I walked this way in November,many walk as far as Muxia from Finisterre very few walk from muxia to Santiago, from Muxia to Hospital I had it all to myself-plenty of places to stay,a lot more than in the guide books,( only show the municiple aubergue's)the only hassel I had was in the Muxia Aubergue who are now demanding a sellos from an off route cafe half way along the 30km route.you do meet plenty of Pilgrims going the other way and you tend to stop and talk more than if you were walking with them. the downsides are the walk its quite hilly and the daily distances quite long-the waymarks are all pointing the wrong way and not as many it can get a bit confusing I got lost twice once coming out of Muxia itself (the path is left on the coast side) and once near Negrera. But if you are wanting a good walking challenge go for for it Galicia is rewarding.
there is a few pics on my blog below.