I have no other social media account other than this forum. Despite our different backgrounds, ages, cultures or nationalities it is a place where we can exchange views, learn and debate in an environment that encourages seeing both sides while adhering to a set of rules that foster tolerance and respect.
For this very important issue we all seem to be in agreement that no form of sexual harassment is ok, that sadly it exists everywhere, even on our beloved caminos and that the Guardia Civil and authorities are working to change this by supporting those that report.
If you ask any woman she will most likely have experienced some form of sexual harassment in the workplace, travelling, with known persons, relatives and people we thought loved us.
The more we report, the more we use our voice, the more men speak up to support us and teach by example, the more we educate our young children, girls and boys on what is acceptable behaviour and what is not…the more we will change our current «reality ». (I use that word to make a point). As a collective, we will no longer accept this is a reality but rather highlight that we will not tolerate it any longer. Change happens if we keep at it. And from all the posts made in this thread, looks like the consensus is that we must and we will.
What we do, what we say and how we say it…it all matters.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. -
Margaret Mead
As pilgrims on the camino…let’s watch out for each other and support each other and let’s speak up, report and make a difference…because we can.
Safe and buen camino