I need to point out that I have had no experience with this school and as such, I can not vouch or recommend it. However, it sounds very interesting to me and I am planning on going out early next year. I heard about it via a Spanish language school here in London, El Camino Espanol, which arranges trips for their students.
TSE, True Spanish Experience, have two locations and they both offer immersion education. However, it is the campus in A Coruna that I find interesting as it offers a Camino journey to practice your Spanish and comes complete with social activities like bread making and fishing with the locals along the way. And of course, you can stay before or after the Camino experience to study immersion style. Check them out at True Spanish Experience. Camino aside, they have a lot to offer
This is the page about Camino study. Might be worth investigating.
True Spanish Experience te ofrece cursos de español personalizados. A través de nuestros cursos, vivirás una completa inmersión lingüística combinando las clases de español con experiencias inolvidables en las ciudades de Cuenca y A Coruña (España).
Hope you find something that inspires you.