We have read site after site, blog after blog, and cannot figure out the actual walking distance from Poladura to Benduenos (actually Herias...Sandra will pick us up there to go to Benduenos). One site indicates that Herias is 6km before Campomanes, but that simply doesn't match any maps. A blog noted that there is a path to bypass Pajares which saves 5km for thru travelers. Can anyone provide ground truth on how long the actual hike would be and whether it is manageable?
Hi, Jim and Janet,
Ender has told me that the distance is about 30 km. As you point out, some of the discrepancies come from where you turn off to go to San Miguel (there are two), but you surely want to avoid the village of Pajares if you are not going to sleep there. I am not sure it really is a 5 km savings, though. Probably one of the best ways to get a solid estimate is on wikiloc.com, these are GPS tracks posted by those who have walked it. I think this one is as good as any I have seen, and its distance is about 31 km. So I think you've got a ballpark figure to work with.
And you are right that the 6 km before Campomanes statement seems grossly overstated (that's always been the figure I used, so your comment has been educational for me). Looking at this track,
https://www.wikiloc.com/wikiloc/view.do?id=11394374 it seems to be no more than 2 or 3. Is that what you were thinking? In any event, Bendueños to Mieres is a very doable day. Lots of asphalt on the way along the river into Mieres, but I was frequently able to get onto a narrow dirt path paralleling the asphalt.
And since you say you enjoy old churches, do not even think about not stopping at Santa Cristina. It is a WONDER, both inside and out. Sandra will call the caretaker for you the night before, to arrange an earlier visit. The door of the church gives her phone number (she lives a few houses below) and states certain regular visiting hours. But I have visited this church four or five times, never during normal visiting hours (but always during normal daylight hours), and she has always been happy to come up to open up. I think pilgrims get special treatment in this regard.
Poladura to Bendueños is probably no harder than stages many of us have done, such as Pola de Gordón to Pajares. But it does pretty much wrap all of the challenging parts into one day -- the ascent after Poladura, the descent after the Puerto de Pajares, the sometimes overgrown and usually wet hugging the edge after San Miguel. But there is just no way to divide the stages perfectly. Of course if you had the time, you could give yourselves the 5 star treatment and split Poladura to Bendueños into two with a stop in Pajares. I did walk last year from Pajares to Bendueños and it is a VERY short day. But I enjoyed every minute of that very short walk and every minute of my time in the albergue, in the church across the way, and just soaking up the lovely scenery (admittedly slightly marred now by the Autovía, but hey).
Having done the 4, 5, and 6 day plan, I can say I enjoyed them all and can't wait to get back again. Buen camino, Laurie