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Is the VDLP Safe Right Now?

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2006 to date: Over 21 Caminos. See signature line
So, I have to admit I'm struggling today with whether or not to change my plans.

I'm not hoping to have an unexpected adventure - I'm walking for my health.
And I don't have cash to spare - so getting robbed, which has never before been a concern, is now on my plate as a real concern.

If only one pilgrim had been robbed, I would probably just shrug.
Or if it were just a "story" I"d heard.
But I heard it here from the horse's mouth.
A pilgrim was robbed at knifepoint.

And then Luka tells us that not only THAT pilgrim was robbed, but two bikes were stolen and perhaps another pilgrim was robbed as well.

Before I read about the two bikes being taken, I also would have shrugged.
But now, there is a knife, the robbers are attacking pairs (not just single walkers).

So, I'm thinking today.
It's not too late to change my plans and just stick to the Camino Frances.
The only cash I"d lose would be my $45 deposit to the Poor Clares in Seville.
I could just count it as a donation to their African mission.

Maybe the VDLP is just not in the cards for me.
Or maybe I should wait and walk it next year when Joe or another walker can accompany me.

I've been told I"m brave,
but I've never been told I'm stupid.
Walking into a den of snakes feels stupid.

What would YOU do???
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That is a tough call Anne. I think we really need to get a bit more information to determine if this to become a real problem.
1. Was this a single one time event or are there more than one?
2. Were the bikes "stolen" or taken from the riders directly?

I wonder if Ivar or JohnnieWalker have heard any reports in Santiago?

If this just a problem in the Seville area.. Maybe you could consider taking a bus from Seville and jumping ahead several stages.
It is a personal choice of course, this is what I know (and what my thoughts are):
- The bikes were stolen in Castilblanco, probably in the night (at least the owners were not there at the moment it happened)
- The robbery story I heard (second hand) was about a pilgrim alone that was robbed. She 'just' had to give her money, this person didn't search her pack
- I think the local police is very keen on arresting bastards like these. This is very bad for the local reputation and business of course
- We are with many pilgrims here, I guess about 20 to 30 a day, most of us walk alone (and still do)
- This camino is wonderful
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Funnily enough I was speaking to two pilgrims today who arrived from the Via de la Plata and had heard nothing of these incidents. There have been no reports whatsoever relayed to us in Santiago.

Annie the number of pilgrims arriving is increasing daily. If you continue to be anxious an option for you is to go to the Amigos Office in Sevilla and the Hotel Simon and hang around until you meet other pilgrims and arrange to walk in a group until you are farther north.
I just made a post and it apparently didn't show up.
I'm having difficulty posting from my phone.

After consulting with friends and family, I'm leaning in the last half hour to moving up to the Camino Frances.

It's not just these past few robberies.
When I was researching albergues on the eroski site, I saw at least two other robberies reported by pilgrims who stayed alone in albergues up north.

I just don't feel like I want to be looking over my shoulder at every turn.
I don't have cash to spare and a 60 year old woman walking alone would be a great target.

I walk too slow to expect others to walk with me.
I'm walking to relax, and I'd be on alert constantly.
It would not be fun.

This could again change throughout the day as I mull this over.
But for now, seems like I"ll once again put off the VDLP.
Maybe Joe will walk with me next year...
edit: never mind, nomadali has posted her own story on the board
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I hope the police will take this seriously and find these guys.
Maybe they're just hungry, because the economy is bad.
But for me, it's enough to put me off.
hi annie, notice how all the reports of robbery seemed to be happening in the province of sevilla. is it possible the result of a gang in sevilla? i walked alone this past winter alone at the beginning of february and have never encountered any robberies or heard of any reports of robbery along the way, even though some days i did not arrived until very late
don't give up walking the via de la plata.if you are worried, try to walk with a companion. if push comes to shove, start your via de la plata at monesterio which is in extremadura.
anyway, whatever you decide, buen camino.
Anniesantiago said:
I hope the police will take this seriously and find these guys.
Maybe they're just hungry, because the economy is bad.
But for me, it's enough to put me off.

with all due respect..I doubt if people like this, anywhere in the world, have ever held jobs so the economy really would have no effect on these scumbags. Hungry?? only for your money and possessions! If they were hungry they might try stealing food. 8)

I make no excuses for punks like this.
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Annie I wrote you a long pm in response to your PM but I lost it and couldn't send it. I'll try again the next time I'm on a real computer. The. I triex to send you a short PM and couldnt so i think its the weak wifi i have here in the pension. i cant write it all out again now but I think these guys typically operate before Guillena. I posted about a similar incident t last year-- search for "robbery on the VDLP". I also think that any solo walker,fast or slow, is going to want company. I think you would be fine till the spot where the VDLP leaves the main road a km or two after the ruins at Italica. Why not just wait at that spot for company for the last few kms into Guillena?

I wouldn't walk this stretch alone now, but I think you will easily find people looking for company for this stretch and maybe the next stage. Or start where you left off last time and you'll be beyond the trouble spot I think. The VDLP is so wonderful as Luka says. It would be a shame to let these guys keep you away. I'll try to write to you tomorrow from Algemesi . Laurie
Hello, I did VDLP alone last autum.

Protected my self with a Pebberspray, is ok for personale use.

Was told and heard storys about robbery and a striped woman left alone on the Camino. 700 police men was afterwords trying to find the bad peopel.

Lucky for mé notning happend, but it was on my mind and did desturb....

You are right it is a problem ((((

Regards from Connie
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
Dear Annie,
I feel exactly as you do. I too am brave and not, "stupid". These robberies are so disturbing to me.
I want to feel free when I walk (I prefer to walk alone) as I did on my prior camino experiences. One certainly feels more vulnerable as a woman too. There are other camino choices. I am thinking of changing my departure point too!!
(I would lose the Paris to Seville airfare plus deposits on Seville accommodation).

I am thinking of beginning in Le Puy now. Something does not feel right with these attacks on pilgrims. The decision is personal, of course. But I shall see what unfolds in the next few days. I have not made up my mind. This is the beauty of the Camino!
I am certainly not handing over my precious cash/cards to robbers! This is a sacred journey for me and fear has no place. Walking part of Chemin du Puy and Camino Frances (alternative routes on the Camino Frances too) is just as good an option. So very very beautiful...It is a blessing to walk the Way, to walk the earth!
Thanks for starting a thread I was about to create!!!! Trust your heart-mind.
The robbery in the Night was at the alberge, many phones, cameras and money was stolen in the Night. A Pilgrim have given flash papers, and left in the Night after stolen People's things.
Here the hospitalero told about the poor striped woman

I was told later on on the Road that the polis Got him in Salamancas.
Hello marji,

Do not give up your camino de la plata, it is your pilgrimage. Go ahead and go to sevilla and enjoy the city for 2 days. Then if you are worried about the robbery, take a bus to monasterio in extremadura and starts your walk from there. The robberies seem to be happening in the province of sevilla which ends at el real de la jara.
I did mentined in other posts that i walked the via de la plata this past winter at the beginning of february and i did not encountered or heard of any robberies. And i walked alone and sometime arrived very late at the albergue.
Sevilla, caceres, salamanca are very beautiful in the spring/summer, don't let these isolated incidents make you change your mind. Again, it is your camino. Buen camino.
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I found out, the robbery in the Alberge was in Zamora, the police found the man in Salamanca
thanks connie for informing us.

so the robbery occurred in zamora, a donativo. when i was there, this albergue is mostly frequented by peregrinos on bicycles, mostly spaniards, french, portuguese. this albergue is run by the spanish hospitalero association and the doors are closed. you can only get in by knocking on the door and the door closes around 2200 hour, i think.

the peregrinos stay in room of i think 12 beds (6 bunk beds). it was winter time when i was there, i believe they do take in non peregrinos during slow periods, but i am not sure.
The problem was, that there was a man with stolen indentificstions papers, so the Hospitalero belived it was a Pilgrim. When peopel was sleeping he sent arround the roms and tolk things in People's bags.
I was there by my self, sleeping in the ladt ROM downstairs, but We had not wisiting from him.
I was sleeping with 3 other men, Good protection))))
How he came out before peopel notic, I do not know, police tolk him in Salamancs.
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I just don't feel like I want to be looking over my shoulder at every turn.
I don't have cash to spare and a 60 year old woman walking alone would be a great target.

Hi Annie
At the end of the day you have to do what feels right for you but, as a 65 year old woman who walks alone and also doesn't have spare cash, I always feel this makes me safer. I don't have loads of modern technology to steal, I carry little money and I keep it close to me at all times.

It is strange that this robbery should have been in Zamora, this seemed a very secure Albergue. I was in a room of 6 beds (3 bunks) and there was a mixed group of people. If the man has been caught!!!!
There will always be bad people around and periodically there are reports of crimes on the Caminos, these are very few considering the number of people walking :)
But, as I said, do what makes you feel better.
Buen Camino
My thoughts are with all who are on or planning on being on the VDLP at this time. May God keep you safe and you be guided to the right decisions.
Buen Camino
hello connie,
thanks for the info. it is much appreciated. while i was there i was in the same room with 5 other bikers from spain and actually with also a french social worker who has with him a young french boy/man in his charge. i believe it is a programme used in france and belgium to help young people with problems. i also encountered another french social worker with his charge in fuenterrobles de salvatierra. but no problems with anyone. i guess there is safety in numbers.
i normally keep my money or document inside my pillow case under my pillow, also cell phone. with whatever valuables i have in my backpack, i usually place them under the hardest place to reach, making it not worthwhile for anyone to get at.
peregrinos, please take some precautions. this will happen again as it is very easy to gain entrance to the albergue with false documents. not all albergues asked for your passport or national identity card
for identification. it would be a good idea for the various hospitalero associations to instruct their hospitaleras/-os to ask for photo identification.
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This is a very unfortunate situation and I wish all those leaving or on the way a safe journey. I have a Camino contact in Sevilla who is very involved with the Vía de la Plata. I have sent off a message to him regarding the recent developments and asked if he has any further news. If I hear any information of benefit I will pass it on to you all.

On a side note to Piogaw: a hospitalero from the Spanish Federation is placed in an albergue as a volunteer to serve pilgrims, not to police. Yes, a credential is in most cases required but if I had to verify the identity of every pilgrim that came into an albergue believe me, I would no longer want to volunteer.

I served in Grañón where we do not even stamp a credential and pilgrims sign themselves in. The donativo box is also always left open. That is called trust. This tradition is 16 years old, started by José Ignacio who believes that walking the Camino is what counts, not a stamp in a credential...but I am digressing as that is a whole other topic!

This summer I will be in Santo Domingo de la Calzada, a mere 6 km from Grañón but a world apart as it holds 200+ pilgrims. Thank goodness I won't have to check the identity of each and every pilgrim!

Safe travels en buen Camino!
Thanks everyone. I'm sure this is not a trend and I will eventually finish the VDlP. I'm just not up to the stress of watching over my shoulder right now after my long fight with Disability. I'm just worn out and need some time to recover.

I still may change my mind in the next few days. I have all weekend to decide i leave on Tuesday. I'm in a place with no Internet now and am working from my phone. So making reservations and checking trains and buses is difficult.

If I can find a way to get from the Madrid airport to Zafra, I may still begin there and just skip going to Sevilla. But I've cancelled my reservations in Sevilla

But today I am thinking I will go to Pamplona instead and try out the new Corazonpuro Albergue in Viskarret and make a slow walk on the Frances.
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I wish you a safe and good Camino. May you have a deep sense of the Lord's loving presence with you as you walk.

I will be in Santiago de Compostela June 15th for two weeks. Maybe I will have the pleasure of meeting you there when you arrive at the pilgrim office.

Buen Camino
Thanks Miguel. Looks like I can get a bus from Madrid to Zafra. I will decide this weekend

Thanks Lydia. If I am in Santiago during that time I will look you up. And thank you for your prayers and blessing!

I've pm'd Luka for a bit more info

Margi, have you decided? Would you be interested in meeting in Zafra? I would arrive there on May 8 if I go there.
Hi, Annie!
I'm sorry that you are having this problem so early in your Camino. I don't blame you for being concerned, though. I'll be thinking of you and praying for your safe passage. Please keep us posted.
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Dear Annie read your comments, however am pretty sure have noticed that your walking VDLP after your concerns?
Just to say good for you, and hope your safe and enjoying it?
I travel from Sevilla on Saturday 08th June, I agree that crime can put a dampener on what is a wonderful experience.
Take care and good luck......Buen Camino
Colin Scotland
Hi Colin. I wimped out and am on the Frances in Azofra now. I honestly wish I had tougher it out on the VDLP but hindsight, etc. am having a good walk. Got as far as Carceres -stunning scenery! Enjoy!
Well Annie you have to do what feels right for you.....................
It has troubled me a little, but will not let it stop me, and will not be handing anything over !!!!
I am focusing I guess now, on extra security measures at the Albergues.
Shame it gets spoiled, but guess that's life.
Enjoy anyway take care Colin :D
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Am wondering if any new reports of robberies in the first stages of the VdlP? I emailed the office of the Amigos in Seville, and they said it was only one instance, but according to this forum there were more. Am starting (lone pilgrim, female, 66) from Seville 18th or 19th September - is anyone else starting around then, or know of anyone?
Am wondering if any new reports of robberies in the first stages of the VdlP? I emailed the office of the Amigos in Seville, and they said it was only one instance, but according to this forum there were more. Am starting (lone pilgrim, female, 66) from Seville 18th or 19th September - is anyone else starting around then, or know of anyone?

I am walking on the VdlP right now and have heard nothing of any further trouble of that nature.
Of course, it is much too hot for any dirtbags to be out and around. Hope it cools for you in September.
Am wondering if any new reports of robberies in the first stages of the VdlP? I emailed the office of the Amigos in Seville, and they said it was only one instance, but according to this forum there were more. Am starting (lone pilgrim, female, 66) from Seville 18th or 19th September - is anyone else starting around then, or know of anyone?
i have not heard of any other robberies since may. anyway there is safety in number. you will meet more peregrinos doing the vdlp in september. unlike my walk from sevilla in february, i met only 2 peregrinos during my first 2 weeks. i also believe the 2 robberies on the route are isolated cases. i have not heard whether the robbers are caught or not, the guardian civil will not this go, it is a stain on the reputation of spain.
i will be in santiago in a few days, will keep you abreast if there are any more events happening.
buen camino and godspeed.
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There was also an identical incident last year in the same location,

I was a little skeptical at the time, but got confirmation that it was true. It sounds like it's the same spot, right before Guillena where things get a little lonely and you go over a stream.

I know there isn't much pilgrim traffic now -- a bad thing if you're looking for company, a good thing because it means the robbers aren't likely to sit around all day waiting for one pilgrim to walk by. But for people walking in the higher traffic times, if you haven't met anyone leaving Sevilla, a good place to stop and wait would be after the ruins at Italica, where the Camino first turns off the highway to the left. It's before that first water crossing (arroyo) and if memory serves, there is a big tree right where the camino turns off. Having someon to walk with for those few kms into Guillena would not be a bad idea.

Buen camino to everyone, Laurie
There was also an identical incident last year in the same location,

I was a little skeptical at the time, but got confirmation that it was true. It sounds like it's the same spot, right before Guillena where things get a little lonely and you go over a stream.

I know there isn't much pilgrim traffic now -- a bad thing if you're looking for company, a good thing because it means the robbers aren't likely to sit around all day waiting for one pilgrim to walk by. But for people walking in the higher traffic times, if you haven't met anyone leaving Sevilla, a good place to stop and wait would be after the ruins at Italica, where the Camino first turns off the highway to the left. It's before that first water crossing (arroyo) and if memory serves, there is a big tree right where the camino turns off. Having someon to walk with for those few kms into Guillena would not be a bad idea.

Buen camino to everyone, Laurie
Thanks everyone. If no-one turns up in Itálica I'll hop on a bus, or I'll be brave ("who so beset him round/with dismal stories/do but themselves confound/his (or her) strength the more is") - thanks John Bunyan.
Just a quick follow-up from the Spanish forum. One of the people who posted had been hospitalero in Guillena when these attacks happened. The Guardia Civil is trying to find these guys, but since the attacks are so sporadic they have been unable to find them. Apparently there are guardia in plain clothes who make the rounds every now and then. They do seem to happen in "high season", so that suggests that if you're walking in high season, you should wait at the camino turn-off on the road after Italica because since it's high season there will be others. If it's low season, the odds are quite low that anything will happen, it seems to me, at least based on the history of what has happened in the past.

The other related comment that should make everyone happy is that the albergue in Castilblanco, which had a long history of a lot of problems of security and thefts, is now staffed by Volunteer Hospitaleros and those problems have disappeared.

Good luck to all starting out! Laurie
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i have just returned from santiago working as a hospitalero. thankfully i have not heard of any other robbery committed in the first 2 stages of the vdlp. maybe others have heard of any robbery or incident, i would like to know. again please be vigilant and alert to that section of the camino. as suggested by other veteran peregrinos if possible walk with a group. if you feel uncomfortable, then skip this section and take a bus to the next stage.

good luck. buen camino and god bless.
Last edited:
So, I have to admit I'm struggling today with whether or not to change my plans.

I'm not hoping to have an unexpected adventure - I'm walking for my health.
And I don't have cash to spare - so getting robbed, which has never before been a concern, is now on my plate as a real concern.

If only one pilgrim had been robbed, I would probably just shrug.
Or if it were just a "story" I"d heard.
But I heard it here from the horse's mouth.
A pilgrim was robbed at knifepoint.

And then Luka tells us that not only THAT pilgrim was robbed, but two bikes were stolen and perhaps another pilgrim was robbed as well.

Before I read about the two bikes being taken, I also would have shrugged.
But now, there is a knife, the robbers are attacking pairs (not just single walkers).

So, I'm thinking today.
It's not too late to change my plans and just stick to the Camino Frances.
The only cash I"d lose would be my $45 deposit to the Poor Clares in Seville.
I could just count it as a donation to their African mission.

Maybe the VDLP is just not in the cards for me.
Or maybe I should wait and walk it next year when Joe or another walker can accompany me.

I've been told I"m brave,
but I've never been told I'm stupid.
Walking into a den of snakes feels stupid.

What would YOU do???
Yes. I was quite worried, but the Guardia Civil are patrolling that section of stage 1. If worried go to Triana Backpackers in Sevilla and find someone to walk with. I did this 2 weeks ago - now at the Embalse de Alcántara. Buen Camino.
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If you swim in the sea you may suffer a shark attack, if you cross a road you may get hit by a car, if , if , if , if............ if you walk the Camino you may get robbed........ but chances of being robbed may be great in your own town or country than on the Camino.

Crime is a worldwide problem and the Camino is no exception. But how many people swim in the sea and have never had a shark attack or even seen a shark? How many people cross a road and have never had an accident? And how many people have traveled along the Camino and never have been robbed?

When walking the Camino you just have to use common sense NEVER leave your passport,money,camera,iPhone,etc...... along.

The Camino is as safe as you want it to be. Yes the odd incident may happen but as I just said , it´s odd.

Buen Camino!
Hi Sirjohnharrington,
I hope you continue to have a safe and rewarding camino. I hope to start in Ceasar de Carceres next April and would love to hear how you are finding it. Perhaps when you finish you might be give an account. I walked from Sevilla to Ceasar de Carceres last April- May, the same time as Luka, but did not hear of any of the incidents mentioned in this thread. The Via de la Plata is a wonderful camino so let's hope it will not become unsafe for pilgrims. Buen Camino
I think that maybe the title of this thread is misleading. If the question is, Is the Vdlp safe? of course the answer is yes. I've walked it three times alone and I haven't ever had a problem, and I hope to return. But that's not what this post is about. It's about a specific point on the Vdlp where there have been robberies, a somewhat isolated stretch, same modus operandi, always with hooded guys with knives, always with pilgrims as a target. I'm glad to hear from someone who is there now that the Guardia Civil continues to patrol that little stretch.

Random crime is like a shark attack, no doubt, but that is different from what provoked this thread. These few incidents were not random. When you have a situation where the same incident repeats itself, in the same place, the only sensible thing to do is to be aware and be careful.

I am one of those who have walked the Vdlp since this first happened and continue to sing its praises, but we may just add one little note of caution to be alert on the stretch between the turnoff after Italica and Guillena.

So glad you are having a good walk, sirjohnharington, would love to hear some details of your Vdlp. Laurie
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I think that maybe the title of this thread is misleading.
Agree with you Laurie, we are talking about one stage along a Camino of 1,000km! Maybe someone from the admin could change the original title to something like: Safety on stage 1 VdlP. Just a thought.
Agree with you Laurie, we are talking about one stage along a Camino of 1,000km! Maybe someone from the admin could change the original title to something like: Safety on stage 1 VdlP. Just a thought.

Maybe. But when I began the thread, it was a legitimate question.
A perigrina from this forum, 2 peregrinos, and 2 bicigrinos had all been robbed within a few weeks of each other. It was enough to put me off re-walking the section out of Sevilla.
I don't doubt the legitimacy of your question Annie and this was not the point that I wanted to make. This is about one stage of many, that's all. The TITLE is misleading, nothing else.
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
hello sirjohnharington,

good to hear that you made it to embalse de alcantara without any problems. keep us posted.

the good news from peregrina2000 is that the guardia civil has arrested 2 person in cama just outside of sevilla while robbing a canadian peregrino. as laurie has mentioned, this could be the same people committing the robbery between italica and guillena. cama is on the route of the first stage of vdlp from sevilla through cama to italica and onwards to guillena.

buen camino.

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