This is a list of were we stayed, on our last Camino
We STRONGLY prefer to stay in Double rm with a private bathroom
Budget €100/day4both (Camino ave=€38/person).....don't forget to enjoy yourself. A budget of €120/day is more fun. Book Rooms 1 to 5 days in advance.
Always try to confirm your booking, on the same day (between 9am and 11am). It is not a speed race. It is not a “who spent the least” contest.
BBVA Bank (always works) or iberCaja Bank (does not charge a fee), Boiled Eggs keep 2 days
T21= Thursday Sept 21 *****=5Stars and distance to walk
2017 Camino Places to Stay
T21☻*** Gite d'Etape Ultreia, SJPdP 8, rue de la Citadelle 33 (0)6 80 88 46 22
-€50/night Drm/Bath WhatsApp :+33 (0)6 80 88 46 22 Buy and Take 2each Lunch/Sandwich up the hill Salt your food- you need it (the first week)
F22☻(7.3Km)*** Refuge Orisson, Orisson 00 33 559491303 Sandwiches 4-5€
-€36 /each, incl Din-Breakfast, provides fitted sheet, pillow case, blanket. 6-10 beds/room Sunrise-7:48am a must stay place.... will meet may Camino friends
For Shower... you need to pump the tap to get more water. Use the water, or don't use the water... you have FIVE minutes to shower with “hot” water. After Dinner...Introduce ourselves, where from and what our goal is. No WiFi
S23☻(18Km)*** Albergue de Roncesvalles, Roncesvalles 948 760 000 SPAIN EMERG# DIAL 112
-€24/2 Try bring Brfst power bar for walk 2.6Km to Burguete -€12 each ASK FOR TOP FLOOR ! Look around the Church.
S24☻(22Km)*** Albergue Río Arga Ibaia, Zubiri (just over Bridge) 680 10 44 71
-€40? Drm w/Bkfst shared Bathrm, ask for Bridge Balcony Has Kitchen -Best Ice cream Bar Magnum Almond
M25T26☻(22Km+BUS)****Hotel Agustinos Pamplona, 34 948 30 75 60, has a Sauna, you need it, you deserve it
-~€50/night, a real Hotel,. Not on Camino get L16 Bus to Eroski Store....sells SIM cards, Bus.. €1.35/P/ride/cash, no transfers
To leave...get L16 Bus to Bus Terminal. With back to Bus Terminal, turn right, toward roundabout, walk between buildings (on Left). Look for bus-stop on next street
get L1 Bus (UNIVERSIDADES), get off @ Cizur c/Esparza Bidea (Ronda)
W27☻(BUS+21Km)****Albergue Jakue. Puente La Reina 948 34 10 17 Supper €10 if light is right.. leaving via road bridge, take Pic's of Old Bridge
-36-40€/Drm- ask for a room with a window, don't miss eating upstairs @ Buffet
T28☻(18Km)****Albergue de Villatuerta (La Casa Mágica). Villatuerta 948 53 60 95 300yrs old bldg,
-€60?Drm or 14€beds (no bunks) Ask for 2 beds on a corner room. Really good Veg. Paella Supper.
F29☻(25Km)***Pensión Ostadar. Los Arcos 34 649 96 14 40 @9 San Lázaro St. Past Church, thru Arch, across Rd, Left branch, 40m, on left
-€45 Drm Have a drink in front of Church (everybody is there) Alt.Route.. After Irache (wine) take left branch, under Hwy, left again
S30(19Km)***Albergue Izar. Viana (Navarra) 948 090 002 660071349
-30€ Drm so-so breakfast, at entrance to town. Clean room, Nice Kitchen, Area near Church is pretty and very touristy
S01☻(23Km)****Albergue El Cántaro. Navarrete (La Rioja) 941 44 11 80 Walk behind Church to TOP of Hill, take Pic's
-40€Drm Red Albergue. Very clean, walk to far end of town. (steal Toilet Paper) Eat @ outdoor restaurant @ tree'd Sq, below Church
M02(23Km)***Albergue Municipal de Peregrinos de Azofra. Azofra 941 37 92 20 , 941 37 90 49 (Town Hall)
-7€ 60 beds/30rms All Dbl rms, clean enough. Get there early (they don't answers phone) Courtyard w/small Pool. Bring toilet paper.
Good kitchen, buy food @ store, but NOT on main street, it's off the open square, ask for “local” garlic and “local” wine
(the “local” wine is always better then the one with a “real” label. Look for Bakery in Grañon, past Church Sq, on R-side, bench on street
T03☻(23Km)??? Albergue Nuestra Señora de Carrasquedo, Grañón, 627 34 19 07 Bakery and big Church in Town
-28€Dbrm €8 Lunch or Supper, 1 Km south of town, next day... Eat breakfast or Lunch @ Hostal el Chocolatero (5.5Km) famous for it's homemade hot chocolate!)
W04☻(7Km)***Hotel San Anton Abad. Villafranca Montes de Oca (Burgos) 947 582 150 Bakery@entrance to town (get food 4 tomorrow)
-45€Drm Hotel w/ Albergue in the back, Lunch €12
T05☻(22Km) ? ?
F06S07(12Km)****Hotel Cordón, Calle La Puebla, 6 Burgos 947 26 50 00 €8Bkfst
-72€ Drm w/(great)breakfast Bkft is included... insist on it!) Clean, smallish rooms ask for not top floor, great location, real Hotel.
S08☻(21Km)??? Casa rural El Molino del Camino, Hornillos del Camino
-€48 Drm w/Brfst €15Supper, not on Camino... call for pick-up in Hornillos 947 560 302
M09☻(20Km)??? Hostels Ultreia, Castrojeriz 947 378 640 C/ Real de Oriente, 77, (a third the way into Town)
-€45 Drm(3€ Brkft) Communal Dinner €10 Wine Cellar foot pool
-----In the morning, get a full English breakfast @ Tachu Cafe Bar in Itero De La Vega (11Km, over BIG hill)
T10☻(25Km)****Hostal Camino De Santiago, Frómista 979 81 02 82
-48€ Drm w/ welcome Beer, SUPER clean, friendly, good Supper @ Bar next door €11meal 42°16'9.09"N 4°24'16.83"W
8 or 10K before Carrion de las Condes is a Pilgrim statue sitting at a table @ Villalcázar de Sirga... go into Town @ round-about
W11☻(21Km)***Hotel Real Monasterio San Zoilo, Carrión de los Condes, 979 88 00 49
-60€ Drm, free WiFi, Avoid.! ! For a Double room with a Double bed THEY CHARGE €25 for the second person!!!
Ask-access to the monastery cloister -ask about Coche Ride for tomorrow.687 885 147? Eat Lunch in Town.... then on to Hotel really good bakery in Town, buy now... snack, Supper, road snack.
T12(26Km)***Albergue “Los Templarios”, Terradill.os de Templarios, Palencia 667 25 22 79 Oct 12 is Hispanic Day (big Holiday) PreBook this day
-36€Drm ranch-style building on the trail (and Hwy), clean, w/bar, good supper. Laundry €4, Supper/Wine €10
F13(27Km)**** Albergue Vía Trajana, Calzadilla de los Hermanillos, 987 33 76 10,
-35€Drm really clean, great home cooked meal €10, follow arrows painted on street to Corner Store. really friendly owner
-When walking to Villarente, 1Km after crossing sm river (canal, ditch) and a concrete canal.... don't turn right, go straight to Reliegos, and rejoin Camino.
S14☻(30Km)**** Albergue San Pelayo, Villarente, 987 312 677
-40€?Drm converted Barn, great Supper €10, good Bakery on main street (the one full of people) 650 918 281 walk into Leon, get Bus just past Hospital, rest is boring
S15☻(Bus)** Hotel VillaPaloma, Virgen del Camino 47 Calle Astorga 987 30 09 90
-€49 Drm take bus 1A €1.30
M16☻(23Km)***** Molino Galochas, Villavante, Leon, 987 38 85 46, 629 96 38 70 on Southern route
-110€for 2, includes... Lunch, Supper, Breakfast. All meals are fantastic. Beautiful place. MUST STAY here! Your vacation, on your vacation!
T17☻(22Km)***Hotel Gaudi, Astorga 987 61 56 54 Cathedral/Museum €3-must see
-54.90€ Grand old Hotel but tired, great location, all of Astorga is touristy and pricey.
W18☻(21Km)****Hostal El Refugio, Rabanal del Camino, 987 631 592
-50€ very clean, friendly, heated, great Supper €12 (or €18), Bfst €4.50 (or €7.50)
T19☻(21Km)***Pension Riego de Ambros, Riego de Ambros 657 65 01 46 Eat Lunch@Acebo
€40 Dbrm Lndry €3
F20(26Km)**** Hotel Villa de Cacabelos, Cacabelos 987 54 81 48 606 41 57 20
€52(?€36?) clean Hotel (w/bathtub), large OK breakfast incl.
Or try-Albergue Cacabelos (Church)-35 Drms @ €5/person – 987 54 71 67... No Kitchen, No food, No window, NOISY!! (because they think they are alone, but you can hear everything)
S21☻(26Km) Casa Rural El Recanto, Vega de Valcarce, 987 54 32 02
-52€ close to.. the Panadería Cerezales,(left, after the (100ft) hwy bridge) a bit pricey, but soo friendly, and GREAT food, and Great Bakery
S22☻(24.3Km) Albergue A Reboleira, Fonfría, 982 18 12 71
-40€ serve a great place to stay, great communal Supper (O Cebreiro is worth an hour and a Lunch, but too Touristy!)
M23☻(22.4Km) Hostal Costa Victoria, Samos, 982 54 60 22
-35€ OK, close to Samos Monastery, small Bakery at end of street (2 blocks)
T24☻(24.6Km)**** Casa Morgade, Morgade, 982 53 12 50 your entering the last 100Km... LOTS of Pilgriums
-37€ Family run, clean, great Home Cooked meals €9 or €10(Veal) (we ate both Lunch and Supper)
W25☻(17Km)***Albergue Casa García, Gonzar 982-15-78-42
-€35 nice room, shared (unheated) bathrm, €10 Supper also: restaurant by the Hwy €10 Supper
T26(17Km)*** Pension Casa Curro, Palas de Rei 982 38 00 44
-40€ real good Supper €9, clean OK room upstairs w/Bath
F27☻(22.5Km) **** Albergue Santiago Castañeda, Castañeda 981 501 711
-€35 Drm (but only 2 rms), €9 Supper Tired but Clean, GREAT food, VERY friendly, the place is small, but you will feel at Home
S28☻(25.9Km)*** Pension Pedrouzo, O Pedrouzo 671 66 33 75
-Drm €45 great heater (Galicia can be cold and wet), very clean, laundry service When entering Town-Don't cross the Hwy, stay left
S29(21Km)**** Hospedería San Martín Pinario, Santiago de Compostela 981-563-282 speaks English
-40€ These are sm rms, top floor, very clean, Best location, Lunch meals €10, Supper is more
Get you Compostela (Certificate) before 10am or after 5pm (not so busy) Hours 8am-9pm @ 33 Rúa Carretas, (thru tunnel + Lg Sq, turn right on Rua das Carretas)
Camino Cooking
Mac-N-Cheese in 1 Pot (feeds 4)
Chunk of dry sausage, cut small, fry.
Add 3 cups (710ml) water, Boil
Add 1 lb (455g) Elbow Macaroni, Boil, stir,stir
Add 2 cups Milk (475ml), Boil, stir, stir, stir
Cook on LOW 10 min stir, stir, stir, stir, stir
Stir in 8 oz (225g) Grated Cheese (a third hard, 2/3 softer)
Set aside 10 min, serve w/Sliced Fresh Tomatoes??
Garlic Chorizo Pasta
Buy locally... a Choiriso, a Garlic, hard Cheese, Oil, Pasta
Cut Chorizo and Garlic fine
In frypan.... fry Chorizo 2 min., leave 10 min.
Boil water, add Pasta
fry Chorizo again, add Garlic, turn off heat
Drain Pasta, pour into frypan, toss. serve, cover with cheese