Your presumption seems to be an exaggeration that isn't really fair.
I think I understand the situation that the vlogger commented on. On a route like the VDLP which attracts more solitary or independent walkers, when two walkers do come upon each other, it is a more significant event that on the Francés. I would think about my approach (one has lots of thinking time while walking and approaching a distant figure ahead on the wide open spaces) and I'd be very sensitive to their potential reaction as well as my own mood. I would studiously avoid imposing on their company, and I hope they would be similarly sensitive to me. I would be open to how the conversation develops, but I would expect to chat pleasantly for a moment or two or three, but then to continue our ways. This might be different if it is a person who I have met before and either liked or disliked. If the former, we might well have a longer conversation, but if the latter, then yes I might avoid them. That would be an unusual situation and would be the same on any camino.
This is quite different from the idea that "catching up and saying hello to each other was a situation to be avoided at all costs."
I understand your point on the typical VDLP pilgrim, and the contrasting points of this Camino versus the Frances. I could only evaluate the situation based on what I saw in the video, however, and what the vlogger said of it. And, to clarify, by "catching up" I meant advancing upon,
and overtaking, another at a faster pace; not "catching up" in order to socialize. I'm nowhere near that extroverted.
A short "Buen Camino" or "Hola", and
maybe an "hace mucho calor/frio, no?" or whatever the situational context may allow in the moment, is what you [might] expect from me when I overtake someone, especially someone unfamiliar. This is what I meant by "saying hello". Additionally, over the many years, I've learned not to expect
any response, or even acknowledgment after offering a short greeting. Though I find it strange when it happens, I'm fine with that, too.
My point was, and remains, I'm not going to stop and pause or reduce my pace to avoid contact with [an]other pilgrim(s), as this vlogger did, and confirmed by commentary.