My tentative 2018 Camino will include the Invierno from Ponferrada. I have recommended it here as an alternative to the Frances and the "Sarria stroll."
FWIW...Normally, I go on Camino for 30 days or so each year (April- May) . But, this year, "she who must be obeyed" shortened the apron string to two weeks. However, la jefa says she will meet me at Santiago for two weeks of tourist travel afterwards. She is NOT interested in doing Camino per se, but IS interested in seeing what I have been up to at Santiago for five years. So, there are places to go, and people to meet...
But, not having actually done the Invierno myself, it behooves me to do so. So I shall. I plan to start from Ponferrada around the 20th of April, and arrive in Santiago in the first week of May.
Easter is April 1 in 2018. So that puts the "Pig in the Python" surge starting at several transportation nodes to the east around Easter behind me, I think...
Once I do this, I will be in a better stead commenting on actual conditions. Heretofore, I have only commented on the Invierno route itself as an alternative to the Sarria segment and the crowds. So, needs must...
I will pay particular attention to the canine situation on the Invierno so I can report more accurately. Through a hilarious turn of events, when preparing to move overseas for a few years, back-in-the-day, I "accidentally" had a three-shot rabies vaccine, with indefinite, long-term effect. In December, I receive my updated tetanus booster. So, bring on the Invierno...
I hope this helps.