1. Has anyone struggled with whether it is acceptable or not?
2. I had read in this forum--somewhere--that Episcopalians were okay to take Communion.
Deborah, hi
In my very recent posts I overlooked answering your originating questions.
Having read many of the posts, the invitation to receive Communion at Santiago Cathedral seems to be addressed to "catholics", in that if you are not a catholic you may not receive. So what is a "catholic".
As an Anglican (Episcopalian), like you I also recite the Nicene or Apostles creed on Sundays and say I believe in the "one holy catholic (and apostolic) church". And the Anglican Communion teaches the Real Presence of Christ in the outward and visible forms of bread and wine. (Some Anglicans may prefer to see the sacrament only as a memorial.)
PS: my quote, including lack of capital letters, are taken from the Roman Missal in English. The same words are found in the Anglican prayer books of England and of my part of the world. I assume this is true throughout the world, even in the Eastern (or Orthodox) Churches.
So Anglicans are catholics in their teaching.
The only question then is to whether the administrative boundaries men (and women?) have created between the various branches of the Church universal are a real barrier to receiving Communion. In another perspective, may I take the more possibly more liberal/accepting/inclusive views of my part of the world and apply them elsewhere? Or must I attempt to understand the level of liberality/inclusiveness/hospitality in the region I am visiting for several weeks before deciding what to do.
To answer your questions directly:
1) No struggle. I willing receive communion offered by the "one holy catholic Church" (the Church universal, broadly defined) wherever it is to be found. And many of the Roman Catholic priests that offer (do not refuse) me Communion, know my background as do those relatives who take me to a Roman Catholic Mass when I am visiting them.
2) The teaching on this point, which I received from recognized members of the Roman Catholic branch of the Church universal, are in my posting on Sunday, 13 December at 20h14 GMT (zulu)
Deborah, thanks for your original post and the opportunity to read the responses. I only hope my long winded answer is helpful.