and face their own failings find it far more comfortable to continually focus on the failings of others so in the the spirit of 'owning' my own failings I freely confess to ( in no particular order ) that I snore, I enjoy smoking my little cigars and I am not always as patient with others as I should be but other than that I am perfect in every way. :wink:


I'll bring this thread back on topic: 8)

In Spain, you can buy cigarettes in

1) Bars. They may have them in a vending machine or behind the counter. Not all bars have, but many do. And as some said above: Many of these machines have to be "unlocked" by RC by the bartender.

2) Special shops. Look for the sign "TABAC". They also have rolling and pipe tobacco, cigars, etc.

Ordinary shops like groceries don't sell it. Only the above mentioned.

Bring with you an extra ration in your backpack: In smaller villages you may not find the product.

I enjoy my smoking, but I hate my addiction. These days, there is fortunately a ban on indoor smoking everyhvere. In addition, one should be considerate to other persons, even when sitting outside. Even if being a smoker, I can remember the days where smoking was allowed on planes, in bars, taxis, etc. It could be tough even for smokers when the fog became too thick... So I welcome this, for the benefit of us all. This is not a healthy habit, for sure. Unfortunately it is an addiction that is very difficult to get rid of. I have tried, both on my own and with the aid of prescripton medicine. Not successful so far... :(

But the person who enjoys using a water pistol on smokers will stand the immediate experience of a good, solid beating if tried on me. Seriously. Disrespect.

Last year I came to Malaga (on my way to Salamanca to walk the last half of my VdlP camino). I had been totally without cigarettes for 4 months. A big victory for me. While sitting outside a bar enjoying a cold beer, 6 Spanish women at the next table all lit up their cigarettes, and all the smoke drifted directly towards me. I sat shaking for 1/2 hour before I rushed into the bar for a pack. So much for my quitting efforts...
alexwalker said:
I'll bring this thread back on topic: 8)

In Spain, you can buy cigarettes in

1) Bars. They may have them in a vending machine or behind the counter. Not all bars have, but many do. And as some said above: Many of these machines have to be "unlocked" by RC by the bartender.

2) Special shops. Look for the sign "TABAC". They also have rolling and pipe tobacco, cigars, etc.

Ordinary shops like groceries don't sell it. Only the above mentioned.
I disagree. Some 'mini markets' do, but it may not be obvious. Sometimes they have a little stash under the counter but limited choice of brand (I'm thinking of that shop on the corner in Triacastela for example). Get yourself onto Marlboro before you leave home and you'll be fine. Supermarkets certainly should have cigs, I'd have thought! :D

Buen Camino!
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
tyrrek said:
Some 'mini markets' do, but it may not be obvious. Sometimes they have a little stash under the counter but limited choice of brand (I'm thinking of that shop on the corner in Triacastela for example). Get yourself onto Marlboro before you leave home and you'll be fine. Supermarkets certainly should have cigs, I'd have thought! :D

You may be right, but I have asked in many such places, and they always said no.

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