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Do you have a favorite Camino tree?

Time of past OR future Camino
Various 2014-19
Via Monastica 2022
Primitivo 2024
The subject of camino trees came up in a chat with another Forum member, and we both thought it would be fun for everyone if there was a thread about our favorite trees along the way, or even in Santiago.

My personal favorite is this gorgeous chestnut on the Invierno, between Villavieja and Castillo de Cornatel.
signal-2024-10-21-11-36-16-209.webp signal-2024-10-21-11-33-35-853.webp

A tree I haven't met yet (but want to) is easier to find: the giant Pohutukawa in A Coruña.

I've discovered a few others from this link:

Among them, a few that are relatively close to a camino route:
1. Tejo milenario de San Cristobal de Valdueza
Between El Acebo on the Francès and Penalba - quite a detour, but also quite a tree.

2. This immense oak is "thought to be the largest and oldest tree in the Montaña Palencia in the region Castilla y Leon" - and is not so far from Cervera de Pisuerga on the Olvidado.

If you really want to get into the weeds with this, here's a fun website:

Edited to add this website listing trees in Galicia:
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The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
February 26, 2008

west of Sarria.jpg

Early morning leaving Sarria after crossing the rio Pequeno on the medieval Ponte Aspera and traversing a railway track I entered a magical space, an enchanted wood, and saw what would become my favorite tree.

Carpe diem!
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
Camino Frances
rúa do Salvador
La Capela do Ciprés

photo taken December 1, 2013

Samos, La Capela do Ciprés.jpg

This millennial cypress tree 25 m. tall, is one of the most notable trees in Spain. The adjacent chapel which may once have been a monastic cell is named for that cypress.
Another fun themed thread!
VN, as soon as I read the title I was going to say "Chestnut" because the ancient ones are amazing! I've been mesmerized by them this past year on both the Sanabres and the Invierno.
This monster was upon leaving the albergue in Villavieja. I'm in the picture for "scale".

Then the Via Francigena popped into my head because I loved seeing the marching soldiers of the "Thin man arborvitaes" all lined up in rows in Tuscany. They aren't beautiful, but they sure make a landscape statement.
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.

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