I walked through here this morning, having stayed in the O'Reiro albergue in Vilarserio (clean but cold) because the rain was too much to go on to Maroñas as I had hoped to. But I was up early and out on the road, and stopped for desayuno at the café at the albergue Casa Pepa which is so new it is not even in
Brierley's 2013 guide. But the Galician tourist office had it on their list, which is worth getting before setting out. The couple there was very warm and greeted me with enthusiasm and kindness.
Casa Pepa: 981 852 881
I stopped today just 18k from Maroñas, in Logoso, the last lodging before Hospital (fortunately just before another torrential downpour) and found a new Albergue that opened last fall. It is really very nice, with two dorms of 6 beds each and also a private room. It is called O Logoso. I am very glad to be here.
O Logoso: 981 727 602
These are Albergues, not hostels, but very modern and comfortable ones.
I, too, passed the Casa Rural As Pias in Olviero - stopped at the bar for a refreshment and the snack they gave me (gratis) was nearly a full lunch. It was lovely and I toyed seriously with the idea of stopping there, but wanted to go a bit further to close in the distance to Finisterre tomorrow.
Just a few very fresh notes!