Absolutely - I am a dedicated iPhone user - mainly due to the O/S and the processor chips, not the other hardware aspects or appearance - Apple definitley dropped the ball on cameras around the iPhone 11 (2019) IMO and they have never been able to beat the top end Samsung's since. Absolutely support opinions in favour of going with a high-end Samsung if you are photography minded or primarly want the phone for that purpose - the camera hardware in the Samsungs is outstanding IMO.
P.S. Unfortunatley (IMO) the iPhone camera hardware just isn't as good overall; and along with the camera software Apple have excessively focussed on Portraits & Selfies, and Night Photos (i.e. people at parties and raves and such like) to the expense of general photography, landscapes, wide angle, sports & nature type subjects and other aspects of photography...
(I haven't seen a 16 first hand or read any reviews so maybe they've improved it?)
As an aside, yes, I know the feeling Viajefacil - I lugged a DSLR and several lenses all round the USA for 6 weeks back in 2013 and even though I had a rental car half the time it was a major hassle. They were heavy. Couldn't imagine doing it on a Camino (or any other long hike/tramp/walk) with them on my back the whole way!