I did not see "Fifty Shades of Grey", what's the purpose.
My dad said, "Son when you buy paint or a box of crayons remember it's the primary colors that count: White, Blue, Black, Green, Yellow and Red.
You may purchase a box with 100 different shades of the basics, but at the end of the year; some will show use, others will never be touched and the basics will need to be replaced."
Hey, folks, come on. Many of us only see in black and white, many others in sharp pastels, I prefer to remain with the basics: a clean white approach to life (oh, I can already hear the collective PC gasp), a blue sky as I walk the Way (except in Galicia, of course), a bank balance in the black when I return, friends green with envy that I was in Spain while they froze back home, the yellow mustard seed trees that guide me along and, my red face when I tell my family..."This was not really my final Camino...maybe just one more...really
, I promise"