I set off from sjpp on last thursday I headed up to orisson and it was a lovely walk, I already knew the mountain path was a no go but i didnt see the point in wasting the reservation. Early the next morning we were transferred to valcarlos (for free) were we walked the trail to roncevalles there was a couple of light snow showers but nothing to hardcore. Then overnight 2 feet of snow fell on roncevalles. I followed the trail from burgette to espinal approx 3km in the snow it took me 2 hours. I followed the road the rest of the way to zubiri along with all the other pilgrims. It seems the snow isnt that deep on this side of the alto de erro and is barely covering the ground. The forecast for today is 8C and getting warmer during the week. Up in orisson the weather can change so fast from blanket fog to thick snow to breathtaking scenery and back again in less than 5 mins. I would advise against the route napoleon at least until the snow is gone.