I didn't stay in Las Medulas - made the mistake of booking La Peregrina in Carucedo. Nice hotel, but out in the countryside with no facilities - like an evening meal! Had to get a (costly) taxi to Las Medulas and ate in the Hotel Medulio. Wish I'd stayed there.
In Puente de Domingo Flórez I stayed in Hostal La Torre, on the way and good value.Good meal, too.
O Barco de Valdeorras - Hotel Malecon, a few yards from the way. Good modern hotel with a/c and a lift. No restaurant, but Casa Galaica restaurant recommended.
A Rua - O Pillaban, on the way, good room and food.
Quiroga - Hotel Casa do Estanco. Very nice, a/c but no evening meals. Lots of choice in town, though. Others speak highly of Hostal Quiper.
A Labrada (300m from A Ponte and signposted) Pension Pacita. An Invierno tradition, and the only hotel between Quiroga and Monforte. Use it while you can - its future may be in doubt. You might be served freshly-caught trout.
Monforte de Lemos - Hostal MON Come y Suena. Cheap and basic, fine for a night.
Vilariño (a few miles east of Chantada) 400m off the way, Casa Rural Torre Vilariño. Loved it - polished wooden floor in the room. Reminded me of Rivendell!
Penasillas - (actually, about a mile before it) Hotel Vilaseco. Top-notch luxury (for the Camino, anyway) and a good meal. Out in the country.
Rodeiro - Hostel-Hostal Carpinteiras. The only show in town, really. Has an albergue on the 1st floor, rooms on the 2nd. Cheap and basic. Lively bar and good menu del dia, but no evening meal. Restaurants nearby.
Lalin - El Palacio. Comfortable, spacious room, lift, no a/c or evening meal, but lots of choice in Lalin.
Bandeira - Hotel Victorino. Much better than its one star would suggest. Good breakfast (Landlady spent time in Canada as a teenager and speaks good English)
Lestedo - Rural Hotel Casa de Casal. Beautiful old country house. Excellent food and room. No a/c - walls are 2 feet thick! Treat yourself before Santiago.
Santiago de Compostela - Casa da Balconada, very close to the Cathedral.
Note that many hotels don't serve breakfast until 7 or even 8 am, but a Spanish breakfast doesn't amount to much anyway. Also note shortage of water points and supplies between towns.
Others will come along, I hope, with their recommendations. I suggest booking ahead at least one or two days. I used WhatsApp and Google translate, to the extent that the (English-speaking) chatelain of Casa de Casals assumed I spoke fluent Spanish. (I don't.)