I carried a guidebook on the CP last year and again this year, and have a number of apps loaded, both general purpose mapping apps like OSMAnd+ and IGN, and specialist apps like WisePilgrim. I did get 'disoriented' this year on the Variant Espiritual, but that was my own inattentiveness, not any lack of waymarking. There will always be some tit-bit of information in one place that isn't always in the others, and some things that I found our along the way about places to stay that weren't in any of these.
There is a route in
Wise Pilgrim, but on my version, it doesn't go to Arcos. I checked some other sources, and there is at least one alternative to the route shown in
Wise Pilgrim, including one in OSMAnd+ that does join the CP Central route at Arcos. The WisePilgrim route appears to be the same as one on the CNIG website, and joins the CP Central route just before Rates. In addition, the
Wise Pilgrim route displays a couple of short complementary routes that are not shown on the route provided by CNIG.