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Fake Pilgrim fraudster in Gironde, France


"True Pilgrim"
Time of past OR future Camino
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There's a report in the French Le Figaro newspaper that the Police are searching for a fake pilgrim, going by the name of Fred, who has been posing as someone in need and then stealing people's credit cards, and cars, after gaining their trust by doing handiwork jobs for them.

Même sur les chemins de Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle, l’habit ne fait le moine. Depuis un dépôt de plainte datant du 28 septembre, un homme d’une quarantaine d’années, qui se présente comme un pèlerin, est activement recherché par la gendarmerie de Saint-Savin. Il est soupçonné d’être l’auteur de plusieurs vols de cartes bleues et voitures chez des hôtes des chemins.

Pour mener à bien ses méfaits, l’individu prétexte avoir besoin de se reposer sur la longue route qui le mène vers l’Espagne et réussit à s’inviter chez ses victimes quelques jours, voire plusieurs semaines. «Généralement, il se rapproche de femmes, gagne leur confiance, travaille et participe à certains frais pendant qu’il fait ses repérages, puis il s’en va avec la carte bleue, son code et une voiture», indique au Figaro une source près du dossier.

The Fédération française des associations des chemins de Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle is warning people about the man too.
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
Google translation:

Even on the Way of St. James, clothes don't make the man. Since a complaint was filed on September 28, a man in his forties, who presents himself as a pilgrim, has been actively sought by the Saint-Savin gendarmerie. He is suspected of being the perpetrator of several thefts of credit cards and cars from hosts on the way.

To carry out his misdeeds, the individual pretends to need to rest on the long road that takes him to Spain and manages to invite himself to his victims' homes for a few days, or even several weeks. "Generally, he gets close to women, gains their trust, works and contributes to certain expenses while he does his reconnaissance, then he leaves with the credit card, his code and a car," a source close to the case tells Le Figaro.

The Fédération française des associations des chemins de Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle is warning people about the man too.


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