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Okay, which one of you did this?


Active Member
Time of past OR future Camino
Frances '14, '15
Portuguese '16
Primitivo '23, '24

When we passed the split to go either the Hospitales route or the Pola de Allande route in late May this year, we found an amazing wood bench with an awesome wood carving of Yoda. I thought I must have just forgotten about it from last year when I passed this split, but a recent YouTube video I watched from early May shows the bench was not there.

It's really amazing, someone put in a lot of effort to create it and to place it. Kudos to them and thanks! We enjoyed sitting and looking at the great view.

Anyone know who or why this bench was placed here?


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Oh, ok I get it now! The writing is a quote by the Islamic poet, Hafiz…and some people think Yoda is supposed to be or represent a Sufi master maybe? Funny, I always thought of Yoda as a Buddhist! Have never seen much of Islam reflected in him. Just my opinion, of course. Does anyone know what the writing means under Yoda himself? Is it the artist’s signature? I’d love to know.
New Original Camino Gear Designed Especially with The Modern Peregrino In Mind!
The wheel might represent the Buddhist Dharma wheel. Certainly looks like it.
It's the Hindu Om (or Aum) symbol - I think this bench is designed to be multi-faith!
The first week in May Yoda was there and visited by a weary pilgrim


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first week in May Yoda was there

What was the date of that picture?

We know the bench was not there on or around 28 April and was there on 12 May.

I also wonder why the writing is in English, not Spanish?

Someone(s) put a lot of time and effort into creating and installing this beautiful bench.


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That's Sanskrit, and not necessarily Hindu - it's a Tibetan Buddhist mantra. There are also stylized Tibetan prayer flags, a lotus, and a Dharma wheel. Other than Yoda and the Hafiz quote, this looks like a very Buddhist seat. Gorgeous.
Gracias to whomever made it!
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

I was there April 16th last year, surely it was not there then. I would never have missed it!

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