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LIVE from the Camino First Camino on the Camino Ingles


New Member
Time of past OR future Camino
4/10/2024 - Camino Ingles
I’m studying in Madrid for the semester, and after a few weeks of research, I decided I want to try and complete the Camino Ingles in 4 days from Ferrol to avoid missing school while still walking over 100km.

To give a recap, I started the day at around 10am, getting my credentials in Ferrol and beginning the walk. For the first part, the walk was through the city and along the water. It was beautiful and I was in high spirits. As I walked, I made my way through Xubia as the sun began shining. It was relatively warm with a nice breeze from the water, and I took a break at a coffee shop after around 2 hours of walking. I then made my way through Neda and Fene, walking next to houses and farms, as well as through more hilly and tree covered regions. I got super lucky with the weather, although it appears this won’t keep up for the next few days. I continued walking for a total of around 5.5 hours. Finally, I arrived in Pontedeume with slightly sore feet but in high spirits. My first day was great overall, and I feel relatively well prepared for the 2 longer days at the end as I hope to complete the Camino in 4 days.

I would love any recommendations or advice people have, as I will be stopping in Betanzos, A Rua, and finally Santiago over the next 4 days. If there any cool stamps, good stops, etc., please let me know!
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
Are you staying here in A Rua?

Suggestion for wonderful food in Betanzos : O Pote

Church in Betanzos.
Yes, I’ll be in A Rua on Sunday night.
Keep the Camino momentum going once you return home with After the Camino
Casa Avelina is a must-stop bar about half an hour before Bruma. If you know, you know! Good luck. A four day Ingles is quite ambitious.

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