- Time of past OR future Camino
- Future (2019) Portuguese.
A 2.8 mile first walk is nice start I feel. I guess that could represent about a 15-20% walk of a walk day. I expect after the heat wave to resume walking 4 -5 walks a week and every week extend the distance.
One month almost, four weeks yesterday. Now I easily walk 4 miles in a bit over an hour. Seems too short and too quick. Just four short weeks of diligence and am really making progress. Added a pack but it was usual day pack w/o hip belt so I stopped until I have my Camino pack. Will gradually add weight. If my walks are too difficult with a full pack I am likely going to use a service and cary a 20L day pack instead. I would rather do that than loose walking. I also added sticks but have had trouble "getting it right" and have had very sore wrists. I watched some videos and will try again. Sticks helped for sure but at a price.
If updating my info and progress here is not correct or allowed please notify me and I will delete or move.